Hang them up? Never!
I like the off-season and what they do to improve, or at times, not improve is frustrating.
Some fans take it different ways. Some the team is always right, to some the team is always wrong. We see it daily on here. Some good debates as well, entertainment.
They don't bother me as they used to (most of the time

I am somewhere in the 75% of most is right, as I will look at the positive side more so than the negatives. But will admit they are there, the negatives...a lot at times. But all that has been debated before.
I love each season as it starts, and what the season can bring. Yes there are times we know it will not be a good season, 1988, 89, but 1990 was fun to watch the team grow.
Early 2000's yes I knew the team was going to be down. But never hung up my cleats. Parcels gave up hope.
Once Garrett was gone, or I would have at least put them away but still watch. MM comes along and most has looked up since then.
I was not into the draft this year as I usually was, but now with the schedule release and OTA's coming up there will be news. Though it really may not mean much to some. As we will get...underwear practice posts.
Can't wait for the season to start, not just Dallas, but all football, NFL & NCAA. I have a feeling it will be a long summer though.