DMN Media Blog: Worldwide leader TKOs T.O.


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Shut it. Wow, I hate espn more and more everyday. One second they are applauding T.O. the next second they are bashing him. It will never end until T.O. is gone.

Steve Young, should be hit with an iron pan. Is this guy serious? How can you bash your former teammate like that? I don't hear T.O saying anything bad about you and I can't remember when he did. Maybe, you hate him because he is wearing the jersey you hate the most. Yes, the Dallas Cowboys jersey. Oh didn't T.O play for you for 4 years and even helped you get to the playoffs.

Note: T.O. helped the 49'ers to the playoffs. Never did the 49'ers go to the Super Bowl with him.

1996 ~ Divisional Playoffs: Result lost to Green Bay.
1997 ~ Conference Championship: Result lost to Green Bay.
1998 ~ Divisional Playoffs: Result lost to Atlanta.
1999 ~ Record: 4-12
2000 ~ Record: 6-10
2001 ~ Wild Card Playoffs: Result lost to Green Bay.
2002 ~ Divisional Playoffs: Result lost to Tampa Bay.
2003 ~ Record: 7-9
2004 ~ T.O. gets new uniform: Eagles

Keyshawn how can you even talk about T.O.! T.O. should never come out of your mouth after all the crap you pulled. Need help remembering? What about the book you wrote, "Just Give Me the Damn Ball" after your rookie season. Oh, then at Tampa you were deactivated for the final six games after a feud with coach Jon Gruden. Oh but we never hear about that. Nor do we hear about how you played 11 years with 4 teams. Maybe you should be called Team Obliterator.

Maybe you hate him because T.O. is a better player than you. Maybe, it's because he is playing for the team that booted your a**. The only reason you came here to Dallas was because of Bill Parcells. Your just a puppet. Oh by the way, T.O. is in his 13th season with eight 1,000 yard seasons. You played 11 seasons with four 1,000 yard seasons. The only bragging right you have is the fact you won one championship.

For any one who thinks T.O. stands for Team Obliterator: SMACK! Team obliterator stands for someone who goes to team to team destroying them. Example: Keyshawn Johnson. T.O was with the 49'ers for 8 years. How is that obliteration? T.O. was with the eagles for two years. Did he obliterate that team? Maybe, I wasn't paying attention to the high ego McScabb. Oh, now he is with the Cowboys and everyone is saying that he will obliterate this team. That's funny. Everyone in the locker room gets along with T.O and says he is right. Hey maybe they watched the whole media coverage of it all. Which leaves me with the media.

What about the media? I can't find the original press conference with T.O. anywhere. The only one I find is with them CUTTING out parts and pasting them the way they want it. They have been waiting for this day and they finally got T.O to say he didn't get the ball enough times. Wait a second, if you are going to put clips of T.O. in then you need to put the whole piece in.

They don't want you to hear the whole piece because T.O. didn't say anything, as bad, as they want you to believe. I know because I watched it live.

T.O. is a great athlete that has helped this team win. Sure he has had problems, but what player hasn't. T.O. draws a lot of attention.

However, BSPN has the time to bash T.O but they don't want to talk about Plaxico Burress' domestic dispute with the police during the summer. They don't want to talk about the Giant's running back Ware who got arrested on an alcohol charge early Sunday. Nor will they talk about the warrant that is out for the Bengals' Shirley for driniking and driving.

I can't wait till T.O. gets a Super Bowl ring, stands up, and flips up his two love fingers.


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You need to start drinking decaf.......

LOL j/k that was a fun post to read....Im with you


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Cowboy_4_Life;2298889 said:
Shut it. Wow, I hate espn more and more everyday. One second they are applauding T.O. the next second they are bashing him. It will never end until T.O. is gone.

Steve Young, should be hit with an iron pan. Is this guy serious? How can you bash your former teammate like that? I don't hear T.O saying anything bad about you and I can't remember when he did. Maybe, you hate him because he is wearing the jersey you hate the most. Yes, the Dallas Cowboys jersey. Oh didn't T.O play for you for 4 years and even helped you get to the playoffs.

Note: T.O. helped the 49'ers to the playoffs. Never did the 49'ers go to the Super Bowl with him.

1996 ~ Divisional Playoffs: Result lost to Green Bay.
1997 ~ Conference Championship: Result lost to Green Bay.
1998 ~ Divisional Playoffs: Result lost to Atlanta.
1999 ~ Record: 4-12
2000 ~ Record: 6-10
2001 ~ Wild Card Playoffs: Result lost to Green Bay.
2002 ~ Divisional Playoffs: Result lost to Tampa Bay.
2003 ~ Record: 7-9
2004 ~ T.O. gets new uniform: Eagles

Keyshawn how can you even talk about T.O.! T.O. should never come out of your mouth after all the crap you pulled. Need help remembering? What about the book you wrote, "Just Give Me the Damn Ball" after your rookie season. Oh, then at Tampa you were deactivated for the final six games after a feud with coach Jon Gruden. Oh but we never hear about that. Nor do we hear about how you played 11 years with 4 teams. Maybe you should be called Team Obliterator.

