CFZ Do fans ever "hang their cleats up"?


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I'm a Cowboys fan who happens to like many of the offseason moves the Cowboys have made this year. Missed out some players I would have to have seen drafted, but other than that, I don't really have much to complain about.

At the same time, I have my doubts about whether the Cowboys have done enough to catch up to the Eagles. The Eagles have been fortunate the past couple of seasons by getting rid of Carson Wentz and finding a sucker team to suck draft capital out of while scoring on their own QB in the 2nd round. So I'm not personally mad at the Eagles for being successful, just bad timing for the Cowboys.

Long story short, I'm optimistic that the Cowboys can get to at least the NFC championship, yet would not be surprised if we don't. I don't really know what the odds are for getting past the Eagles or getting deep into the playoffs or Super Bowl. I just know I am getting close to the end of my ropes. I don't think I can recover from another playoff heartbreak. And yes I felt the same way during the end of the Tom Landry era and hopped right back in when the early 90s Cowboys broke the playoff futility streak and won a few SBs.

But you get to a certain age in life and you can no longer justify being miserable on Sundays or miserable each January. Feeling like you should have spent your Sundays doing more important things. That's kind of where I'm at.

Just curious if other fans relate to that feeling.


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Losses don't affect me like they use to when I was younger, and I'm only 31 lol, but I stopped taking losses bad when the team quit on wade in 2010. It sucks when they lose, but I get over it real quick now, when I was in . middle and high school, I use to not want nobody to bother me when they lost lol


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I'm a Cowboys fan who happens to like many of the offseason moves the Cowboys have made this year. Missed out some players I would have to have seen drafted, but other than that, I don't really have much to complain about.

At the same time, I have my doubts about whether the Cowboys have done enough to catch up to the Eagles. The Eagles have been fortunate the past couple of seasons by getting rid of Carson Wentz and finding a sucker team to suck draft capital out of while scoring on their own QB in the 2nd round. So I'm not personally mad at the Eagles for being successful, just bad timing for the Cowboys.

Long story short, I'm optimistic that the Cowboys can get to at least the NFC championship, yet would not be surprised if we don't. I don't really know what the odds are for getting past the Eagles or getting deep into the playoffs or Super Bowl. I just know I am getting close to the end of my ropes. I don't think I can recover from another playoff heartbreak. And yes I felt the same way during the end of the Tom Landry era and hopped right back in when the early 90s Cowboys broke the playoff futility streak and won a few SBs.

But you get to a certain age in life and you can no longer justify being miserable on Sundays or miserable each January. Feeling like you should have spent your Sundays doing more important things. That's kind of where I'm at.

Just curious if other fans relate to that feeling.
Great post.
Right there with ya.


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My season starts at the first preseason game and ends one second after the last game. Don't really follow much, read much or post much in the off-season. Jerry does what Jerry does and we're just along for the ride.
You sure miss a lot of the fun.


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I quit getting worked up after the 2016 Packer loss at AT&T....the team had TWO YEARS to stew over getting screwed in Green Bay in 2014, yet they come out flat and go down 21-3 to start the game....that was it for me. "Blank em" was my immediate thought...and still is.


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I'm a Cowboys fan who happens to like many of the offseason moves the Cowboys have made this year. Missed out some players I would have to have seen drafted, but other than that, I don't really have much to complain about.

At the same time, I have my doubts about whether the Cowboys have done enough to catch up to the Eagles. The Eagles have been fortunate the past couple of seasons by getting rid of Carson Wentz and finding a sucker team to suck draft capital out of while scoring on their own QB in the 2nd round. So I'm not personally mad at the Eagles for being successful, just bad timing for the Cowboys.

Long story short, I'm optimistic that the Cowboys can get to at least the NFC championship, yet would not be surprised if we don't. I don't really know what the odds are for getting past the Eagles or getting deep into the playoffs or Super Bowl. I just know I am getting close to the end of my ropes. I don't think I can recover from another playoff heartbreak. And yes I felt the same way during the end of the Tom Landry era and hopped right back in when the early 90s Cowboys broke the playoff futility streak and won a few SBs.

But you get to a certain age in life and you can no longer justify being miserable on Sundays or miserable each January. Feeling like you should have spent your Sundays doing more important things. That's kind of where I'm at.

Just curious if other fans relate to that feeling.
You "hang up your cleats" I suppose when you're on the wrong side of the grass.


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But you get to a certain age in life and you can no longer justify being miserable on Sundays or miserable each January. Feeling like you should have spent your Sundays doing more important things. That's kind of where I'm at.

Just curious if other fans relate to that feeling.
Good for you. Good place to be.
Sounds like you're overcoming your addiction to the dopamine hits of the trivial and unproductive. Here's hoping you escape. The world will be a better place.

Sportsball is the opiate of the masses.
Along with social media.


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I'm a Cowboys fan who happens to like many of the offseason moves the Cowboys have made this year. Missed out some players I would have to have seen drafted, but other than that, I don't really have much to complain about.

