DMN Blog: T.O.'s talk with D. Sanders didn't change the game plan... taunts JJT


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Chief;2439980 said:
Why should JJT admit he's wrong when it was clear to everyone that the 49er defensive gameplan (and Romo) helped Owens have that big day?

Because fans hate reporters and love players. That's just how it is.

Owens has never taken the blame for anything. We like to overlook this because he's a Cowboy, but the guy is a drama queen.
JJT was wrong in that he said he no longer "has it," that he's no longer the best receiver on the team, etc. That was clearly wrong. If JJT had said TO still has it and is still a great receiver, but that teams are focusing heavily on shutting him down, then he wouldn't be wrong.

And it's not like they just let TO run free. They matched him up with their best cornerback -- one of the highest paid players in the entire NFL and did give him help over the top as well. If that's "helping him" have a 200 yard game, then my god he's one of the best ever to play the game (actually, he is).


No Quarter
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Doomsday101;2439941 said:
I'll say what I want sorry if you don't like it, you want to whine that is your right then again that is all you do is whine every single week. I would think most fans are happy about winning after all that is what the game is about winning. NY beat cinn in an overtime game but it was a win it counts as a win. But some of you are to dumb to understand that instead you take every single win for granted then slam on those who just might be a bit happy that our team won a game. Yeah you are some fan alright

have a great day!


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theogt;2439991 said:
JJT was wrong in that he said he no longer "has it," that he's no longer the best receiver on the team, etc. That was clearly wrong. If JJT had said TO still has it and is still a great receiver, but that teams are focusing heavily on shutting him down, then he wouldn't be wrong.

And it's not like they just let TO run free. They matched him up with their best cornerback -- one of the highest paid players in the entire NFL and did give him help over the top as well. If that's "helping him" have a 200 yard game, then my god he's one of the best ever to play the game (actually, he is).

9ers did not do that, even Romo commented that the 9ers were not attacking TO like others had. TO was getting many one on one matchups and the Cowboys in general were facing a lot of zone coverages. I do think TO has great talent and is still one of the top WR in the league but 9ers did not play him as others have been doing. When Romo saw him open he hit him when he did not see him open he went to others and I hope that continues because I do think we have some other talented players out there so we are not in a position where Romo needs to force it to TO


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Doomsday101;2440004 said:
9ers did not do that, even Romo commented that the 9ers were not attacking TO like others had. TO was getting many one on one matchups and the Cowboys in general were facing a lot of zone coverages. I do think TO has great talent and is still one of the top WR in the league but 9ers did not play him as others have been doing. When Romo saw him open he hit him when he did not see him open he went to others and I hope that continues because I do think we have some other talented players out there so we are not in a position where Romo needs to force it to TO
I think you misread what I wrote.


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Chief;2439952 said:
I agree.

And when Owens has a bad game, or two, or three against some of these more intelligent defenses, is he going to man up and tell everyone that he didn't get the job done? That he struggled.

No, because it's never his fault.

That's what everyone wants JJT to do. Admit he was wrong.

JJT won't, and neither will Owens.

Problem there is JJT said T.O. was washed up and he then went out and put up over 200 yards the very next day proving that he is clearly not.

Hard to be more disproving of a point that than.

T.O. is 9th in the conference in yards receiving and 3rd in receiving TDs. That's simply not close to be washed up.

T.O.'s job to certain extent requires him to have a ridiculous ego, JTT is a friggin media moron who would actually do his job better if he was a lot more humanistic and humble.


"Friggin Joke Monkey"
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jterrell;2440049 said:
T.O.'s job to certain extent requires him to have a ridiculous ego, JTT is a friggin media moron ....

That's the whole point of my argument, JT.

Owens is excused for his "ridiculous ego," but JJT is not.

Most columnists have huge egos. Most receivers have huge egos.

It's ok for Owens to leave a wake of drama where ever he goes, but JJT better not write about it or he's a "friggin media moron."


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Chief;2440063 said:
That's the whole point of my argument, JT.

Owens is excused for his "ridiculous ego," but JJT is not.

Most columnists have huge egos. Most receivers have huge egos.

It's ok for Owens to leave a wake of drama where ever he goes, but JJT better not write about it or he's a "friggin media moron."

Whose blaming JJT for writing about T.O. being a drama queen, egomaniac or bad teammate???

We are saying JTT was and remains to be an idiot for stating T.O couldn't play football. He clearly can.

T.O.'s job is to play football and the rest of it is just nefarious nonsense, so T.O. gets judged by doing his job.

