News: DMN: Moore: Cowboys will sign a player or two by Thursday


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there was a time, it seems, where it was a bonus to be playing for the cowboys. these days we're just another team to the generation of players out there now.

we've lost an important but hard to see edge in this along the way.

Yes we have.


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I'm terrified at the thought of two of our starters possibly being Scandrick and Claiborne. They both seem somewhat injury prone, only one of them is an above average player, and the other just doesn't seem very smart. Leon Hall would be good to cover the slot. I'd still bring back Carr, I'm more comfortable with him covering guys than Claiborne. I think Carr wouldn't be so bad with Scandy on the other side and Byron Jones protecting him. Especially if we could somehow attain or draft a safety for the other side. I think we'd be formidable.


rock music matters
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That's not true. Every year players coming out of the draft get interviewed and a lot of them say " I want to go to the cowboys, or I'm a cowboys fan" we are still the most popular team out there. Hell my little brother has his pro day today at Baylor and when I was talking to him last night, that's the first thing he told me is that he really wants to get drafted by the Cowboys

great. so a player what, 90 minutes south of dallas wants to play in dallas. i can see where that speaks for the entire country so my bad.


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Calm down. Just means we keep nick Hayden and jack Crawford!


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
great. so a player what, 90 minutes south of dallas wants to play in dallas. i can see where that speaks for the entire country so my bad.

I used him as an example. In addition to the multitude of players every year from all over the country say they want to play for the cowboys. Just as Elliot and Henry both said this year and neither of them play in Texas do they? Oh.


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Seems to me we overplayed the frugality card and now there's hardly anything out there other than the ones nobody wants like the Manziels, RGIII's and Hardy's of the NFL. Either that or we had no strategy at all and the other teams ate our lunch.

So much this!!


rock music matters
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I used him as an example. In addition to the multitude of players every year from all over the country say they want to play for the cowboys. Just as Elliot and Henry both said this year and neither of them play in Texas do they? Oh.


i understand that. i also understand the allure of playing for the cowboys does still exist. but when you see top FA's going to "winning" teams, or teams with a recent history of winning, why will the FA's come here unless it's a final paycheck or two and call it a career?

to say that dallas is just as bright a landing spot as it was 10 years ago, to me, is wrong. i don't believe it is. this is my opinion only and yes, i could be wrong. but i just don't see a line of FA's saying MY GOD DALLAS ON TOP OF MY LIST!!! like we did for somewhat of the next 10 years after our last superbowl.

what have we done to show a player who is driven to win that this is a place that help him gain that goal?

Mr Cowboy

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Its a strange world.

The Cowboys best season of INT's occured with starting undrafted rookies at both CB and Safety, Everson Walls and Michael Downs during a time when the draft went 12 rounds.

Granted the D-line was legendary. never really know.

and the worst was starting 2 first round picks, and a very high priced FA.


Loud pipes saves lives.
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Chris Long was scheduled to have dinner with Cowboys coach Jason Garrett on Tuesday night. He didn't go and signed with New England.

The Cowboys had interest in cornerback Nolan Carroll, who visited Valley Ranch last week. He decided to stay in Philadelphia on a one-year deal for $2.36 million that can escalate to $3 million with incentives.

Boy the Eagles have had a good off season, dumping all those bad contracts and now picking up Carroll on the cheap, did we not offer him 2.6 million?. Long, whatever...Call me crazy but I like David Irving, Thorton, Crawford and Lawrence as a starting front four, just need some quality backups.
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Boy the Eagles have had a good off season, dumping all those bad contracts and now picking up Carroll on the cheap, did we not offer him 2.6 million?. Long, whatever...Call me crazy but I like David Irving, Thorton, Crawford and Lawrence as a starting front four, just need some quality backups.

I like Irvng. But I dont think he's a DE in this 4-3 system.


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You guys are really hard to please. You can either overpay in free agency and regret it, or not overpay and keep your powder dry, and try to pick up a good value here and there as it presents itself. That's the smart way to do I. You can't have it both ways.


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I am on board with Hall. He actually significantly outplayed Kirkpatrick last season so I don't know why they bump him on the depth chart.


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Its a strange world.

The Cowboys best season of INT's occured with starting undrafted rookies at both CB and Safety, Everson Walls and Michael Downs during a time when the draft went 12 rounds.

Granted the D-line was legendary. never really know.

That's a bold statement.


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Really do not see any comments at all. Pretty odd, because usually either Jerry or Stephen Jones have plenty to say and are quite visible most of the time.

To be honest, I cannot say I have seen the Joneses or Garrett make much of a public showing since the Combine.

Meanwhile, you see GMs and head coaches from other teams all over the country at Pro Days. The highest profile member of the organization I have heard about on the draft circuit is Ciskowski, who just showed up at Baylor's Pro Day.

They all must be just be holed up somewhere, pouring over free agent options and college tape.

Either that or playing construction with hard hats over in Frisco.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I'd prefer we didn't cut Carr if our pickups are oft-injured Claiborne and aging/injured Hall. I'm not the biggest fan of Carr, but he has been able to stay healthy and on the field. I know that isn't a ringing endorsement, but having a non-injured OK starting corner is better than having an injured starting corner, even if the injured guy is better.

People forget you need depth.. Folks only think about the top 3, but they started the year with Carr, Clai, Patmon, and somebody else whose name I forget, not Scan or Jones. So now.. you got Scan (coming off injury), Clai (coming off injury), Jones, and Carr. They need the depth especially this time of year. Opening roster could change.