DMN: Blog: The good news about Adam 'Pacman' Jones


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NextGenBoys;2320378 said:
No I did not. But if the allegations are true, and he did get in a fight with one of his own security members, why would we want him on this team?

The only thing that says is yeah, do whatever you want, but if you're talented Dallas will sign you.

We had that reputation once in the 90's, and we've done a good job to clean it up. Why would we want to give this thug another try when he's already had 6 of them.

If the allegations are true, I want him gone and to be suspended another year.

Who cares about morality, righteousness, and reputation. Sunday is football day.


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Risky move - this guy does not get it.

Just a matter of time and that time may already be over for him in the NFL....


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Nors;2320407 said:
Risky move - this guy does not get it.

Just a matter of time and that time may already be over for him in the NFL....

Could you at least be a bit more creative?:laugh1:


The Duke
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Boysboy;2320409 said:
Could you at least be a bit more creative?:laugh1:
He'll now go from thread to thread sounding the same boring alarm.


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It would be a miracle if pacman doesn't receive some kind of suspension.It comes at a real bad time with reports of newman having a sports hernia,and maybe needing surgery.The cowboys need to really ban together as a team,or this could unravel on them.


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Boysboy;2320327 said:
But what gets me about all this are those stories how there was a "broken window", a "physical confrontation", yada, yada, yada, that's all turned out to pretty much be rumors(at best).

We'll see what happens tomorrow, but this is starting to p*** me off how all of this is getting blown out of proportion.
The only one anybody should be mad at is pacman.


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I don't really care for Pacman and did not want him on the team.....

But if this was any other player is this even news? I don't know how from the reports Goodell could do anything...

Now Jerry probably has a lot more details of what really happenned if it was with one of the security detail - that is a different story.


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juckie;2320230 said:
I hope ur here when he isnt suspended.

As I'm sure he hopes you are if he does get suspended. I'm not saying he will, cause I don't know, but I'm not arrogant enough to believe, with this moron's history, that this kind of thing wouldn't get him suspended again.

Maybe it won't, and everything can settle back down to where it was at before (Except for the screaming from other teams fans about how he's being let of easy cause he's a Cowboy) and maybe he'll wind up suspended, we'll find out that T-New indeed does need surgery for his sports hernia (I heard this morning on ESPN that he had been diagnoised with one, the severity was yet to be determnined) and will be out for 6-8 weeks and then everyone will begin to complain about how Jones being an idiot and T-New being too injury prone all the sudden is going to cost us a chance at the Superbowl.


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As I read this thread, and that 22 pager as well, I got to thinking about something.

Now understand I'm not saying he's getting suspended, or should, or anything like that. I'm not saying one way or another what will, or won't happen, but I do acknowledge the fact that with his history it's quite possible he'll get suspended.

That said I'm wondering about the extreme surge of some here to be all "He doesn't deserve a suspension for this. This is minor. Nothing will come of it. If Goodell suspends him for this, even with his history, it's an abuse of power."

My question many of those people would actually feel that same way if he played for, say, the Skins or the Eagles or Giants?

If Jones was in any other uniform but the Cowboys I doubt, very seriously, there'd be a whole lot of people here standing up for his 'rights' and acting as if he's getting a raw deal just because he has a history of being a screw up.

Again I don't know if anything will come of this, probably won't, but there is a chance that there will and I just thought it was amusing how some are so vehemently defending him now because he's a Cowboy.


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BraveHeartFan;2320621 said:
As I read this thread, and that 22 pager as well, I got to thinking about something.

Now understand I'm not saying he's getting suspended, or should, or anything like that. I'm not saying one way or another what will, or won't happen, but I do acknowledge the fact that with his history it's quite possible he'll get suspended.

That said I'm wondering about the extreme surge of some here to be all "He doesn't deserve a suspension for this. This is minor. Nothing will come of it. If Goodell suspends him for this, even with his history, it's an abuse of power."

My question many of those people would actually feel that same way if he played for, say, the Skins or the Eagles or Giants?

If Jones was in any other uniform but the Cowboys I doubt, very seriously, there'd be a whole lot of people here standing up for his 'rights' and acting as if he's getting a raw deal just because he has a history of being a screw up.

Again I don't know if anything will come of this, probably won't, but there is a chance that there will and I just thought it was amusing how some are so vehemently defending him now because he's a Cowboy.

If he was in another uniform it probably wouldnt have even been reported.No police file was filed.Which means its all heresay.


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AdamJT13;2320174 said:
Here's a quote from one story --

“Someone from the business called police,” Dallas police spokesman Cpl. Jerry Monreal told The Associated Press. “Police arrived and spoke to the parties after they had a verbal argument. Both parties agreed to leave, and they left.”

If that's what happened, it already has been blown out of proportion.
(Or maybe Jerry Monreal got a recent visit from the other Jerry.)

It wasn't "Blown out of proportion" imo.

The guy got into it with one of his security people. Fine. Thats ok.

But Pacman, ESPECIALLY Pacman, did not have to punch a frickin mirror out in the bathroom.

Out of all the people in Dallas to do something stupid like that Pacman is the last person that can afford to do something like that.

He is an idiot. Bottom line.

I want him to do well. When he was officially a Cowboy is when I started rooting for him.

I am still pulling for him.

But he is a A Class idiot and im affraid all my predictions that I warned you guys about will eventually take surface.

But CATCH, "We took a risk on TO too".

Well I dont see TO in trouble like this ever. Thats the difference.


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juckie;2320628 said:
If he was in another uniform it probably wouldnt have even been reported.No police file was filed.Which means its all heresay.

Maybe not but I don't buy that simply because if his history. He could be playing in Seattle and this would be reported because it's him.


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Its funny... just a few days ago there was talk of Pacman wanting his own place and to get out from under Jerry's thumb.

A few days later - WHAMMO.... mo' bad news.

The guy just has the look of "I just dont get it" on his face.

Zimmy Lives

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YoMick;2320656 said:
Its funny... just a few days ago there was talk of Pacman wanting his own place and to get out from under Jerry's thumb.

A few days later - WHAMMO.... mo' bad news.

The guy just has the look of "I just dont get it" on his face.

I don't think it's an issue of not getting it as much as it is a statement of I don't want to get it.

More than one incident involving the police is too many if you ask me.


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Cbz40;2320142 said:
The Pacman era at Valley Ranch is most likely about to end or be put on hold for a little while after he threw some haymakers at a hotel. I just can't see tough-on-thugs Roger Goodell letting this one slide less than a month and a half after reinstating Mr. Jones.

WoW. I just read the blog at DC and there was no such speculation.

Jones just comes along and plays better. I think we can survive 4 games without him but i really don't want to.


Sleeps with the fishes
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Whether its a verbal disagreement or physical altercation or whether there was a police report filed or not, doesn't matter. He's being held to a higher standard and rightfully so, because of his many, many transgressions in his past.

Goodell has said that Pac Man can not place himself in situations that cause embarassment to the Cowboys and the NFL. I hope Goodell suspends him, because I know Jerry won't step up and get rid of this clown. I'd rather lose, than win with this idiot.

Big game coming up Sunday against a pretty good passing team, Newman's down, and now this jerk is causing distractions. Get rid of this clown.


Pixel Pusher
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TwentyOne;2320665 said:
WoW. I just read the blog at DC and there was no such speculation.

Jones just comes along and plays better. I think we can survive 4 games without him but i really don't want to.

There is no "four games without him", if he gets suspended, he's out of the league.