DMN BLOG...roy williams S telling it like it is

khiladi;2627323 said:
Funny, and I thought my comment about the hypocrisy of the people quoting Roy as an authority?

:huh: That's not even a complete thought. :huh:

And you go on and talk about the mutual relation between him sucking and the connection to TO... SPin your ******** analogy anyway you want it. It had no place in the context of my statement..

I asked you a question, i.e., can Roy Williams still suck and be right about T.O.? You want to detract from that question to talk about how other Roy haters now support Roy here. That's irrelevant because absent your opinion of the Roy haters, the question still remains ...

Can Roy Williams be right on this issue and still suck?

BTW, Roy had his better years when Parcells was 'coach' and he played the 4-3, even though his play deteriorated. Per what is claimed regarding the interview, he said we need the discipline that Parcells brought..

What agenda does he have in promoting how crap hit the fan when Parcells left, including making it seem like TO is one of them...

Of course, you knew this...

No, I didn't. Your argument is convoluted, which is why you're now trying to talk about Roy and the 4-3 which has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with my question.

But of course, you knew this. :)
5Countem5;2627331 said:
I will bet anyone here a month of non-posting that Roy doesn't say one bad word about TO. This whole thing is hype.

Any takers? How about it dcfanatic? I would let Woody's Girl judge the actual statements he makes tomorrow and ban the loser.

What does he have to say that isn't already implied in the blog.

'T.O. creates distractions by consistently being in the middle of controversies'.

He doesn't have to say those words. I would guarantee that's not the exact wording. But it's his implied meaning.

Plus it's the truth.

And if we are banning losers than you should leave immediately.
5Countem5;2627331 said:
I will bet anyone here a month of non-posting that Roy doesn't say one bad word about TO. This whole thing is hype.

Any takers? How about it dcfanatic? I would let Woody's Girl judge the actual statements he makes tomorrow and ban the loser.

Very well could be the case. I really dont watch newy scruggs enough to know if he would make headlines that exaggerate what is actually said.

I just know newy is a california guy and he always has good access with roy and keyshawn before him because they are all california guys. So I dont think he would sell out roy like that, but you never know.
theogt;2626971 said:
Except that he's in the wrong scheme, that current coaching is a problem, and TO is a distraction.
exactly the dude makes himself look like an *** as he contradicts himself in the process.

to many players are talking yet he puts a teammate and the coaches on blast. its just like roy to blame everyone else for his lack of production.

it doesnt matter what scheme hes in. if uwork and practice half hearted, you play that way on the field. i cant wait till hes cut
dcfanatic;2627341 said:
What does he have to say that isn't already implied in the blog.

'T.O. creates distractions by consistently being in the middle of controversies'.

He doesn't have to say those words. I would guarantee that's not the exact wording. But it's his implied meaning.

Plus it's the truth.

And if we are banning losers than you should leave immediately.


So you'd rather make statements off the "implied" statements from a commercial?

I knew you'd never rely on his real words, just the made up ones....:lmao2:
theebs;2626941 said:
Sounds like he is on the way out so he is being honest....

this should be a fun thread...

Safety Roy Williams speaks his mind

1:35 PM Sat, Feb 07, 2009 | Permalink | Yahoo! Buzz
Tim MacMahon http://www.***BANNED-URL***/blogs/images/email-icon.jpg E-mail http://www.***BANNED-URL***/blogs/images/email-icon.jpg News tips

Safety Roy Williams, who hasn't talked to the media in months, broke his silence by sitting down for an interview with NBC 5's Newy Scruggs.
Newy gave me a briefing about the interview, which will air during Out of Bounds (10:30 p.m. Sunday). Here are some of the highlights:

*Williams believes he's a better fit for a 4-3 scheme than a 3-4, which happens to be what the Cowboys use.
*Williams thinks the Cowboys miss the firm hand of Bill Parcells.
*He's willing to move to linebacker if that's what the Cowboys want him to do.
*Williams thinks too many Cowboys talk too much.
*He believes that T.O. creates distractions by consistently being in the middle of controversies.
*He believes that he needs to stop pointing fingers and blame at other people when he gets burned for length of the field TD passes.

