News: DMN: Cowboys needed extra security for Greg Hardy; some teammates soured on him

"Along the way, Hardy became a constant headache for Jason Garrett. The Cowboys coach met with him at least four times to address his conduct."

4 times?

Red not really imposing his will is he?

Hardy gotta go.

It just shows Garrett is weak.

Anyone think Lawrence Taylor or Charles Haley were easy to deal with?

Good head coaches find a way to connect to talent.
It does not make Bosa more likely at all. He is a LDE. Are we flipping Lawrence?
This appears to be an opinion piece disguised as a news article. I'd take more seriously what the writer had to say about the issues with Hardy if it wasn't clear that the writer is drawing conclusions to fit the premise of his article.

That is how I read it.

Most guys clear out their lockers at the end of the year.

What did the extra security guys report when they looked in on him from time to time?
Get him signed Jerry, 5 years $35 million, $19 guaranteed. He needs to be signed before the rest of the league lines up to sign him.

Its just the Dallas media stirring the pot. /sarcasm

Dude goes in the 6th round because of his attitude in college, beats the crap out of his girlfriend and gets suspended for a year and a half, signs here because nobody else wanted him, shows up late and is constant issues for coaches.....

And this is all Garrett's fault?

I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
Well he didn't live up to his original deal. I'll bring him back at 5 mill a year with performance escalators and that's it. He came on strong the first half but fell off. Maybe he just wasn't in football shape.
This appears to be an opinion piece disguised as a news article. I'd take more seriously what the writer had to say about the issues with Hardy if it wasn't clear that the writer is drawing conclusions to fit the premise of his article.

Hardy has always been a beat of a different drummer kind of guy, no doubt some teammates like him and some don't. The ratio is probably a lot worse among sportswriters that either want to get exclusive quotes from him or win a journalism award by writing about him imploding.

DFW reporters got neither this season, so they write stuff like this.
fisher alluded to this article being " lining for a birdcage" and i think is making reference to this being a writers opinion and the cowboys wanting him back.

Marinelli in particular.
Wonder which coach or player is leaking to the Dallas media?
Wonder which coach or player is leaking to the Dallas media?

Probably someone upset he wasn't punished enough or whatever.

Honestly, I don't care.

I just know he has talent. I give him another incentive prove it offer and then if not, bye.

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