Maybe you hate him because T.O. is a better player than you. Maybe, it's because he is playing for the team that booted your a**. The only reason you came here to Dallas was because of Bill Parcells. Your just a puppet. Oh by the way, T.O. is in his 13th season with eight 1,000 yard seasons. You played 11 seasons with four 1,000 yard seasons. The only bragging right you have is the fact you won one championship.

For any one who thinks T.O. stands for Team Obliterator: SMACK! Team obliterator stands for someone who goes to team to team destroying them. Example: Keyshawn Johnson. T.O was with the 49'ers for 8 years. How is that obliteration? T.O. was with the eagles for two years. Did he obliterate that team? Maybe, I wasn't paying attention to the high ego McScabb. Oh, now he is with the Cowboys and everyone is saying that he will obliterate this team. That's funny. Everyone in the locker room gets along with T.O and says he is right. Hey maybe they watched the whole media coverage of it all. Which leaves me with the media.

What about the media? I can't find the original press conference with T.O. anywhere. The only one I find is with them CUTTING out parts and pasting them the way they want it. They have been waiting for this day and they finally got T.O to say he didn't get the ball enough times. Wait a second, if you are going to put clips of T.O. in then you need to put the whole piece in.

They don't want you to hear the whole piece because T.O. didn't say anything, as bad, as they want you to believe. I know because I watched it live.

T.O. is a great athlete that has helped this team win. Sure he has had problems, but what player hasn't. T.O. draws a lot of attention.

However, BSPN has the time to bash T.O but they don't want to talk about Plaxico Burress' domestic dispute with the police during the summer. They don't want to talk about the Giant's running back Ware who got arrested on an alcohol charge early Sunday. Nor will they talk about the warrant that is out for the Bengals' Shirley for driniking and driving.

I can't wait till T.O. gets a Super Bowl ring, stands up, and flips up his two love fingers.
:welcome: to the forum!



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Ironically, I think this will only make TO want to prove a point more that he is a good teammate.

Richmond Cowboy

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"It has been that way since Johnson's rookie season in 1996, when he joined the team as the N.F.L.'s top draft choice and instantly declared himself the team's top receiver.
But it was after that season, when Johnson published his breathless book -- ''Just Give Me the Damn Ball!'' -- that tension between the two became apparent. The book was devoted to the frustrations of playing for a 1-15 team and, in addition to speaking of the failings of quarterback Neil O'Donnell, Coach Rich Kotite and the offensive coordinator Ron Erhardt, it labeled Chrebet as the team's mascot. In fact, Chrebet is listed 17 times in the book's index, prompting Chrebet to once say, ''I'm flattered that he's so obsessed with me.'' "


Hardwork and Dedication
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lurkercowboy;2298628 said:
They were just waiting for an opportunity to bash. They were chomping at the bit.

T.O. gave it to them


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My thing is that this really isn't anything different than a lot of playmaking WR's have done in their careers. Michael Irvin was well known for complaining about wanting the ball more. He always wanted the ball. In fact they referenced a really good thing today on Talking Cowboys about how Dallas had a coach there JUST to listen to Irvin complain about how he wanted the ball more so that Irvin wouldn't be complaining to Norv (Or any other OC at the time).

This is nothing new for a star WR. They always want the ball and they want the ball on every play. Further more it's not like this is being taken totally into context, since the Media (ESPN especially) love to leave out the fact that he specifically said the 'competitor in him wants the ball'. Talking Cowboys did a really nice segment on this non-issue today.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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BraveHeartFan;2299054 said:
My thing is that this really isn't anything different than a lot of playmaking WR's have done in their careers. Michael Irvin was well known for complaining about wanting the ball more. He always wanted the ball. In fact they referenced a really good thing today on Talking Cowboys about how Dallas had a coach there JUST to listen to Irvin complain about how he wanted the ball more so that Irvin wouldn't be complaining to Norv (Or any other OC at the time).

This is nothing new for a star WR. They always want the ball and they want the ball on every play. Further more it's not like this is being taken totally into context, since the Media (ESPN especially) love to leave out the fact that he specifically said the 'competitor in him wants the ball'. Talking Cowboys did a really nice segment on this non-issue today.
In my opinion, Michael Irvin's gameday attitude does not equal Terrell Owens' gameday attitude. Both were/are great receivers, but I think that's where the similarities end.

Arch Stanton

it was the grave marked unknown right beside
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CosmicCowboy;2298688 said:
And as Emmitt always says, "Hooked on Ebonics worked for me!!"

not sure exactly what that means...but it sounds funny.....:D[/QUOTE]

I thought Emmitt was hooked on dominos.


Double Trouble
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Although Keyshawn is insanely jealous, I would agree completely that TO looked to be running lazy routes at times.


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Just goes to show you why ESPN is the worst channel on television. They are all freaking idiots. I only watch this joke of a network when there is a game on. I would love to hit Keyshawn in the face with a hammer. He has such an ax to grind it's not even funny. I guess he forgot about being run out of town in Tampa. What a joke that guy is. Tom Jackson is the same way. He is just pissed because the Cowboys kicked his *** in the Super Bowl. What a freaking joke.