DMN BLOG...roy williams S telling it like it is

theebs;2627102 said:
Jason witten also said he isnt and I bet Romo will say he isnt tomorrow night also.

Those guys are leaders, they shouldnt and never have thrown anyone under the bus so it makes sense.

But to be fair, ware said last week while at the superbowl part he attended for charity that the locker room needs to be cleaned up and the guys need to be accountable and closer together.....witten echoed similar statements the week of the superbowl.

So anything can be made of that.

Romo didn't seem to have any problem throwing Garrett under the bus.
So this little set of nuggets is thrown out to alert people to the upcoming show.

Reckon the statements might be embellished to say, oh I don't know, get viewers?

:lmao2: And now the hate faction is eating up the commercial advertising the show that is meant to draw viewers....:lmao2:
This guy is a joke...he really needs to take his Krispy Kreme *** and go play in Oakland or something.

I don't think I have seen a player with more excuses for ****ty play than this guy.
tyke1doe;2626980 said:
What does Roy Williams know? He's only in the locker room. Who does he think he is? Ed Werder? ;) :laugh2:

He wasn't in the locker room much this year but the statement is certainly fair.

For all the T.O. haters please do note he doesn't say T.O. should be cut or that he can't play with T.O. just that he creates distractions.
bbgun;2627117 said:
And Hitler was kind to childen and animals. What's your point?

What's your point?

I said "DeMarcus Ware says he isn't." I didn't say "T.O. is a spokesman for the Alzheimer's association."

I think what you meant to say is something along the lines of:

"Well, many Germans believed Hitler was a nice guy and not at all evil, too."

But your hatred has consumed you to the point where you can't keep your thoughts organized.

And any journalist who dares utter a discouraging word is immediately dismissed as a dirty rotten liar or sensationalizer. Incredibly, these well-trained fact gatherers are always wrong about TO. I wonder how that happened.
"Well-trained fact gatherers." :laugh2::lmao::lmao2:
theebs;2627102 said:
Jason witten also said he isnt and I bet Romo will say he isnt tomorrow night also.

Those guys are leaders, they shouldnt and never have thrown anyone under the bus so it makes sense.

But to be fair, ware said last week while at the superbowl part he attended for charity that the locker room needs to be cleaned up and the guys need to be accountable and closer together.....witten echoed similar statements the week of the superbowl.

So anything can be made of that.

What can be made of it is people taking their agenda and using it to put words in mouths that weren't there.

Witten said point blank he wanted T.O. back and that the locker room needed changes but the team was better with T.O.

It is really hard to be more clear than Witten was yet folks will still try to make him an example of evil T.O.

The only things T.O. has said recently are that "romo is his boy" and they argue as any QB/WR do but they are good and will continue to work together to win.

I still think this important roster decision is a close one.
There are pluses and minuses but only a complete idiot thinks it is 100% one way or the other.

Regardless of the decision it is completely illogical and humorous to try and pin everything on T.O. It wasn't T.O, trying to fight Marty B or getting drunk and arrested in Indiana.
So Roy thinks the reason he sucks is because of the 3-4 scheme???

Funny that Troy Palamalu and Ed Reed played in 3-4 for years and kicked arse at safety.

Biscuit needs to take his arse to Oakland or some other wasteland team.......I really dont care about his excuses anymore, he sucks and that is that.
Where isthe actual interview? US Today and some in Dallas media reported that Dan Reeves said Dallas needs to get rid of TO...
khiladi;2627280 said:
Where isthe actual interview? US Today and some in Dallas media reported that Dan Reeves said Dallas needs to get rid of TO...

Dan Reeves is not here anymore so it really means JACK what he says now.
I just love how half these homers are now defending Roy Williams when it comes to TO, and when he was playing they were whining about how bad he sucked, how much he got burnt, how he points fingers at other people, how he blames everybody but himself... Now, all of a sudden, he's an authority on TO and the unquestionable authority on what it takes to win...
If T.O. says that he's not being used properly by the current OC in a national media interview which is there by creating a distraction then isn't he doing the exact same thing as Roy is doing in this interview?

