DMN Blog: Tony Romo to play Sunday?


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Romo Playing would be a shot in the arm for this team, he could drive the Bus as good as Brad Johnson right now

Big Dakota

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jobberone;2342518 said:
Waiting a week will not be enough. It will take at least 2 weeks to get good callus formation although I suspect he has an electricaly stimulator on most of the time.

It would be a very poor decision to allow him to play football or in any way traumatize that hand.

Eskimo is right. This is not a manhood thing. Any athlete at that level could take an injection, feel no pain and have that hand function properly with the injection. It's a matter of translating a non-displaced fracture into a displaced fracture which would likely be a season ending injury IMO.

Playing him IMO would be dumb as dirt unless they do have a way to immobilize and protect that area while still allowing him to throw without seeing poor or bad passes. I don't know what they have in that realm. Not my field and I don't keep up anymore. So huge huge maybe.

This is where Jerry has to step in and TELL Romo what he's going to do, LET IT HEAL!