DMN Blog: T.O. to Jason Witten: Don't talk to me


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hopefully this is just BS. well than again it is BS one way or another. hopefully it's not true. he wasn't quoted as saying that.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Boysboy;2488328 said:
We'll find out come Sun night.

When it is all said and done, this is all that matters.

I have a feeling it will happen very very early.

You will be able to tell if this is a "team divided".

Honestly, I don't think it really matters all that much. Some players will still do their jobs whether or not they have taken sides in this whole mess. Some won't.

It all boils down the to field. Most of this garbage is better tabloid fodder than things that win and lose football games.


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Alexander;2488416 said:
When it is all said and done, this is all that matters.

I have a feeling it will happen very very early.

You will be able to tell if this is a "team divided".

Honestly, I don't think it really matters all that much. Some players will still do their jobs whether or not they have taken sides in this whole mess. Some won't.

It all boils down the to field. Most of this garbage is better tabloid fodder than things that win and lose football games.

You know how the Lakers lockerroom was split with Shaq and Kobe-they still won back-back-back titles. Of course, Kobe ran Shaq out of town later, but nonetheless they ended up having alot of success together.

No-I'm not using this analogy and saying TO splitting the lockerroom is no big deal, but at the same time, all you can do is hold tight, b/c you never know the future.


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Some people will never admit T.O. is acting like little kid.

That's a fact.

Now you guys won't believe Todd Archer, lol.

How about Chris Mortensen...

ESPN's Chris Mortensen, according to team sources, confirmed an incident occurred at the Cowboys training facility when Witten tried to engage Owens in a conversation about a pass route. Owens told Witten to stay away from him and called him a name. The two exchanged words before being separated.

He made it up too right? lol.


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Hostile;2488326 said:

Listen to Spears. If you still think it is this serious...oh well. Enjoy.

How many little things have to happen before you even consider the idea that maybe something isn't right with the chemistry of this team right now?

10? 20? 30? 100?

You keep falling back on the idea that it's all sensationalism by the media even though it's not just Ed Werder any longer who is reporting things.

I will give it to you though.

You are willing to go down with the ship my friend.


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We have a legit #1 WR for years to come so I wouldn't bat an eye if we let him go in the off-season.


Makin' It Rain
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This will all come to a conclusion tomorrow night.

Some teams win in times like these. Others fall apart.

Whether or not every single report coming out is true, I don't know. But I have a hard time believing everything is hunky dory when Newman has flat out said on record that TO doesn't get enough passes in practice and that the coaches aren't accountable.

This will either bond the Cowboys or rip us apart. And we're not far away from finding out what lies behind the mysterious door.


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Well all I know is that I have 30k on the Boys 2mar and I need them to win or Christmas is canceled.


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It's funny to me that Tony Romo was right in the middle of this, but he has kept quiet more than anyone. It went from Romo vs Owens to Witten vs Owens in a hurry.

Really, let them settle it like men and let that be that. If they have that much anger, let them trade a punch or two to get it out of their system. Keeping that anger inside them and letting it boil is basically putting a bandaid on a sinking ship. It may patch it for a day or even a week, but it's gonna burst again and even bigger next time.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Hypnotoad;2488315 said:
audio or player confirmation or it didn't happen.

I especially dont give a damn what an eagle player has to say about this situation.





Messenger to the football Gods
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CliffnMesquite;2488312 said:
Somebody turned off the coolant to the reactor.

Great. We're on our last flux capacitor..................


Mick Green 58
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RCowboyFan;2488303 said:
T.O. to Jason Witten: Don't talk to me
11:26 PM Sat, Dec 13, 2008 | Permalink | Yahoo! Buzz
Tim MacMahon E-mail News tips

Friday's friction between non-jealous T.O. and Jason Witten didn't get physical. T.O. just told Witten not to talk to him after the tight end tried to discuss a pass route during the practice, Todd Archer reports.

Two captains who can't even talk to each other? That's real healthy for a team fighting for its playoff life. And that was after Wade "We Are Family" Phillips set everything straight about the "non-issue" during a team meeting.

"Obviously I have a lot of respect for Terrell and I think it's the same way," Witten said after practice in an attempt not to add fuel to the fire. "He's a helluva player."

