DMN: Romo, gal pal attract crowd at N9NE

khiladi;1728726 said:
Wade's daughter is hotter than if you combined all the good qualities of Underwood and Bush into forming a woman... She is smokin'...

Yeah but can she sack the quarterback?:D
QB9fan;1731012 said:
Do you guys know who this guy is with Sophia Bush. It's supposedly in Dallas because carrie had her pic with him too. Just curious.


Don't know who the guy is but I did come across this. I have to say I like Carries choice of hats. Go Cowboys
gayleh001;1731040 said:
Don't know who the guy is but I did came across this. I have to say I like Carries choice of hats. Go Cowboys

Probably a limo driver
i guess underwood is dating another guy now...chance crawford..

for some reason the link wont work, but thats his name.
Women issues are not to be dismissed as trivial. Men are at theie most stupid over women.

I swear it looks like Romo and Carrie are playing the dating games like high schoolers do.

They foolishly can't handle that he has to dedicate his time to football August through February and break up.

She dates a Texas acquaintance of his.

He dates a friend of hers and hangs out with Ryan Cabrera who also was linked to her.


Grow up and get it together. You are both celebrities. Its going to be a long distance, flying about thing. Deal with it.
Not that it's important, but I just listened to a interview with Carrie Underwood that she did yesterday on WKLB country 102.5 in Boston. She was in-studio, with a small audience of fans who won the opportunity to meet her. She is there to promote her new cd and attract new fans in the Boston area. At about 18 minutes in, she is asked if she thinks Tom Brady is a better quarterback than Tony Romo. Her answer, "I know I'm in patriots country and I may make you all mad, but I grew up in Oklahoma and have been a Dallas fan since birth, so no." DJs say well this interview is over and she adds, "besides I happen to be very good friends with one of the two, so I will go with him. Sounds like they are friends to me. You can listen to the interview on their website.
Maybe if Carp cut his hair and shaved off his Megan's Law facial hair he could get a woman.
fan7;1731695 said:
Not that it's important, but I just listened to a interview with Carrie Underwood that she did yesterday on WKLB country 102.5 in Boston. She was in-studio, with a small audience of fans who won the opportunity to meet her. She is there to promote her new cd and attract new fans in the Boston area. At about 18 minutes in, she is asked if she thinks Tom Brady is a better quarterback than Tony Romo. Her answer, "I know I'm in patriots country and I may make you all mad, but I grew up in Oklahoma and have been a Dallas fan since birth, so no." DJs say well this interview is over and she adds, "besides I happen to be very good friends with one of the two, so I will go with him. Sounds like they are friends to me. You can listen to the interview on their website.
:welcome: to the forum. Thanks for the info.
fan7;1731695 said:
Not that it's important, but I just listened to a interview with Carrie Underwood that she did yesterday on WKLB country 102.5 in Boston. She was in-studio, with a small audience of fans who won the opportunity to meet her. She is there to promote her new cd and attract new fans in the Boston area. At about 18 minutes in, she is asked if she thinks Tom Brady is a better quarterback than Tony Romo. Her answer, "I know I'm in patriots country and I may make you all mad, but I grew up in Oklahoma and have been a Dallas fan since birth, so no." DJs say well this interview is over and she adds, "besides I happen to be very good friends with one of the two, so I will go with him. Sounds like they are friends to me. You can listen to the interview on their website.

Like I needed another reason to love that girl ;)
Both times hes at an airport. Who do celebrity folks see and take pictures with at airports? Pilot? Limo Driver? I wonder if this guy is their Agent and maybe Romos agent too? Maybe Jerrys private pilot?

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