News: DMN: Moore: Cowboys will sign a player or two by Thursday


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Chris Hogan will end up being another decent slot for them.

I mean, I like what they've done, too, given the circumstances with Jones, but that was a big hit to their defense.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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I mean, I like what they've done, too, given the circumstances with Jones, but that was a big hit to their defense.

Nine times out of ten, Belichick replaces what he dumps rather well. Everyone was worried about their pass defense last year after letting both Revis and Browner go and that never materialized.


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id rather have Zeke because in playoffs in NFL is where Zeke will shine over Lamar imo .. I haven't seen Lamar carry a team consistently in Miami college or pros but I saw Elliott lead his team to ship in college cause no way they would have beaten Alabama without him and no one can convince me other wise......... When there record setting QB went down Urban mostly fed Zeke and all he did was run them into a national championship and he wants the ball don't shy away from it at all......

man he'll be best" defensive" player we pick for our offense ( meaning protecting our defense keeping them off the field and fresh ready to hunt a qb imo)

Especially after last year when our defense was really really solid... u can only do so much when ya offense not helping you at all .. for the east and the style we want to play Zeke or Henry to me is best fit we want to eat the clock and I don't see Miller as that type that can ware down a defense

But Miller can take it to the house but u cant depend on that cause that's no happening every game but those 2 3 4 5 7 10 then boom 60 yd runs is the style I think we want (just my opinion) because its a will thing u know whats coming and u still cant stop it.. I don't see miller as that dude but hey I can be proven wrong and don't mind admitting when I am

when u are able to run the ball you control the game because the other team cant mess up on there offensive drive cause if they do that 4 min drill they may not see the field again with Zeke running behing our oline cause you cant stop him at least that would be my approach...

sorry bro im all on the Zeke train now if you can guarantee will get Henry then im cool with whoever at 4 most likely Bosa

I tend to agree with you. But the word is Elliot's interviews went poorly in Indy. That wont get you drafted at #4. They were willing to spend a 1st on Shazier a couple of years ago. I am not ruling out that they take Jack at #4. His ability to do so many things at a high level can change our defense. Especially with Lee and and Ro's history and the very large possibility that we could be fielding a really poor Linebacking corps at some point in the season. I would also protect you in the future from McClain's willingness to play football. The only other pick at #4 is Buckner. But we could wait to round 3 or even 4 to add help to middle of our line and get some push in the middle.


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I tend to agree with you. But the word is Elliot's interviews went poorly in Indy. That wont get you drafted at #4. They were willing to spend a 1st on Shazier a couple of years ago. I am not ruling out that they take Jack at #4. His ability to do so many things at a high level can change our defense. Especially with Lee and and Ro's history and the very large possibility that we could be fielding a really poor Linebacking corps at some point in the season. I would also protect you in the future from McClain's willingness to play football. The only other pick at #4 is Buckner. But we could wait to round 3 or even 4 to add help to middle of our line and get some push in the middle.

And if the rumor is true that they're trying to trade up to #20, I could see them taking Spence. I'd be happy with getting Jack and Spence.


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I tend to agree with you. But the word is Elliot's interviews went poorly in Indy. That wont get you drafted at #4. They were willing to spend a 1st on Shazier a couple of years ago. I am not ruling out that they take Jack at #4. His ability to do so many things at a high level can change our defense. Especially with Lee and and Ro's history and the very large possibility that we could be fielding a really poor Linebacking corps at some point in the season. I would also protect you in the future from McClain's willingness to play football. The only other pick at #4 is Buckner. But we could wait to round 3 or even 4 to add help to middle of our line and get some push in the middle.

Shazier has not been that good and he has injury issues.LBs get hurt a lot, not a good idea to draft an already injured one.


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Shazier has not been that good and he has injury issues.LBs get hurt a lot, not a good idea to draft an already injured one.

Understand the trepidation. But if they cannot trade out and I doubt they can, we might be down to Jack and Buckner. And DT is deeper than LB. So I could see it happening. Of course, Hargreaves may come in to play I suppose.


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And if the rumor is true that they're trying to trade up to #20, I could see them taking Spence. I'd be happy with getting Jack and Spence.

If Dallas is trying to get to # 20, Paxton Lynch may be the target. Spence is now being projected to be a 3/4 OLB. As another poster put it, I don't see Dallas going his direction after the experiment with Hardy and issues with Gregory.


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heh, no one can guarantee a thing really. i just think he could have had some potential but i don't follow any of this enough to take a religious type stand. :)

I understand most people want to see it first because we don't know yet but with me I trust my gut my intuition im not influenced by others as much just go off what I see and how it can translate with our oline.. because most of the league I think we can agree don't have the oline pedigree we have right now, so im thinking of behind our line what can he do with an qb like room wr like dez and elite oline....

I don't have to always wait and see when he actually does in the nfl if im wrong I have no prob saying so but I only make those assessments over players I have that feeling about based on the team they go to and how they can be used if the coach use him right because I still think we don't take full advantage of dez's talent I don't see why we don't throw the ball up more to him anyway I now he's god for at leats 1 pass interference per game easy 30 40 yrds pi boom in scoring postion its part of the game I would do it because ive seen dez catch more deep balls than drop or the ball is intercepted when hes jumping for the ball..

we don't take advantage of Hanna's speed as a TE either the boy can run for a te so he cant be a mismatch? so I question the staff use of certain skill player... how about sending lucky deep 1 time and just throw it out there anyway I digress just ventin a lil............

when Dez was drafted I seen his game his style and how he caught basically everything in every which way I sd before he was pro bowler all pro etc. I sd Dez is top 5 wr in the league of coarse people though I was crazy but it was his skill as a wr that I believed made him a top 5 guy and he is if not the top guy now worth megatron gone.. I can go on about that but don't feel like it right now maybe later anyway......

im even on record about QB Deshaun Watson been calling the QB from Clemson the best QB in college football since his freshman year against Georgia and he didn't even start that gam but his skills as a QB if stays healthy good lord and hes accurate thrower......and now u see the hype building for him especially after the national championship and i still believe that hes the best QB in college and hes better than any qb in this draft right now

my bad yall I know im all over the place but I have a lot a thoughts and wonders when it comes to this team and players and football just general


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Well, good thing it's st paddy's day, I can drink until I don't have to see the names of people we sign until tomorrow...