DMN: Blog: T.O.: 'I'm still not satisfied'


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Rampage;2443807 said:
and you say I know nothing about football:laugh2:

great come back! I say something actually technical about football and you respond with this crap. way to go champ, I'm proud of you!:rolleyes:


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Audiman;2443813 said:
great come back! I say something actually technical about football and you respond with this crap. way to go champ, I'm proud of you!:rolleyes:
we lost that game because it was all about T.O. we abandoned the running game even giving Owens 2 rushes(when Barber only had 8 and Feliz had 0) and tried to force it to him(17 or 19 throws were to him) Romo needs to spread it around Which will make it easier for everyone including Owens.


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Rampage;2443820 said:
we lost that game because it was all about T.O. we abandoned the running game even giving Owens 2 rushes(when Barber only had 8 and Feliz had 0) and tried to force it to him(17 or 19 throws were to him) Romo needs to spread it around Which will make it easier for everyone including Owens.

with this thread alone, it makes me extremely happy that I'm going to bed and waking up in the morning still a lot smarter than you.


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Audiman;2443825 said:
with this thread alone, it makes me extremely happy that I'm going to bed and waking up in the morning still a lot smarter than you.
right. so if teams double and triple team Owens we can't win according to you. gee I wonder how SF and Philly won games with Owens when he was getting double teamed and triple teamed. It's not my fault the guy can barely beat a double team anymore.


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Rampage;2443831 said:
right. so if teams double and triple team Owens we can't win according to you. gee I wonder how SF and Philly won games with Owens when he was getting double teamed and triple teamed. It's not my fault the guy can barely beat a double team anymore.

I doubt teams were doubling up on T.O. with some guy named Jerry Rice on the other side...

I'm going to bed so I can get up for work tomorrow. you should really get to bed so you can get up for school.


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Audiman;2443837 said:
I doubt teams were doubling up on T.O. with some guy named Jerry Rice on the other side...

I'm going to bed so I can get up for work tomorrow. you should really get to bed so you can get up for school.
maybe you dream you actually know something about the game.


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Rampage;2443838 said:
maybe you dream you actually know something about the game.

you're right, it's really easy for a 35 year old reciever to beat double and triple coverage. what was I thinking?

seriously, your mindset is absolutely ridiculous.:lmao:


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Audiman;2443841 said:
you're right, it's really easy for a 35 year old reciever to beat double and triple coverage. what was I thinking?

seriously, your mindset is absolutely ridiculous.:lmao:
stupidity at it's finest. go to bed and think about why we lost that 1st Commanders game.


Federal Agent
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Seven;2443731 said:
Coming from the clown doing sit-ups in the driveway..........and since when did YOU start proclaiming the press as "gold"?

Prodded that right out of him did they?

Sorry, track record................

How is me DISagreeing with the tone of the article proclaiming the press as gold?

The tone of the article (blog) was that TO was "at it again" and being a distraction. I disagreed and believe that what he said is the type of attitude the whole team needs.


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Maikeru-sama;2443508 said:

I like T.O. but I definately won't shed a tear when he is gone.

The 49ers won't be going to the Playoffs and had one of the poorest gameplans with regards to defending Terrell Owens that I have ever seen.

Their defensive gamplan Sunday was a prime example of why they will sitting at home during the Playoffs.

You make is seem like the 49ers didnt cover him at all. Those plays he made were GREAT plays. He wasnt just wide open playing pitch and catch with Romo.

Anyway(whateva!) lmao

TO knows that we are ONE HICCUP away from missing the playoffs.
He didnt come to Dallas to lose in 1st round of playoffs in his first two years.
He didnt come to Dallas to NOT make playoffs in his 3rd year.

He came here to help us over the top.

I am actually glad when he says something. To not get him the ball more is pathetic.

He flourished in San Fran and Philly... Constantly... consistently... he was only taken out of the gameplan here and there.... IN DALLAS is consistently... weekly....

While some of that is on TO... ALOT of it is on Garrett and coaches...


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All I will say is a quote from Mr. Parcells, "Never think it's good enough". While T.O. by no means picked this up from Bill P. what he is saying means the same thing. This guy wants to win a Superbowl and he knows what it takes, I'm behind him 100%.


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Rampage;2443844 said:
stupidity at it's finest. go to bed and think about why we lost that 1st Commanders game.

If you say that we lost the first game vs Washington because we abandoned the running game, and tried to feed the ball to T.O.

Yet we threw 10 passes to Witten, 9 to Crayton, 6 to Austin, and only 2 check downs to Barber.