Fixed it for Bisquit.
5Countem5;2627335 said:
So why are you concerned about someone not thinking you are right and forgetting what you said?

And I never said it mattered, it was just enlightening about you.

Enlightening in that I'm self-effacing. I mean, if it doesn't come to pass, then it won't be arrogance, will it? It will mean I'm wrong and suck at predictions.

Really, it's all about what you read into it. If you want to read arrogance, so be it. But others can read it as a simple prediction which could prove wrong (and there's more a likelihood it will be wrong than correct) and draw whatever conclusions they want.

It's really not that deep.
tyke1doe;2627352 said:
Enlightening in that I'm self-effacing. I mean, if it doesn't come to pass, then it won't be arrogance, will it? It will mean I'm wrong and suck at predictions.

Really, it's all about what you read into it. If you want to read arrogance, so be it. But others can read it as a simple prediction which could prove wrong (and there's more a likelihood it will be wrong than correct) and draw whatever conclusions they want.

It's really not that deep.
you told me once when I was in the same situation you're in now. "you're wasting your time".
Rampage;2627355 said:
you told me once when I was in the same situation you're in now. "you're wasting your time".


Okay, I shall listen to the wisdom of the Rampage, which is the recycled wisdom of Tyke1doe.

Does saying that make me ... arrogant? :( ... ;)
:huh: That's not even a complete thought. :huh:

Oh, it's quite clear...

I asked you a question, i.e., can Roy Williams still suck and be right about T.O.? You want to detract from that question to talk about how other Roy haters now support Roy here. That's irrelevant because absent your opinion of the Roy haters, the question still remains ...

Can Roy Williams be right on this issue and still suck?

No, you didn't ask a question. Your were trying to be sarcastic, as evidence by your statement following the alleged question, which was to the effect:

"Of course you knew that.."

Your question was irrelevant, let me say once again, irrelevant to the context it was made in, and that was the hypocrisy of the people of this board regarding Roy Williams. All of the sudden he becomes an authority on distractions and so forth, when he is criticized by these very people for never taking blame, pointing his fingers at other people, which is equivalent to distractions, sucking himself with his play deteriorating and on and on...

I'm not going to entertain your pathetic attempts to try and recover what is left of your ego. Let me also add, that you had even answered your 'own' question that you now claim you were asking me... Hilarious...

No, I didn't. Your argument is convoluted, which is why you're now trying to talk about Roy and the 4-3 which has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with my question.

Please spare me of your attempts at trying to change how you used 'your question'...

There is nothing convoluted about it. Roy Williams, per the summary of the interview, if it is even true, is defending his play during the tenure of Parcells.

But of course, you knew this. :)

Your lame...
Chris in SoCal;2626990 said:
I'm no scheme expert but I've coached a little football. I can't figure out how a 4-3 or 3-4 has any different effect on the strong safety position. ????

Different reads, different gap assignments, different under zone responsibility.

But that doesn't really matter since he'd have to do those things anyway in either alignment, just the quantity changes.
5Countem5;2627349 said:

So you'd rather make statements off the "implied" statements from a commercial?
I knew you'd never rely on his real words, just the made up ones....:lmao2:

What's the truth?

Does T.O. create distractions for the Dallas Cowboys by consistently being involved in controversies?

A simple yes or no answer will do.
dcfanatic;2627367 said:
What's the truth?

Does T.O. create distractions for the Dallas Cowboys by consistently being involved in controversies?

A simple yes or no answer will do.

No, he doesn't CREATE them...

Hey wanna bet on what Roy says?
khiladi;2627361 said:
Oh, it's quite clear...

Apparently not, which is why there's a :huh: smilie.

No, you didn't ask a question. Your were trying to be sarcastic, as evidence by your statement following the alleged question, which was to the effect:

"Of course you knew that.."

So the big question mark didn't clue you to the fact I was asking a question?

Tyke1doe said:
How come he can't be right about T.O. and suck?

So one can't ask a question and be sarcastic?

(Notice I've used question marks. You do know what those indicate don't you?) :D

Your question was irrelevant, let me say once again, irrelevant to the context it was made in, and that was the hypocrisy of the people of this board regarding Roy Williams.

Well, I'm asking you. Can Roy Williams be right here and still suck as a football player?

Answer the question?

