DMN: Tank Johnson cleared to practice with Cowboys

Thehoofbite;1717426 said:
may as well have let him be cleared to play. Wade said he wouldn't have been ready to play this week anyway.

So he will miss 1 game against Philly this way as opposed to being let onto the field right away but will come back against the Giants with 3 weeks preparation.

I like the ruling. I think its a fair compromise.

Imagine rolling into New York with a complete secondary, Tank Johnson and possibly Terry Glenn suiting up.

Oh, and Greg Ellis. New York is going to see a completely different team.

This is a good point, he will have time to learn his role with the team and Wade can see him in practice to best get a feel for how to play play him. Also he will have a chance to work on his conditioning. Remember he has not played a game since the Superbowl.
I didn't think Tank was going to his suspension reduced so, this is a good gesture by Commish, gives Tank and the team to get some practice time together and get to know eachother before week 9. Good news.
nyc;1717366 said:
Sounds like more Cowboy hate to me. They had to do something, but didn't want to go all the way. Jerkholes. :mad:

Yeah, not like he got arrested and narrowly avoided being charged or anything during his suspension
Another thought. Besides helping Tank get in football shape and learn our system, Phillips will have extra time to evaluate his usefulness and see how to fully utilize him but also how much he can move Ratliff around as a DE.

From my understanding of previous situation, Tank couldn't participate in team activities either on or off the field. Don't know whether any relationship between Tank and some of the team players has developed. Maybe not officially but certainly wouldn't be surprised if individually many of the players (particularly the team captains) haven't establish some kind of relationship with him.

Now he is totally free to have extensive contact with them it can only help his mental attitude/performance as well as the team. Understand from what Bear players have said, he's a good guy to have around and was very well liked. Doubt he's on the sidelines even in street clothes for either Vikes or Eagles games, so our first chance to see him in his Cowboys uniform comes against the Giants when he much needed.
Wade on Tank
Wade Phillips responded to questions on the return of Tank Johnson, as reported by Todd Archer, to practice tomorrow at the tail end of his press briefing this afternoon.

"It’ll be good to get him out on the field and in the meeting rooms too, so we can meet with him and he can learn the defense," said Phillips. "And in practicing, he’ll be getting ready to play."

Phillips said the steepest learning curve from Johnson will come in the new terminology Dallas will throw at Johnson. But the coach did joke that learning to play nose isn't exactly rocket science.

"Whip the guy in front of you and go get the ball ... and watch out, there’s gonna be a double team," said Phillips. "He’s played all the techniques. He just has to make sure he knows what we want to do with him and what techniques we want to play with him, because it’s going to be different than what (Jay) Ratliff plays for sure."

As for Tank, the person, Phillips said he's gotten a great first impression. Until now, Johnson's only been allowed to work out and receive counseling at the facility. That'll change tomorrow.

"Real gregarious kind of guy," said Phillips of Johnson. "He’s ready to play, wants to play, seems excited about it. He’s a pretty personable guy. All positives as far as I’m concerned."

Posted by Albert Breer at 4:02 PM (E-mail this entry) | Comments (3)
Yeah! If we would have had Tank, we would have won against New England for sure!

OK... maybe not. But it's nice to have him practicing and close to playing.
WoodysGirl;1717644 said:
"Real gregarious kind of guy," said Phillips of Johnson.
According to Merriman Webster:

Main Entry: gre·gar·i·ous Pronunciation: \gri-ˈger-ē-əs\ Function: adjective Etymology: Latin gregarius of a flock or herd, from greg-, grex flock, herd Date: 1668 1 a: tending to associate with others of one's kind : social b: marked by or indicating a liking for companionship : sociable c: of or relating to a social group2 aof a plant : growing in a cluster or a colony b: living in contiguous nests but not forming a true colony —used especially of wasps and bees
— gre·gar·i·ous·ly adverb
— gre·gar·i·ous·ness noun
Tank Johnson can practice with the Cowboys on Friday
Thursday, October 18, 2007

IRVING, Texas (AP) Suspended defensive tackle Tank Johnson will be allowed to practice starting Friday, which will be his first team session with the Dallas Cowboys since they signed him last month.

Johnson still has two games left on his eight-game NFL suspension for violating probation on a gun charge. Unless the suspension is reduced by commissioner Roger Goodell, Johnson will be eligible to play when the Cowboys play at the New York Giants on Nov. 11.

"It will be good to get him out on the field and get him in the meeting room too," Cowboys coach Wade Phillips said. "All I know is he's going to practice. I don't know when he's going to be able to play, or when he'll be able to play."

