DMN: Tank Johnson cleared to practice with Cowboys

rw54;1717918 said:
Roster on the official site says he is wearing number 92 - same as Remi Ayodele. Does this mean Remi is out when Tank is ready?
Most likely.
Cogan;1717838 said:
What in the world has happened to the Dallas Cowboys? Have they gotten so desperate, they are forced to sign punks like this? This guy hasn't gotten a second chance, he's used up all 9 lives & then some. Come on!! Look at all the crap he's gotten into in only a few years in the NFL. You really think he's learned anything except how to manipulate the system.

He did it all through college, and now he's doing it in the NFL. I truly hope the Cowboys get burned on this one...and every other time they sign thugs who should be wearing leg irons, not knee pads.
I can't argue with your points but I can only hope that Tank does change his ways for the better and be productive for the Cowboys.
He was not in game shape - this gives him 2 weeks to get so.

Win win for us - he wasn't ready to Play Sunday anyway.....
Great news! he now has plenty of time to be ready for the Giants game and help us have a healthy n very good d-line!!!
Cogan;1717838 said:
O.K., let's see if we got this right:

Terry "Tank" Johnson, DT, Washington, was recently signed for a two year stint with the Dallas Cowboys. Even back in his college days, Johnson earned the reputation of "being considered a 'me' guy. Not respectful to staff and teammates. Hasn't played to potential. Takes plays off. Keeps his defenses up and is hard to reach. Depending on his mood, he's either a dominant player or a flasher. He's been the latter throughout his collegiate career". *Pro Football Weekly 2004 Draft Preview.

Then Johnson is drafted in the second round of the '04 draft by the Bears. He, predictably, has an up-and-down career. Among the trouble he gets into outside of football:
  • Gets busted outside a Chicago nightclub in '05 for having a handgun in his vehicle. Pleads guilty.
  • Police raid his home in December, '06 & find 6 unregistered firearms. This, obviously, is a violation of his probation set after the '05 incident.
  • Just 2 days after the raid, Johnson's bodyguard is shot & killed during an early morning fight at a Chicago nightclub that the two are hanging out at.
  • Johnson is suspended a whole game for being at the aforementioned nightclub, but is allowed to play in the SB.
  • Johnson serves 45 days for the firearms incident.
  • Early in '07, Johnson is suspended for 8 games, with the stipulation it could be lessened if he keeps his life clean.
  • Only days after his suspension, & proclaiming he had learned his lesson, Johnson gets arrested for speeding at 3:30 A.M.
  • The Bears let Johnson go.
  • The Cowboys, claiming everyone should have a second chance, sign this accident waiting to happen to a two year deal.
What in the world has happened to the Dallas Cowboys? Have they gotten so desperate, they are forced to sign punks like this? This guy hasn't gotten a second chance, he's used up all 9 lives & then some. Come on!! Look at all the crap he's gotten into in only a few years in the NFL. You really think he's learned anything except how to manipulate the system.

He did it all through college, and now he's doing it in the NFL. I truly hope the Cowboys get burned on this one...and every other time they sign thugs who should be wearing leg irons, not knee pads.

Your list is cute and all but is essentially making two issues into 6 and failing to mention that the charges for the last arrest were dropped.

The scouting report says that he was difficult to reach yet Lovie Smith and staff have nothing but positives to say about his actions in the meeting room and locker room and he played consistently well last season.

There were some rumors concerning him and weed in college but he has had no weed related issues in the pros. He was labeled a malcontent in college yet in the NFL there is not a peep of such. Basically his only problem in the pros has been a gun problem which he didnt have in college.

Hey if youre unsure about the guy becuase hes been arrested on gun charges a couple of times then that is understandable but this portrayal youre making is just flat *** wrong.
Can anyone comment on his ability to play?
Let's GO TANK!

FuzzyLumpkins;1718060 said:
Your list is cute and all but is essentially making two issues into 6 and failing to mention that the charges for the last arrest were dropped.

The scouting report says that he was difficult to reach yet Lovie Smith and staff have nothing but positives to say about his actions in the meeting room and locker room and he played consistently well last season.