Yet people will defend Terrell Owens to the death because they think he's a better player than Roy at their respective positions.

And yet some of the TFC is in here bashing Roy for this interview.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


:bang2: :bang2: :bang2:
Beast_from_East;2627285 said:
Dan Reeves is not here anymore so it really means JACK what he says now.

That isn't the point. The point is the media is known for mis-representing what people actually said. It was quite evident regarding Dan Reeves, who not once mentioned that TO was an issue that prevented him from joining the Cowboys, yet that didn't stop a bunch of mediots from claiming that was the reason the contract fell apart.
dcfanatic;2627287 said:
If T.O. says that he's not being used properly by the current OC in a national media interview which is there by creating a distraction then isn't he doing the exact same thing as Roy is doing in this interview?

Yet people will defend Terrell Owens to the death because they think he's a better player than Roy at their respective positions.

And yet some of the TFC is in here bashing Roy for this interview.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


:bang2: :bang2: :bang2:

And how does that absolve the people who blame TO for calling out the OC in an interview, while they quote artilces about how Roy allegedly called out TO... Well, it doesn't...
BTW, it isn't just TO calling out the OC... Romo called him out in public and so did Roy Williams... So when you talk about TO and calling out Garrett in an interview, include Romo and Roy next time, otherwise 'agenda' becomes obvious...
khiladi;2627289 said:
That isn't the point. The point is the media is known for mis-representing what people actually said. It was quite evident regarding Dan Reeves, who not once mentioned that TO was an issue that prevented him from joining the Cowboys, yet that didn't stop a bunch of mediots from claiming that was the reason the contract fell apart.

I misread you post, sorry about that.

I happen to agree with your point that the rumors started flying left and right that TO was the reason Reeves was walking before the "punch time card" issue came out.

TO is no angel, but it is funny how everything bad that happens is automatically blamed on him before the facts come out that TO was not even invovled in the issue.
DuaneThomas71;2627054 said:
I'm still waiting for the actual audio for this interview...or the transcript.

Unless you have that, I'm just as likely to believe that Tim MacMahon is spinning what he said. Again, this is Tim Macfreak'nMahon we're talking about here.

Did you believe Obama was elected the new president back in November?

Or did you travel to D.C. a few weeks back and actually walk into the White House go directly into the Oval office to see him sitting behind the Resolute desk before you took it as a fact?

Beast_from_East;2627298 said:
I misread you post, sorry about that.

I happen to agree with your point that the rumors started flying left and right that TO was the reason Reeves was walking before the "punch time card" issue came out.

TO is no angel, but it is funny how everything bad that happens is automatically blamed on him before the facts come out that TO was not even invovled in the issue.

I don't even think one can call them rumors, but flat-out lies. The media has put so much effort into blaming the problems of the Dallas Cowboys on TO, that they have an agenda to make it look like everything is his fault. If it so happens that TO is cleared of blame, then it ultimately means that all the trash reported by the likes of Ed Werder and Watkins shoots their credibility right to garbage. SO they get further and further into the mess by looking for anything they can hang their hats on to continue to perpetrate their original claims, even if that means distorting what was actually said. And that, to me, is lying.
dcfanatic;2627300 said:
Did you believe Obama was elected the new president back in November?

Or did you travel to D.C. a few weeks back and actually walk into the White House go directly into the Oval office to see him sitting behind the Resolute desk before you took it as a fact?

So you haven't even sen the interview yet, just going to make your regular lame arguments from a "teaser"?

khiladi;2627286 said:
I just love how half these homers are now defending Roy Williams when it comes to TO, and when he was playing they were whining about how bad he sucked, how much he got burnt, how he points fingers at other people, how he blames everybody but himself... Now, all of a sudden, he's an authority on TO and the unquestionable authority on what it takes to win...

How come he can't be right about T.O. and suck? :huh:

The two aren't mutually exclusive. One doesn't have anything to do with the other.

Of course, you knew this.

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