DMN: Blog: The good news about Adam 'Pacman' Jones

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This is great news for TO....

Sheds the 'selfish' spotlight from him on to the 'thug' spotlight on Pacman...

ESPN will have a party in bristol for the next two days over this...

Every Show....

Around the Horn, Jim Rome, PTI, SC, NFL Live, NFL Countdown, First Take.

Good thing I wont be home... long day of BS...


Safety third
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What a joke. The FOX news story uses the word "brawl" in the headline. Then they use the word "fight" in the first paragraph then it turns out to be a "verbal argument" later in the report.

No charges filed, no one arrested, nothing to see here.

If GODell plays judge jury and executioner on this then the NFL has a major problem and it's not Pacman Jones.


Junior College Transfer
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I hear PacMan was either on his way or at a Ludicrous (excuse the spelling; I am not up on my rap/hip-hop).
If so, it helps prove that nothing good happens at a rap concert. Or C&W concert. Or a Lawrence Welk retrospective.
Good luck to you, PacMan, if you are innocent.
If not (and I am one of your biggest supporters) then Jerra could not change your spots and you belong back in losersville instead of with America's Team.


Well-Known Member
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Lets face it. These guys are not personal security, they are babysitters. The idea that he has had a few arguments with them would not be suprising to anybody would it.

He is probably getting tired of having his every move watch, especially if he wants to get out and party like he used too.

Did anybody really believe he had changed that much anyway?

Probably the only reason he has not been in more trouble is because of his babysitters.

You could tell from the Hard Knocks piece with him and Deion that he felt no reason to thank Goodell for letting him back in the league.

All that said, nothing to get him suspended for here IMO. I just hope they can keep him straight til Newman gets back.


Old bulletproof tiger
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The Dallas media is just out to sell stories. They will sensationalize every drop of information to give them that advantage of selling itself.

GONE are the day of professional journalism. Its an eat or be eaten world in todays media.

Freakin HATE the media. Tim Mac can go play in the street for all I care.

The guy is a fool.


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Dallas;2321210 said:
The Dallas media is just out to sell stories. They will sensationalize every drop of information to give them that advantage of selling itself.

GONE are the day of professional journalism. Its an eat or be eaten world in todays media.

Freakin HATE the media. Tim Mac can go play in the street for all I care.

The guy is a fool.

Last I checked-this country's been in an economic crisis for 2 weeks now.

I find it odd how the TO/Pacman stories are getting just as much, if not more coverage than this economic crisis. And to boot, more people have been paying more attention to the latter.

IMHO-this is no coincidence.


CowBabe Up!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Boysboy;2321228 said:
Last I checked-this country's been in an economic crisis for 2 weeks now.

I find it odd how the TO/Pacman stories are getting just as much, if not more coverage than this economic crisis. And to boot, more people have been paying more attention to the latter.

IMHO-this is no coincidence.

Pacman and TO are sports stories. I doubt you will see these stories on the world news, but you will see the economic crisis covered there. Anything the Cowboys do is huge in the sports world, but I don't think those who report on the economy are also writing sports stories. They are separate subjects.


New Member
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Now there's some speculation that Adam Jones may address the media this afternoon to clear the air about what happened

Velvet Jones

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parcells316;2320710 said:
Goodell has said that Pac Man can not place himself in situations that cause embarassment to the Cowboys and the NFL.

Wow... that isn't grey at all :rolleyes:

There will be no suspension because there is no case. No evidence, no red herring, no nothing. Granted, I don't believe any of the articles either way but I have read enough to know that we will be lucky to get through an entire season and off season with Pacman walking the straight. But this is much adu about nothing because of who he is (no.. not who he plays for. This would be news no matter the team [aka: ne, minn and cinn]). Did something happen? Sure. A lot more than simply a verbal exchange. But we won't know and it isn't important. The important thing is that through all of his actions, he has learned no lesson.

"Don't call me Pacman because I want to start a new leaf" has become, "Media can't call me Pacman because they abuse me".

No hanging out past midnight turned into this "arguement" past midnight.

Doing what he needs to do to get better has turned into him wanting out of lock down.

I would bet money on Pacman not being in the league in 2010 and I would only have a slight problem betting that he doesn't even see next season. But this specific case is a none issue and I can't see Godell doing something based on the facts given and/or the extent of the "investigation".