DMN JJT Blog: More Senior Bowl (Vanderjagt and Hoffman) and Palmer

Rosenhaus brushoff!

Another note from 'Bama from Senior Bowl scribe Jean-Jacques Taylor
Got a personal brushoff from super agent Drew Rosenhaus this afternoon when I tried to ask him about Terrell Owens. Actually, he brushed me off twice because I was persistent.

The second time, he acted like he was doing me such a big favor. "OK," he said, "I'll answer your question."

"How interested is T.O. in coming to Dallas?" I asked.

"No comment," he replied.

At least he didn't say...."Next question."

Posted by John Banks http://www.***BANNED-URL***/sharedcontent/dws/img/standing/icons/email.gif at 5:49 PM (E-mail this entry)
Even more Senior Bowl name dropping

From Jean-Jacques Taylor via me. (Jacques having some technical woes in Mobile, Alabama.)

• Bumped into Tom Condon, probably the most powerful agent in the business these days, and actually had a short conversation with him concerning La'Roi Glover. He didn't talk about whether Glover would return, but he did know that Glover counts more than $7 million against the club's salary cap next year. He talked about the $1.5 million roster bonus Glover is supposed to receive in March and how that's quite a bit for a player who doesn't really fit the defensive scheme.

Based on that conversation and a similar conversation I had with Jerry Jones, it's hard to believe Glover will return.

• Had an iced tea this afternoon with former sprinter Michael Bates, who's now working with gregarious agent David Lockett in Phoenix. Bates was one of the best kick returners in the game -- he went to the Pro Bowl five times -- during his 12-year career. Dallas signed him for its playoff game against Carolina in Bill Parcells' first season. He looks about 35 pounds heavier these days.

• Damon Hodge, a real voice from the Cowboys' past (2000 season), tracked me down this afternoon. He's been chasing the dream in Canada and the Arena Football League but now wants to get into scouting at the pro level.

• Lengthy conversation 1-on-1 conversation with Kansas City coach Herm Edwards this afternoon. He made me want to get out the old sky blue and red Skyline High School jersey and hit some people. The dude has passion.

Posted by John Banks http://www.***BANNED-URL***/sharedcontent/dws/img/standing/icons/email.gif at 5:36 PM (E-mail this entry)
Jean Jaques Taylor said:
Lengthy conversation 1-on-1 conversation with Kansas City coach Herm Edwards this afternoon. He made me want to get out the old sky blue and red Skyline High School jersey and hit some people. The dude has passion.

I didnt know Taylor went to Skyline? Some how, I have a hard time picturing Taylor going to school in Pleasant Grove :cool: .

- Mike G.
I don't know if what was said about Palmers scheme is true or not but one thing I do know, there are ways to limit the hits your QB takes. He's your franchise for christ sakes. He represents the future of your organization. You don't subject him to season's of 70 sacks. You definatly don't follow that up with 50 sacks. You limit your offense. You shorten your routes. You impliment more timing patterns. You go with three and five step drops. You tell your OLs that whatever happens, nobody gets a free run at the QB no matter what. Hold if you have to, do what you have to. The disturbing thing here is that it wasn't just one year.
You are making the big fat assumption that they did not do all of those things.

IN 2004 the RBs caught 80 passes. There was definately an effort to dump the ball off quicker.

Didn't matter.
WoodysGirl said:
From Jean-Jacques Taylor via me. (Jacques having some technical woes in Mobile, Alabama.)
Very cool of you to do that for him.
mickgreen58 said:
I believe Jeff Robinson had a salary not too far from that number and was ultimately cut because of it. I think this guy's perfomances really warrant that type of money. Would greatly increase this teams' chances of winning and would go hand and hand with the way Parcells likes to win.

Couch was considered the safer pick at the time as Mcnabb was very unpolished and was even booed on draft day by Eagles' fans. People draft players they are familiar with and Couch's play was very familiar to him. Besides, Carmen Policy probably had alot to do with that pick too.

True. One of the knocks on Palmer is that he doesnt adjust his game plan and style according to the players he has on the field. His passing style, which requires and accurate QB and time to make reads is not very successful when you have a bad offensive line.