JJT's job is to write columns and cover sports but mostly the Dallas Cowboys. And he has failed to do his job with even mediocrity. The guy wrote a completely fumblingly wrong agenda-driven article and when proven completely wrong one day later best he can do is say 1 game doesn't prove him wrong even if that one day constitutes a season's worth of work by some NFL receivers.

We do not judge T.O. for his ability to define his own ability to play football. We do however judge JJT on that.


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Chief;2440063 said:
That's the whole point of my argument, JT.

Owens is excused for his "ridiculous ego," but JJT is not.

Most columnists have huge egos. Most receivers have huge egos.

It's ok for Owens to leave a wake of drama where ever he goes, but JJT better not write about it or he's a "friggin media moron."

It's also in his best interest as a columnist, if he has any integrity at all, to actually, you know, have a clue what he's talking about.

He made the statements that Owens is washed up, had lost a step, and couldn't get it done anymore. He was wrong, quite simply, on all accounts.

If he wanted to say TO talks too much, doesn't take enough responsibility, and has been a bad teammate in his history then by all means there is nothing wrong with what he said. He'd have some facts to back up what he said.

In this case he had absolutely no clue what he was talking about and he was simply running off at the mouth to be edgy and trying to be the first one to out and out say that TO just can't do it anymore so that he could thump his chest and say he was the first to call it out.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
T.O. can still play at a high level in certain situations. Just like Barber can flat out run in certain situations...that's just the way games are played, right?

However, when I was watching T.O. and Deion talk I was absoutely embarassed at what T.O. was saying! I like T.O., but him NEVER talking any blame for anything just rubs me the wrong way. That "I can't throw the ball and catch it" is something that just should have never been foolish is that? Always the victim...always wronged in some way. :rolleyes:


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BraveHeartFan;2440122 said:
It's also in his best interest as a columnist, if he has any integrity at all, to actually, you know, have a clue what he's talking about.

He made the statements that Owens is washed up, had lost a step, and couldn't get it done anymore. He was wrong, quite simply, on all accounts.

If he wanted to say TO talks too much, doesn't take enough responsibility, and has been a bad teammate in his history then by all means there is nothing wrong with what he said. He'd have some facts to back up what he said.

In this case he had absolutely no clue what he was talking about and he was simply running off at the mouth to be edgy and trying to be the first one to out and out say that TO just can't do it anymore so that he could thump his chest and say he was the first to call it out.


JJT didn't do his job and T.O. did.
really is that simple.

T.O. is a very credible WR, but JJT is not a credible columnist.
He is a biased, talent-less hack who backs that all up with a big helping of lazy.


"Friggin Joke Monkey"
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jterrell;2440111 said:
We are saying JTT was and remains to be an idiot for stating T.O couldn't play football. He clearly can.

Here's the column. All he is saying is that Owens has shown some slippage, especially when teams press him. He doesn't say he "couldn't play football," or is "washed up," as Braveheart said.

Everybody has agendas.

Dallas Cowboys need to give Owens lesser role

IRVING – Terrell Owens' pedestrian numbers – 40 catches, 505 yards, six touchdowns and no 100-yard games – don't lie.

Not after 10 games.

You expect more from a player who received a $12 million signing bonus and contract extension before the season. Maybe we shouldn't have.

Perhaps T.O. simply isn't as good as he used to be.

We all know T.O., who turns 35 on Dec. 7, will never admit to that. Nor would he ever admit to losing a step. The great ones rarely do.

That's among the reasons Jerry Rice's career ended in a Denver Broncos training camp, and why Emmitt Smith finished his career as a plodder in Arizona, averaging significantly less than 4.0 yards per carry.

Why do you think the Cowboys acquired Roy Williams in the first place? It gave Jerry Jones a No. 1 receiver capable of replacing T.O. when he could no longer handle the role.

That moment has arrived.

T.O. is still an effective player, but he's not the Cowboys' best receiver.

This is not about T.O. ranking among the top 10 all-time in career receptions, yards and touchdowns. We know T.O. has been a great player. And we know there's a good chance he'll wind up in the Hall of Fame one day.

None of that has anything to do with the 2008 season.

Jason Garrett should immediately make Williams the focal point of the Cowboys' passing game, starting today against San Francisco. T.O. should be a complementary player in Garrett's scheme, and Tony Romo should quit forcing T.O. the ball.

If T.O doesn't like that or can't handle it, too bad

T.O. is struggling, so he's blaming the same offensive system he used to get to the Pro Bowl and set a franchise record for touchdowns last season. T.O. likes to say he can't throw it to himself and catch it, which might have been true with Brad Johnson at quarterback, but it doesn't explain his mediocre production in the other seven games.

