News: DMN: Moore: Cowboys will sign a player or two by Thursday


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I've thought all along we'd do what we're doing here once we locked down Mo (or after we'd gotten Carr to restructure, whichever came first). It's not panicking, I don't think. We're leveraging Carr, as we should.

I'm good with signing Leon Hall and punting Carr out the door, if that's what happens. But I want to see them practicing that same 'financial restraint' that people were previously trying to give them so much credit for.

Don't turn around and overpay lesser players to say "see? We signed somebody!"

Or talk up journeymen players like Jack Crawford.


Chris in Arizona
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Or talk up journeymen players like Jack Crawford.

No, no, no. You just don't get it!

Crawford was our plan all along. Never mind that no one else signed him or that we waited this long.

Don't believe me? Check back on this board in a few months. You'll see that it was always the plan.


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Seems to me we overplayed the frugality card and now there's hardly anything out there other than the ones nobody wants like the Manziels, RGIII's and Hardy's of the NFL. Either that or we had no strategy at all and the other teams ate our lunch.

Neither is a positive thing for Cowboys fans.
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They all must be just be holed up somewhere, pouring over free agent options and college tape.

I can see Jerry watching tape...

Jerry: What just happened there?
Jason: Wentz just threw the ball
Jerry: Right. How did he look?
Jason: Just fine, Mr Jones. Just fine. {Rolls eyes}


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Its a strange world.

The Cowboys best season of INT's occured with starting undrafted rookies at both CB and Safety, Everson Walls and Michael Downs during a time when the draft went 12 rounds.

Granted the D-line was legendary. never really know.


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I can see us picking up a few guys ASAP but bigger thing is who they are. If we just resign some of our this board is gonna be more pissed.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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OScan, Mo, Hall works and at the right money.
Same with Carroll plugged in as nickel.

Hall is a really good fit imho because he is such a good tackler. Replaces a lot of what Carr gave you in toughness.

I'd prefer we didn't cut Carr if our pickups are oft-injured Claiborne and aging/injured Hall. I'm not the biggest fan of Carr, but he has been able to stay healthy and on the field. I know that isn't a ringing endorsement, but having a non-injured OK starting corner is better than having an injured starting corner, even if the injured guy is better.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Seems to me we overplayed the frugality card and now there's hardly anything out there other than the ones nobody wants like the Manziels, RGIII's and Hardy's of the NFL. Either that or we had no strategy at all and the other teams ate our lunch.

Our FA strategy means we have to take chances on those type of players and hope they pay off. I will not be surprised if Hall becomes the next to get away because we're not willing to outbid other teams for him. Players like Manziel, Griffin and Hardy are liable to have no one else bidding for their services, which is the only way we get a leg up with out FA plan.

I'm surprised we were able to land Thornton, but I think we actually targeted him more aggressively as a player we really wanted to add ... which probably tells us that none of these other FAs are seen as must-haves.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
there was a time, it seems, where it was a bonus to be playing for the cowboys. these days we're just another team to the generation of players out there now.

we've lost an important but hard to see edge in this along the way.

That's not true. Every year players coming out of the draft get interviewed and a lot of them say " I want to go to the cowboys, or I'm a cowboys fan" we are still the most popular team out there. Hell my little brother has his pro day today at Baylor and when I was talking to him last night, that's the first thing he told me is that he really wants to get drafted by the Cowboys