I agree with that assessment, which means the offensive line has to be a priority in the offseason. Palmer cut his teeth on his relationship with quarterbacks, grooming them.

What you guys aren't addressing is the fact that an OC DOES NOT dictate what the O-line least not entirely. The OC "coordinates" coaching and schemes across the entire offense. Thus the existence of wide receivers coach, O-line coach, tight ends coach, etc. The OC develops schemes and communicates them to the various coaches who in turn (theoretically) "coach" their respective players. I haven't followed Palmer at all, but to pile the O-line or protection troubles on him is misplaced...entirely. Not his responsibility.
As for the Couch / McNabb thing: Couch was a MUCH better QB IN COLLEGE. These media ding dongs always use the "hindsight" arguments to sound good. Hell, if everyone could base decisions on seeing into the future, everyone would be successful. Fact is, NOBODY knows what they have on draft day. You really find out when they play in the NFL, so JJT can spare me his praddle even though I know it's his trademark.
trueblue1687 said:
...What you guys aren't addressing is the fact that an OC DOES NOT dictate what the O-line least not entirely....

...I haven't followed Palmer at all, but to pile the O-line or protection troubles on him is misplaced...entirely. Not his responsibility...

You know, that's an interesdting perspective. Previously I was thinking that Palmer may have had something to do with his teams' poor OL play. But when you look at Dallas this year very few posters on this board were blaming our OL woes on Sean Payton. If anytihng, most of us were blaming Sporano for not coaching-up the backups. But that doesn't mean we are correct in blaming Sporano. Perhaps Payton should have gotten more of the blame? And if that's the case then Palmer isn't entirely off the hook in this matter.

You know, that's an interesdting perspective. Previously I was thinking that Palmer may have had something to do with his teams' poor OL play. But when you look at Dallas this year very few posters on this board were blaming our OL woes on Sean Payton. If anytihng, most of us were blaming Sporano for not coaching-up the backups. But that doesn't mean we are correct in blaming Sporano. Perhaps Payton should have gotten more of the blame? And if that's the case then Palmer isn't entirely off the hook in this matter.


I think it would take more than a great coach to help Torrin Tucker, act of God maybe. Tucker made a lot of average DE look like the second coming of Reggie White.
Doomsday101 said:
I think it would take more than a great coach to help Torrin Tucker, act of God maybe. Tucker made a lot of average DE look like the second coming of Reggie White.

I really what it is about Tucker. I read somewhere last year that he is the most agile lineman we have. So what is it, the mental part of the game ?
mickgreen58 said:
I didnt know Taylor went to Skyline? Some how, I have a hard time picturing Taylor going to school in Pleasant Grove :cool: .

- Mike G.

I went to Skyline. Maybe one of the most diverse schools in the city as anyone in any district in the city can transfer in full or part time for the "clusters" besides the busing from other areas for minority's. 3/4's of the students are not from pleasant grove.

WoodysGirl said:
More Senior Bowl name dropping

• Nick Saban is 5-5. OK, he's 5-7 at the most.

The Fickle Finger of Fate forecasts that Nick Saban is a future Washington Commanders head coach, he certainly has the height qualifications for the job.


Yeah, I know, I'm politically insensitive. :D
Jarv said:
I really what it is about Tucker. I read somewhere last year that he is the most agile lineman we have. So what is it, the mental part of the game ?

Could be that he's ******** joke. I'm not sure what "the conversation" was that Parcells and Tucker's mom had (remember the PC when it was mentioned??), but inside sources say that this guy becomes a BASKET CASE over the least little thing (coaches yelling, extra laps, etc.). I do know that to hear him talk, you would think he was a 5th grader. If he's not playing football, look out carwashes!!

Americas Fan: I think that the positional coaches bear more of the burden for poor positional play than any OC does. Think of an OC as a conceptual type guy and a positional as a hands-on type coach. You are correct in saying that nobody gets a free lunch for how a team plays, but the OC kinda "oversees" how players are doing and develops schemes around team strengths.
Alexander said:
Ryan Young has not had a positive thing to say about anything about the Cowboys since he was a failure here.

His comments are not a shock.

His play with the Texans and the Cowboys are equally insignificant.

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