The coaching staff wants answers, so Garrett moved him around the formation and put him in motion during last week's win against Washington. He finished with five catches for 38 yards.

For the fourth time in five games, he didn't score a touchdown.

T.O. always says it's about the team. Well, here's his chance to prove it. Take a lower profile for the good of the team.

Do you think Zach Thomas likes being a two-down player after a career of hardly ever leaving the field? I doubt it, but he's keeping whatever complaints he might have to himself.

T.O.'s self-indulgent nature won't allow him to do that, just as his ego won't let him admit he bears some responsibility for his lack of production.

At 6-3 and 226 pounds of sinewy muscle, T.O. is a finesse player until he gets the ball in his hands, which is why he struggles against press coverage even when journeyman cornerbacks are doing it.

He's not open as much as he thinks. Every elite receiver in the league gets double-covered, but they find ways to get open while T.O. whines about not getting enough passes thrown his way. He also drops too many passes and doesn't make enough tough catches in traffic.

Anyone who has watched Williams in college or with Detroit knows he has the ability to dominate a game. Anyone who has watched him since he arrived in Dallas can see he's more fluid than T.O.

He has better hands and runs good routes. He's big, strong and fast. All he needs is more time to develop a rapport with Romo.

Williams represents the future. The future is now.


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Chief;2440135 said:
Dallas Cowboys need to give Owens lesser role

IRVING – Terrell Owens' pedestrian numbers – 40 catches, 505 yards, six touchdowns and no 100-yard games – don't lie.

Not after 10 games.

You expect more from a player who received a $12 million signing bonus and contract extension before the season. Maybe we shouldn't have.

Perhaps T.O. simply isn't as good as he used to be.

We all know T.O., who turns 35 on Dec. 7, will never admit to that. Nor would he ever admit to losing a step. The great ones rarely do.

That's among the reasons Jerry Rice's career ended in a Denver Broncos training camp, and why Emmitt Smith finished his career as a plodder in Arizona, averaging significantly less than 4.0 yards per carry.

Why do you think the Cowboys acquired Roy Williams in the first place? It gave Jerry Jones a No. 1 receiver capable of replacing T.O. when he could no longer handle the role.

That moment has arrived.

T.O. is still an effective player, but he's not the Cowboys' best receiver.

This is not about T.O. ranking among the top 10 all-time in career receptions, yards and touchdowns. We know T.O. has been a great player. And we know there's a good chance he'll wind up in the Hall of Fame one day.

None of that has anything to do with the 2008 season.

Jason Garrett should immediately make Williams the focal point of the Cowboys' passing game, starting today against San Francisco. T.O. should be a complementary player in Garrett's scheme, and Tony Romo should quit forcing T.O. the ball.

If T.O doesn't like that or can't handle it, too bad

T.O. is struggling, so he's blaming the same offensive system he used to get to the Pro Bowl and set a franchise record for touchdowns last season. T.O. likes to say he can't throw it to himself and catch it, which might have been true with Brad Johnson at quarterback, but it doesn't explain his mediocre production in the other seven games.

The coaching staff wants answers, so Garrett moved him around the formation and put him in motion during last week's win against Washington. He finished with five catches for 38 yards.

For the fourth time in five games, he didn't score a touchdown.

T.O. always says it's about the team. Well, here's his chance to prove it. Take a lower profile for the good of the team.

Do you think Zach Thomas likes being a two-down player after a career of hardly ever leaving the field? I doubt it, but he's keeping whatever complaints he might have to himself.

T.O.'s self-indulgent nature won't allow him to do that, just as his ego won't let him admit he bears some responsibility for his lack of production.

At 6-3 and 226 pounds of sinewy muscle, T.O. is a finesse player until he gets the ball in his hands, which is why he struggles against press coverage even when journeyman cornerbacks are doing it.

He's not open as much as he thinks. Every elite receiver in the league gets double-covered, but they find ways to get open while T.O. whines about not getting enough passes thrown his way. He also drops too many passes and doesn't make enough tough catches in traffic.

Anyone who has watched Williams in college or with Detroit knows he has the ability to dominate a game. Anyone who has watched him since he arrived in Dallas can see he's more fluid than T.O.

He has better hands and runs good routes. He's big, strong and fast. All he needs is more time to develop a rapport with Romo.

Williams represents the future. The future is now.