The focus at Valley Ranch this week should have been on Cowboys vs. Giants. But that's the undercard to T.O. vs. Witten/Romo.

And that's not exactly surprising.

"It's already happened here," Eagles RT Jon Runyan told's Matt Mosley, referring to T.O. tearing apart a team. "We know exactly what they're going through. The problem is that it divides the team. People are drawing lines and taking sides."

At the end of the day, im really starting to think that this is exactly what is going on.

When you have Terence Newman public state that some teammates are openly asking Terrell Owens why he doesn't get the ball as much as Jason Witten, that tells you that players are taking sides and unhealthy cliques are probably starting to form.

Also, if true, I find it odd that Terrell Owens would tell Jason Witten not to speak to him, I would think it would be the other way around.


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Maikeru-sama;2488529 said:
At the end of the day, im really starting to think that this is exactly what is going on.

When you have Terence Newman public state that some teammates are openly asking Terrell Owens why he doesn't get the ball as much as Jason Witten, that tells you that players are taking sides and unhealthy cliques are probably starting to form.

Also, if true, I find it odd that Terrell Owens would tell Jason Witten not to speak to him, I would think it would be the other way around.

owens draws lines in the sand. He needs to know who is on who's side.
He's one paranoid screwball for sure.

He also has a history of telling people not to speak to him.

Why Jerry why?


Mick Green 58
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Dave_in-NC;2488533 said:
owens draws lines in the sand. He needs to know who is on who's side.
He's one paranoid screwball for sure.

He also has a history of telling people not to speak to him.

Why Jerry why?


But if Terrell Owens did tell Jason Witten not to speak to him, what reason does Terrell Owens have to believe Jason Witten is not on his side?

Does he draw this line in the sand because he thinks Jason Witten is leaking information to the media is it simply because he perceives Jason Witten is being favored by Tony Romo.


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Maikeru-sama;2488535 said:

But if Terrell Owens did tell Jason Witten not to speak to him, what reason does Terrell Owens have to believe Jason Witten is not on his side?

Does he draw this line in the sand because he thinks Jason Witten is leaking information to the media is it simply because he perceives Jason Witten is being favored by Tony Romo.[/QUOTE]

I guess thet would depend on how much you believe about what's going on.
Is it still in the "Romo favors Witten" or do you believe it's beyond that.

"Witten has leaked to the press".

I believe the later. All the owens classic signs are now out there.
I'm a if there smoke there's fire guy.

I could be wrong.


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RCowboyFan;2488309 said:
Well I guess, Ed Werder decided converted DMN and Star Telegram, to follow his que and destroy TO :D

I guess we can keep wishing this away, and blame the media for the mess and believe there is no issue. Thank you Jerry Jones. But I am sure, Wade will get fired for this though.

Jerry certainly isn't going to fire himself. What a mess.


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The other thing that really bothers me is how Newman called out the coaches IN PUBLIC. I can't imagine ANY other team where the player can do that and not get suspended a game or fined. The inmates run the jail, and that starts with Jerry.


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They all need to grow up and play the game. If they were winning more, I wouldn't care but they are playing like crap and need to concentrate on working as a team and doing something. Phillips and Jones both need to get their heads out of their butts and deal with all this off field drama

as a side note... T.O best back off my man. He keeps dissing on Witten, the wrath of Princess is going to come down on him .... HARD :cool:


Double Trouble
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Newman calls out the players.

Multiple sources tell multiple reporters that Owens won't speak to Witten.

I think some of you need a new nose. The only stench you smell is our season rotting away.

They might somehow beat the Giants tonight, but I can't imagine a team this dysfuntional doing anything in the playoffs.

And what a shame to. The D is playing better than it has in years, and we have arguably the most talented offense in the league.


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dcfanatic;2488437 said:
Some people will never admit T.O. is acting like little kid.

That's a fact.

Now you guys won't believe Todd Archer, lol.

How about Chris Mortensen...

ESPN's Chris Mortensen, according to team sources, confirmed an incident occurred at the Cowboys training facility when Witten tried to engage Owens in a conversation about a pass route. Owens told Witten to stay away from him and called him a name. The two exchanged words before being separated.

He made it up too right? lol.
Like you? Really if witten did what he did then damn right he should be called out,sort of like the rat wr coach we had here with BP droppin dimes all the time about what was going on.There is no place for it.