And the coaches came out and said that they called alot of running plays that Romo checked out of because the Skins had 8 or more in the box. So maybe it was a little of Romo's fault?
But I don't understand the logic that says our QB threw the ball to T.O. 20 times, but it's T.O.'s fault? But I guess he was probably complaining the whole game and Tony was trying to make him feel better, right? Or, maybe it was the fact that Tony checked out of running plays and knew he needed to make something happen, just remember it was against Washington when they connected for 4 TD's last season too. But we shouldn't have forced it in that game either, someone else could've caught one or two of those.... He's so selfish. :laugh2: :bang2: :laugh2:


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Cbz40;2443184 said:
T.O.: 'I'm still not satisfied'

12:58 PM Tue, Nov 25, 2008 | Permalink | Yahoo! Buzz
Tim MacMahon

You didn't think one big game would be enough to make T.O. happy, did you?

"I'm still not satisfied," T.O. said today. "I think that I could have done more. Up until this point, I understand the situations that we've had in front of us. We've had a lot of injuries. We haven't been able to throw the ball as much, as well without Tony in there. I understand the situation. For me, I'm just being patient and trying to take advantage of the opportunities when they do come my way."

Wait a second. You're coming off a 213-yard game, the second-highest yardage total of your career. Why aren't you satisfied?

"Because I could've been doing it all year long," T.O. said. "I'm not saying that in a negative way. For whatever reason, the opportunities didn't present themselves. Like I said, I know what I can do once I get the opportunities and I get catchable balls."

So what would satisfy you?

"Nothing," T.O. said. "No more questions from you." :lmao2:

For the record, T.O. pointed at another reporter when he said that last line. And, after some prodding, T.O. said a Super Bowl win would be satisfying.

TE Jason Witten, who has four catches in the last four games, snickered when told that T.O. still isn't satisfied.

"He's a competitor and I think he always is wanting more," Witten said, "and that's what makes him who he is."

On a somewhat related note, T.O. was wearing one of his signature T-shirts today that read "iLove" on the front and "ME SOME ME" on the back.

I think our boy T.O. might be learning a lil bit. I just wish he wouldn't say certain things though. Although I must admit he doesn't bite the bait often, :bow:


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I love his attitude regarding being satisfied. You can always be better.

I hate his attitude in not letting the first part of the year go - dropping "opportunities" and "catchable balls" as reasons for lack of production instead of just being personally accountable.


The Duke
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JordanTaber;2443775 said:
You know nothing about football.

Audiman;2443789 said:
actually, no. Jordan is absolutely right when he says you know nothing about football.
Man, I said something a few days ago in passing about people should learn football and he freaked out. PMing me as to what I meant. Demanding I explain myself. You guys actually say the words I didn't and get a rather tame reaction overall. I'm jealous.


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I really do not have the issue of TO wanting the ball I would be more concerned if he didn't want it. As long as he is not disrupting the team I have no problem with him wanting to make plays. I also do not expect Romo to force it to TO. Way I see it Romo is the trigger man he will determine who he can get the ball to and who ever that is I expect them to make the play


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Doomsday101;2444007 said:
I really do not have the issue of TO wanting the ball I would be more concerned if he didn't want it. As long as he is not disrupting the team I have no problem with him wanting to make plays. I also do not expect Romo to force it to TO. Way I see it Romo is the trigger man he will determine who he can get the ball to and who ever that is I expect them to make the play


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you people complain about everything!!!!!:lmao:

Omg i never seen a bunch of grown *** men..just sit up and complain and act miserable....and men say woman are bad n complain to much

i can understand if he was really talking bad about the team..but damn...some of you are ridiculous


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Boyzmamacita;2443707 said:
Actually Romo already spreads the ball all over the field without worrying about who gets it. He goes to TO a lot because of his talent. I don't believe that he is forcing the ball to TO like people say. He threw 3 TDs to 3 different receivers on Sunday. He goes through his progressions and hits the open man. He is getting more comfortable with Roy Williams and will surely start finding him more. And when Witten is healthy, he is Romo's security blanket, not TO. When a guy is capable of pulling down 213 yards for you, you'd be foolish not to look for him, but the perception that he is forcing the ball to him is false.

Spot on. Great post.

Ominous Oracle;2443709 said:
People are complaining about this? THIS has been the problem with this very team. We get content and try to coast our way through situations. That doesn't work in this league.

This isn't a matter of "I love me some me". This is a guy who is trying to send a statement to his team.

But whatever...I'm sure many will disagree with this. No matter what...


Yeah but it's TO. The haters are always going to love to hate.