I'm not going to entertain your pathetic attempts to try and recover what is left of your ego.

Apparently, I'm not the only one trying to salvage one's ego since you're still engaged in a conversation with me. But I understand the need to feel you're right. Bruised ego and all. ;)

Please spare me of your attempts at trying to change how you used 'your question'...

Yeah, those question marks sure are tricky grammatical devises aren't they? ;)

There is nothing convoluted about it. Roy Williams, per the summary of the interview, if it is even true, is defending his play during the tenure of Parcells.

But that's a separate issue from whether he thinks T.O. is a distraction, hence my question. Can he be right about T.O. and suck? Please try to keep up.

Your lame...

It's You're lame. ...

Of ... course ... you ... knew ... this. :D
Anyone who doesn't think TO is a major issue is lost at this point. At his age he isn't worth the headache, no questions asked.
Let me just end this idiotic game once and for all..

How come he can't be right about T.O. and suck? :huh:

The two aren't mutually exclusive. One doesn't have anything to do with the other.

Of course, you knew this.

You answered your OWN QUESTION, and you then told me that I already knew the ANSWER, which clearly evidencing my point that:

1. You were using 'question' rhetorically
2. You were not really asking me a question, because you affirmed that I already knew the answer, which destroys, and I mean destroys, your claim that you were actually asking a question and being sarcastic at the same time... One may be able to, but in this case, you definitely were not, even though I'm quite sure that you drew up this new argument as a way to defend yourself even though you knew you were clearly in the wrong originally..

Game over... I know it bother you that I beat you in a game that is the basis of your profession, which is being a writer. Just deal with it... It happens..

Apparently, I'm not the only one trying to salvage one's ego since you're still engaged in a conversation with me. But I understand the need to feel you're right. Bruised ego and all. ;)

Like I said, hilarious... Your so transparent, it's obvious...

Oh, let me add, the grammar correction with the apostrophe, it looks quite pathetic now doesn't it...
This is Our Year;2627374 said:
Anyone who doesn't think TO is a major issue is lost at this point. At his age he isn't worth the headache, no questions asked.

I hope you don't mind if someone has an opinion that differs from yours.

Free country and all...
I have no issue on anyone's opinion, but if people can't see this guy is a problem, well than I don't know what to say..........................
5Countem5;2627368 said:
No, he doesn't CREATE them...

Hey wanna bet on what Roy says?

Then who creates them? His twin who sat down with Deion?


Did Tony Romo actually say that Jason Garrett was at fault in the Eagles game or did he imply that it was Garrett by using the word 'scheme'?

And don't try to tell us that you haven't said that Romo thru Garrett under the bus jsut like T.O. did.

And you said it based on what you thought Romo was 'implying'.


Point made.

And like I said. He's not going to come out and blurt out that he thinks T.O. is a punk. He's going to imply that...

'T.O. creates distractions by consistently being in the middle of controversies'.

I have heard 100's of Roy interviews. I have heard 25,000+ player interviews.

They rarely say anything directly criticizing a fellow player.

You would know that if you spent some time reading the articles or watching/listening to the interviews instead of trying to argue with people on message boards.

Heck, you might even learn a thing or two and then you could make an informed post about the stuff you heard or saw.

Now we know you won't answer the question I posted or address the stuff I put in here because you are..

khiladi;2627375 said:
Let me just end this idiotic game once and for all..

You answered your OWN QUESTION, and you then told me that I already knew the ANSWER, which clearly evidencing my point that:

1. You were using 'question' rhetorically
2. You were not asking me a question, because you affirmed that I already knew the answer

Game over... I know it bother you that I beat you in a game that is the basis of your profession, which is being a writer. Just deal with it... It happens..

Ah, nothing like the pronouncement of "Game Over" to signal finality to a debate. Kind of like the fingers in the ears "lalalalalalalala I'm not hearing what you're saying" reply.

I guess the art of sarcasm is a dying skill. ;)

At any rate, I think you've answered my question, in a round about way.

Roy Williams can be right about T.O. and still suck. Hence, it's ridiculous to raise that as a way to criticize him. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Like I said, hilarious... Your so transparent, it's obvious...

You're so transparent, my friend. You're so transparent. :)

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