At the same time, I have my doubts about whether the Cowboys have done enough to catch up to the Eagles. The Eagles have been fortunate the past couple of seasons by getting rid of Carson Wentz and finding a sucker team to suck draft capital out of while scoring on their own QB in the 2nd round. So I'm not personally mad at the Eagles for being successful, just bad timing for the Cowboys.

Long story short, I'm optimistic that the Cowboys can get to at least the NFC championship, yet would not be surprised if we don't. I don't really know what the odds are for getting past the Eagles or getting deep into the playoffs or Super Bowl. I just know I am getting close to the end of my ropes. I don't think I can recover from another playoff heartbreak. And yes I felt the same way during the end of the Tom Landry era and hopped right back in when the early 90s Cowboys broke the playoff futility streak and won a few SBs.

But you get to a certain age in life and you can no longer justify being miserable on Sundays or miserable each January. Feeling like you should have spent your Sundays doing more important things. That's kind of where I'm at.

Just curious if other fans relate to that feeling.
Good for you....think of it as pure entertainment. You have great movies, and movies that suck. But you still continue to watch them at the cinema, Netflix or online. I can imagine how you would be feeling if you at least experienced the 70's or 90's glory years. Talk about feeling like a drug addict needing a fix. But, yeah, just enjoy and roll with the punches. And use this forum as your therapy.


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Good post, different - I like it.

Not sure "hang up cleats" as that sounds like you are stopping being a fan completely however, dialling back on your commitment and passion I'd say a yes by quite a bit.

I'm a football fan (what you call soccer) and followed my team to EVERY home and away game in my teens and early 20s - that was 40+ games a year. I slowly cut back to the place now I go to 3 or 4 games a year and I'm in my 50s now. I think age and factors such as "stuff" taking over (kids really).

I will however always be a fan, get excited watching my team live or on TV, I'm just not as "invested" in the process.

Turning to the Cowboys, I became a fan when they hit UK TV in the mid 80s and nothing will change until the day I roll over, I will always see them as "mine". I can also say I took the last 2 losses to SF quite hard and that surprised me, guess I realised they are entertainment but I am also a fan at heart.


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With all respect I find it a bit pitiful that some fans here have lost enjoyment, lost belief yet keep on posting the same angry or whiny messages.

Get a different hobby, or re-define your approach whereby you enjoy yourself.

-I've added multiple teams I enjoy. Currently three teams.
-I only watch recorded games. I get to edit out all the commercials. If I know it's an ugly loss, I usually skip viewing until emotions are gone and I'm curious enough to watch (if ever)
-I enjoy wins when they happen

If you are a masochist that's on you. If you want to be happy make a plan that works for YOU.
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For any NFL fan:

Chances of your season ending gleefully are 32:1 against you. If you are one of those fans who DEMANDS a are going to be one unhappy loser over and over and over again.


Well-Known Member
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I'm a Cowboys fan who happens to like many of the offseason moves the Cowboys have made this year. Missed out some players I would have to have seen drafted, but other than that, I don't really have much to complain about.

At the same time, I have my doubts about whether the Cowboys have done enough to catch up to the Eagles. The Eagles have been fortunate the past couple of seasons by getting rid of Carson Wentz and finding a sucker team to suck draft capital out of while scoring on their own QB in the 2nd round. So I'm not personally mad at the Eagles for being successful, just bad timing for the Cowboys.

Long story short, I'm optimistic that the Cowboys can get to at least the NFC championship, yet would not be surprised if we don't. I don't really know what the odds are for getting past the Eagles or getting deep into the playoffs or Super Bowl. I just know I am getting close to the end of my ropes. I don't think I can recover from another playoff heartbreak. And yes I felt the same way during the end of the Tom Landry era and hopped right back in when the early 90s Cowboys broke the playoff futility streak and won a few SBs.

But you get to a certain age in life and you can no longer justify being miserable on Sundays or miserable each January. Feeling like you should have spent your Sundays doing more important things. That's kind of where I'm at.

Just curious if other fans relate to that feeling.
Interesting. The only time I ever quit on a team was never because they were bad, but because the game changed to a point that I can no longer watch. For example, I was a life long Yankees fan. I no longer like the sport, nor do I watch the sport. I may have to try to watch some games with the new rules.

If I ever stop watching the Cowboys, it won't be because they're losing. It will be because the game is getting soft and 5 million commercials.

But I want to touch on heartbreak losses in the playoffs for a second. I can't speak for you, but besides super bowl losses, the only playoff heartbreaks I suffered were in this order. 2016, 2014, 2007, 1994, 1982, 1981, 1980, 1979, 1976. Those were all of the years I had hoped for more. Those losses bothered me. I'm not going to be heartbroken over a team I thought had little chance at going anywhere. If they win by some miracle, fantastic. But I'm not going to get heartbroken over a playoff loss that I fully expected. That's just me. But I will admit, any Championship game loss is a heartbreaker. Because you're just one game away.