DMN - Sources: Dallas Cowboys often tardy, undisciplined in '08

LatinMind;2591134 said:
did anybody notice they said no names were mentioned as to being late. in the next paragraph they mention owens?

lol wow, from paragraph to paragraph.

It was widely reported when Owens was late around X-mas time for being late and citing the traffic. Spagnola even talked about it.That is probably why his is the only name mentioned.
theebs;2592402 said:
could be, but its one of the things owens is notorious for.

SLeeping through meetings/missing meetings.

Being late to practice.

then attacking the people who ask him to do the basic things entailed in his job. Remember why brad childress had problems with him? He was late and sleeping through meetings and then he attacked childress.

When jerry tucks him in tonight, I hope he reads him a really great book the two of them must do something together that is keeping him here.

But defenses still find him worthy to devote 2 defenders on him every game, almost every snap, so he must be doing something right. So are those defensive coordinators as dumb as you make Owens fans out to be?
dallasfaniac;2592532 said:
I guess I define guts a little differently. I would prefer them to go to the other players or coaches or at the very least use their name on the article instead hiding behind the anonymous source tag. It takes no guts whatsoever to whisper harmfull gossip behind everyone's back but a ton of guts to raise your voice face to face.

I don't care how it gets out, I just want it out. I want Jones to have to publically face the embarassment that it is. Then, and maybe only then will he be forced to make the necessary moves to try and avoid that level of embarassment from ever occuring again.

It has nothing to do with airing dirty laudry. That's just a spin put on what is really happening here. They are hoping to hide all of our problems so they won't have to face them.

I say "Air that laundry". I want everything out.
WoodysGirl;2591394 said:
It's temporary.

Currently Calvin Watkins is in Mobile with the staff and scouts, so I believe the sources aren't players but others in the organization. Doesn't matter at this point.

Pretty obvious the team has lots of muck to wade through this offseason.

Good choice of words, WG!
wileedog;2591689 said:
Its not the money, its the ego.

Cutting TO a year after giving him a huge extension is a massive mea culpa he just can't swallow. Probably why Wade is still here too, because Jerry spent so much time during the 13-3 year talking about how much better things were without Parcells.

Plus I think Jerry truly doesn't believe there is all that much wrong with this team or like the TO Fan club that Owens is really a distraction. This clubhouse is going exactly where it was in the Switzer years because to Jerry that is a normal clubhouse.

On the other hand, Jerry hired Jason Garrett before he hired Wade Phillips. If Garrett fails, Jerry gets heat for that, too. So, it's a catch 22. If Owens is hurting or under-cutting Garrett or the QB, you are at risk for failing, anyway.

I still think Jason Garrett bowed up to Jerry, like a Bill Parcells would, and told him if I'm going to fail, I want to do it my way. In other words, get rid of Owens.
EveryoneElse;2591119 said:
The media knows entirely too much about the Dallas Cowboys.
A low profile in Dallas can only be dicussed in terms of tires.

Sadly so... & you can't blame this all on TO......................................

Wade Phillips and disciplinarian are three words that will never exist in the same sentence.
JWitten;2591484 said:
Correct me if I am wrong. But I seem to remember back in the days of Jimmy Johnson that Michael Irvin was late to the team plane once. Jimmy's response was to leave without him. Irvin then had to catch a flight to the game on his own. Never heard of that issue coming up again under Jimmy. I want to say that it was a Detroit or Atlanta game.

If it's true that the team charter was held up 5 times out of the 8 away games then that tells me the inmates are running the nut house. It's time for Wade to go. I don't care how tough he acts next year he will never get the respect of the players back after letting them run rampant for 2 years. This team has no shot as long as Wade is the HC.

I don't care who they hire. Just make it someone that will get in the players faces and hold them accountable for their actions.

Jimmy also left Aikman at the podium after a 49're game. Aikman was late for the bus to the airport and Jimmy told the bus driver to just leave. Aikman had to catch a ride on the media bus to get to the airport.

Jimmy did not mess around.
bysbox1;2591757 said:
It's not the 860K that's the problem. TO still leaves 8 million of unused space on the cap. Admitted he does not take away from our available cap space, but we will still pay for him to be on the roster.

Jerry the businessman is not going to do that.

I wouldn't be so sure, because his billion dollar franchise looks like a joke in its current state. The value of the franchise trumps Owens. Teams like the Titans and Ravens and Eagles are laughing at the Cowboys.

Does Jerry want next year to be about redemption in his new stadium, or does he want it to be about the oncoming inplosion that started this year?

Jones can get rid of some players, empower his coaches, and get out of the way, or he can watch the ship blow up. It's his choice.
dmq;2591439 said:
Probably the most disturbing part of the whole article.

I agree...another one of those who appears to have gotten his big payday and kinda mailed it in
On today's Talkin' Cowboys, Mickey (who takes the team plane) just said the article was completely not credible since no one was even quoted or wanted to be quoted.

He also said the plane leaving an hour late for the Philly game was due to bad weather and airport delays, having nothing at all to do with the players or the team at all.