Johnson, who was released by the Chicago Bears after his suspension, signed with the Cowboys last month. The Bears let him go after he was picked up for speeding at 3:30 a.m. shortly after he was suspended.

He has been able to work out individually at Valley Ranch and meet with the team's player assistance staff, headed by Calvin Hill. Until now, Johnson hasn't been able to work out with the team or work with the coaching staff.

"He's a gregarious kind of guy," Phillips said. "He's ready to play, wants to play and seems excited about it. He's a pretty personable guy, so it's all positives as far as I'm concerned."

NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said Goodell had given Johnson permission to practice because the Cowboys have a bye week next week and won't practice much. Aiello emphasized that the suspension had not yet been lifted officially.

Johnson wasn't in the locker room when it was open to reporters Thursday before practice.

Johnson, a second round pick by the Bears in 2004, started 10 games for Chicago as it went to the Super Bowl last season.

Last December, police his suburban Chicago home and found six unregistered firearms, a violation of his probation on a charge stemming from Johnson's 2005 arrest. That came after a Chicago nightclub valet reported seeing Johnson with a handgun in his SUV. He subsequently pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge.

Two days after last December's raid, Willie B. Posey, Johnson's bodyguard, was shot and killed in an early-morning fight while he and Johnson were at a Chicago nightclub.

Johnson was suspended by the Bears for one game for being at the club. But he played in the Super Bowl as the Chicago lost to Indianapolis.

He eventually pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor weapons charge stemming from the December raid as part of a deal with prosecutors that kept him from serving more time in jail. He was ordered to serve 45 days for violating probation, which he served concurrently with the sentence on the guilty plea.
iceberg;1717510 said:
you know, if tank wouldn't have put himself in this position it wouldn't be an issue. so why in THE HELL is it cowboys hate when he's simply enforcing the entire suspension OFWHICH isn't much of a surprise?

geez people take this a tad too personal.

That's great news. It'd have been hard for him to get up to speed much earlier anyway.
This would be sweet

Henry comes back against the Eagles

Tank comes back against the Giants

Glenn comes back against the Skins (ok, I can hope can't I?)
O.K., let's see if we got this right:

Terry "Tank" Johnson, DT, Washington, was recently signed for a two year stint with the Dallas Cowboys. Even back in his college days, Johnson earned the reputation of "being considered a 'me' guy. Not respectful to staff and teammates. Hasn't played to potential. Takes plays off. Keeps his defenses up and is hard to reach. Depending on his mood, he's either a dominant player or a flasher. He's been the latter throughout his collegiate career". *Pro Football Weekly 2004 Draft Preview.

Then Johnson is drafted in the second round of the '04 draft by the Bears. He, predictably, has an up-and-down career. Among the trouble he gets into outside of football:
  • Gets busted outside a Chicago nightclub in '05 for having a handgun in his vehicle. Pleads guilty.
  • Police raid his home in December, '06 & find 6 unregistered firearms. This, obviously, is a violation of his probation set after the '05 incident.
  • Just 2 days after the raid, Johnson's bodyguard is shot & killed during an early morning fight at a Chicago nightclub that the two are hanging out at.
  • Johnson is suspended a whole game for being at the aforementioned nightclub, but is allowed to play in the SB.
  • Johnson serves 45 days for the firearms incident.
  • Early in '07, Johnson is suspended for 8 games, with the stipulation it could be lessened if he keeps his life clean.
  • Only days after his suspension, & proclaiming he had learned his lesson, Johnson gets arrested for speeding at 3:30 A.M.
  • The Bears let Johnson go.
  • The Cowboys, claiming everyone should have a second chance, sign this accident waiting to happen to a two year deal.
What in the world has happened to the Dallas Cowboys? Have they gotten so desperate, they are forced to sign punks like this? This guy hasn't gotten a second chance, he's used up all 9 lives & then some. Come on!! Look at all the crap he's gotten into in only a few years in the NFL. You really think he's learned anything except how to manipulate the system.

He did it all through college, and now he's doing it in the NFL. I truly hope the Cowboys get burned on this one...and every other time they sign thugs who should be wearing leg irons, not knee pads.
Hostile;1717395 said:
Randy White and Bob Lilly. I'm spoiled.


I'll take half of either one of those guys and be happy with it.
Roster on the official site says he is wearing number 92 - same as Remi Ayodele. Does this mean Remi is out when Tank is ready?

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