There were some rumors concerning him and weed in college but he has had no weed related issues in the pros. He was labeled a malcontent in college yet in the NFL there is not a peep of such. Basically his only problem in the pros has been a gun problem which he didnt have in college.

Hey if youre unsure about the guy becuase hes been arrested on gun charges a couple of times then that is understandable but this portrayal youre making is just flat *** wrong.

Right, and everything that Pro Football Weekly said about him was totally off-base too, right? Where do you think they got their information? His coaches, teammates, etc.

I don't care what some of you, "Let's hire any mercenary that comes along, as long as he can play", types think. Most of you come from the "X" gen & have little concern about values or character.

Hey, I know, let's hire Albert Haynesworth and Chad Johnson too. Who cares if they rake their cleats across an opponent's exposed face, or cuss out our QB because they don't get the ball thrown to them enough. As soon as they become Cowboys, well then, they're suddenly all right.

I've been a Cowboys fan for over 42 years, so unfortunately, I can remember when character & values really meant something to this team & its fans. When I said I hoped they got burned on this Johnson deal, I meant that I hoped it would make them think twice before hiring another "me" player. When you've seen what a real "team" looks like, you get spoiled to what greatness looks like, and what this team can really be.
Cogan;1718687 said:
Right, and everything that Pro Football Weekly said about him was totally off-base too, right? Where do you think they got their information? His coaches, teammates, etc.

I don't care what some of you, "Let's hire any mercenary that comes along, as long as he can play", types think. Most of you come from the "X" gen & have little concern about values or character.

Hey, I know, let's hire Albert Haynesworth and Chad Johnson too. Who cares if they rake their cleats across an opponent's exposed face, or cuss out our QB because they don't get the ball thrown to them enough. As soon as they become Cowboys, well then, they're suddenly all right.

I've been a Cowboys fan for over 42 years, so unfortunately, I can remember when character & values really meant something to this team & its fans. When I said I hoped they got burned on this Johnson deal, I meant that I hoped it would make them think twice before hiring another "me" player. When you've seen what a real "team" looks like, you get spoiled to what greatness looks like, and what this team can really be.

:laugh2: :laugh2:

Yeah, big time Cowboy fan you are, huh? Character and value? :laugh1:

I guess you were in a coma during the days of the White House? I guess you forgot about some of the "supposed thugs" on the 90's team?

Get off the cross!
Cogan;1717838 said:
I truly hope the Cowboys get burned on this one...and every other time they sign thugs who should be wearing leg irons, not knee pads.
If I heard right, we have virtually nothing to lose if he doesn't pan out.
Cogan;1718687 said:
Hey, I know, let's hire Albert Haynesworth and Chad Johnson too.
No use for Johnson, but I have to admit, I'd give me left one to get Haynesworth in here. :eek::
Chocolate Lab;1718944 said:
No use for Johnson, but I have to admit, I'd give me left one to get Haynesworth in here. :eek::
Unlike most, I wouldn't mind either.
Since when has Chad Johnson been a problem off the field?

Cogan sure is quick to judge people.

I bet he's got a "Well" in his basement where he "puts the lotion in the bucket".
Cogan;1718687 said:
Right, and everything that Pro Football Weekly said about him was totally off-base too, right? Where do you think they got their information? His coaches, teammates, etc.

I don't care what some of you, "Let's hire any mercenary that comes along, as long as he can play", types think. Most of you come from the "X" gen & have little concern about values or character.

Hey, I know, let's hire Albert Haynesworth and Chad Johnson too. Who cares if they rake their cleats across an opponent's exposed face, or cuss out our QB because they don't get the ball thrown to them enough. As soon as they become Cowboys, well then, they're suddenly all right.

I've been a Cowboys fan for over 42 years, so unfortunately, I can remember when character & values really meant something to this team & its fans. When I said I hoped they got burned on this Johnson deal, I meant that I hoped it would make them think twice before hiring another "me" player. When you've seen what a real "team" looks like, you get spoiled to what greatness looks like, and what this team can really be.

Your holier than thou are dribble is amusing.

Where you cheering for the Cowboys during the 90's? Were all of Landry's teams squeeky clean too?

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