Calvin is a moron and a hack of a journalist, so before you guys go swallowing the bait, hook, line, sinker and the whole darn fishing pole, you may want to take that into account.
The bigger problem to me are these unnamed sources that keep popping up. I have less respect for whoeva it is that keeps snitching on his teammates to the media, then for the guys that are late.

If u really want a locker room that's together u gotta weed those guys out, IMO
Ceasaleo88;2592663 said:
The bigger problem to me are these unnamed sources that keep popping up. I have less respect for whoeva it is that keeps snitching on his teammates to the media, then for the guys that are late.

If u really want a locker room that's together u gotta weed those guys out, IMO

you do realize that alot of times when someone says "unnamed sources" it means "I personally think this happened, I dont have any proof but I think it did"...or even worse "I have a b/s agenda and I'm going to throw some crap against the wall and cite unnamed sources, because then nobody can come back and call me a liar"
All of these unnamed sources are just sympomatic of the problem.

You've got a divided locker room and front office.

So one guy says something about the problem, as he sees it.

Then, the other side has someone give out some information to balance the scales.

The fact that TO is the middle of this thing is probably only coincidental though, since this has never happened to him before.
Awakened;2592511 said:
Let me see if I got this straight: the players love Jerry & Wade because they are so cool and not mean like Parcells, except for the offensive players whose feelings got hurt because Wade doesn't spend as much time with them as he does with his defensive "pets"; the defensive players are so not into Brian Stewart because he is like totally a loser; some of the offensive players don't like Jason because he picks on them but lets Romo get away with murder; they also don't like Tony because he makes more money but gets to do whatever he wants and doesn't get busted; and some of the offensive players like Crayton think Garrett is a wuss because when T.O. yells at him and calls him names, he just talks nicely like the whitebread cracker that he is.

I've seen this before: my son is in the 8th grade, and the similarities are stunning.



Is that allowed? If the shoe was on the other foot?
ddh33;2592679 said:
All of these unnamed sources are just sympomatic of the problem.

You've got a divided locker room and front office.

So one guy says something about the problem, as he sees it.

Then, the other side has someone give out some information to balance the scales.

The fact that TO is the middle of this thing is probably only coincidental though, since this has never happened to him before.

Yea I understand that these "unnamed sources" could just be made up lies from the reporter, or personal feelings.

But if they r real, then that's a BIG problem. Stop being a punk. If u have a problem with what's going on, then say something and make it known. Put ur name on it. All these so called tough guys in the locker room, and whoeva it is has no problem naming names, but won't come out and say I said it. That bothers me. If u have a problem with the way TO or Romo or anybody else on the squad is acting be a man and take it to them. Instead of going to the media, that's all I'm saying.
TheCount;2592611 said:
On today's Talkin' Cowboys, Mickey (who takes the team plane) just said the article was completely not credible since no one was even quoted or wanted to be quoted.

He also said the plane leaving an hour late for the Philly game was due to bad weather and airport delays, having nothing at all to do with the players or the team at all.

Calvin is a moron and a hack of a journalist, so before you guys go swallowing the bait, hook, line, sinker and the whole darn fishing pole, you may want to take that into account.

I am sorry Count but this is not acceptable. Levity nor mitigating circumstances are not acceptable given the current climate. Jerry Jones is the devil, the players are garbage backstabbers, Wade and Garrett are morons, and Tony Romo doesn't care about us or winning. We ware going to suck next year and every year until Jerry Jones dies horribly in a bus fire and Keyshaun Johnson is the voice of reason.
TheCount;2592611 said:
On today's Talkin' Cowboys, Mickey (who takes the team plane) just said the article was completely not credible since no one was even quoted or wanted to be quoted.

He also said the plane leaving an hour late for the Philly game was due to bad weather and airport delays, having nothing at all to do with the players or the team at all.

Calvin is a moron and a hack of a journalist, so before you guys go swallowing the bait, hook, line, sinker and the whole darn fishing pole, you may want to take that into account.
Ed Werder, Calvin Watkins, Peter King, Norm Hitzges, Randy Galloway, Matt there anyone who covers the Cowboys who isn't a "hack" or a "moron"?

I continue to be amazed by some fans ability to bury their head in the sand. It's an art.
FuzzyLumpkins;2592808 said:
I am sorry Count but this is not acceptable. Levity nor mitigating circumstances are not acceptable given the current climate. Jerry Jones is the devil, the players are garbage backstabbers, Wade and Garrett are morons, and Tony Romo doesn't care about us or winning. We ware going to suck next year and every year until Jerry Jones dies horribly in a bus fire and Keyshaun Johnson is the voice of reason.

What about the "white bread cracker"?

Double Trouble;2592814 said:
Ed Werder, Calvin Watkins, Peter King, Norm Hitzges, Randy Galloway, Matt there anyone who covers the Cowboys who isn't a "hack" or a "moron"?

I continue to be amazed by some fans ability to bury their head in the sand. It's an art.

Well Mickey says some stupid things but hes not a liar and he is giving specific cause for the delays. He is also in a position to have personal knowledge being that he uses the team plane.

Calvin could have put the story in that manner for a variety of reasons. I cannot think of any good ones atm but to me its pretty evident that the story was at best erroneous and at worst intentionally misleading.

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