To me it is as simple as get the ball to the open man, I don't care if it is TO, Williams, Crayton or who ever. As for the future we deal with that in the off-season not now. If Williams takes the role next year great but right now it is all about winning right now


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Doomsday101;2440142 said:
To me it is as simple as get the ball to the open man, I don't care if it is TO, Williams, Crayton or who ever. As for the future we deal with that in the off-season not now. If Williams takes the role next year great but right now it is all about winning right now

True, however, according to T.O. you don't win unless you give him the ball! Remember, "things happen" when he has the ball, right?

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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What's so funny to me about all the TO boasting is that his day yesterday was due almost 100% not to him, not to the system, not to anything else but TONY ROMO.

I hate to tell TO, but there are plenty of receivers who can get open when the QB can avoid the rush and extend the play several seconds. And Tony not only does that, he then throws a perfect strike 40 yards or more downfield. At least 20 WRs in the league can get open and make catches the same way when they have that long to beat coverage. Maybe more than that. That's just too long for even NFL cornerbacks to cover.

It's funny, that 75 yard TD yesterday looked almost exactly like the one in the Green Bay game to Miles Austin where Tony avoided the outside rush, stepped up, and heaved a perfect pass about 50 yards down the sideline. Yet for that one we rightfully gave the credit to Romo.

Like others have said, TO has been a tremendous weapon over the years, but it's hard to think of another great player who had to have so many conditions just right in order for him to succeed.


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Chocolate Lab;2440173 said:
What's so funny to me about all the TO boasting is that his day yesterday was due almost 100% not to him, not to the system, not to anything else but TONY ROMO.

I hate to tell TO, but there are plenty of receivers who can get open when the QB can avoid the rush and extend the play several seconds. And Tony not only does that, he then throws a perfect strike 40 yards or more downfield. At least 20 WRs in the league can get open and make catches the same way when they have that long to beat coverage. Maybe more than that. That's just too long for even NFL cornerbacks to cover.

It's funny, that 75 yard TD yesterday looked almost exactly like the one in the Green Bay game to Miles Austin where Tony avoided the outside rush, stepped up, and heaved a perfect pass about 50 yards down the sideline. Yet for that one we rightfully gave the credit to Romo.

Like others have said, TO has been a tremendous weapon over the years, but it's hard to think of another great player who had to have so many conditions just right in order for him to succeed.

The offense sure shined last year when TO went out with the high-ankle sprain, yet Tony Romo was still playing...Funny how everybody keeps saying we need a legitimate number 2 receiver to make plays... Sorry, I don't see Roy WIlliams catching 200 yards a game, while teams focus all their attention on stopping TO, despite Tony Romo playing...BTW, Terrell Owens clearly gave Tony Romo credit, saying when the OL gives him time, he will make the play. WHy do you think TO was in the face of Gurode and the OL for their play...


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5Stars;2440158 said:
True, however, according to T.O. you don't win unless you give him the ball! Remember, "things happen" when he has the ball, right?

And Irvin seemed to feel the same way when he played. TO is going to talk so let him talk. When he is open I expect Romo to get him the ball and when TO is not then I expect Romo to look to other weapons to make plays. TO is an important part, if teams focus on him then it is up to Romo to make the teams pay for focusing on him. In my view Roy Williams also has the talent to put up big numbers and expect him to make the big plays when teams to focus on TO. Yesterday the 9ers did not focus on TO as others have and Romo and Owens made them pay.


"Friggin Joke Monkey"
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Chocolate Lab;2440173 said:
What's so funny to me about all the TO boasting is that his day yesterday was due almost 100% not to him, not to the system, not to anything else but TONY ROMO.

I hate to tell TO, but there are plenty of receivers who can get open when the QB can avoid the rush and extend the play several seconds. And Tony not only does that, he then throws a perfect strike 40 yards or more downfield. At least 20 WRs in the league can get open and make catches the same way when they have that long to beat coverage. Maybe more than that. That's just too long for even NFL cornerbacks to cover.

It's funny, that 75 yard TD yesterday looked almost exactly like the one in the Green Bay game to Miles Austin where Tony avoided the outside rush, stepped up, and heaved a perfect pass about 50 yards down the sideline. Yet for that one we rightfully gave the credit to Romo.

Like others have said, TO has been a tremendous weapon over the years, but it's hard to think of another great player who had to have so many conditions just right in order for him to succeed.

Totally agree.

And while Owens is standing at the podium thumping his chest, Romo slips his cap on and politely talks about what a great player Owens is.

Romo covers a lot of shortcomings in Dallas. He makes the receivers better, he makes the offensive line better and he makes the coaches better.

I complained about his fumbling earlier this season, but after seeing this team without him, I'll never complain about that guy again. He's a great, great player.


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I guess Santana Moss must really suck because he couldn't beat single coverage all day when playing against Newman...