CFZ Do we need to believe in Prescott to root him on?


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I keep hearing this mantra from fans who say” I don’t believe Dak is the guy, or is enough, etc..

OK, who really cares what fans believe.

What we need to be discussing or bashing are the ones responsible for believing and investing in Prescott .

It’s like ok. We paid him, why isn’t he meeting those expectations? Instead of maybe the guys who invested in him missed the boat or had ulterior motives or lack thereof.

Personally , I’ve thought he’s been over valued , not Elite and would need much support for the ultimate team success but I see no reason to bash him . It’s not his fault our front office over valued him.

In the meantime , I’ll still root him on like the other 52 guys on the roster. I don’t have to believe in anything. This thought that we can’t support our guys unless we believe in them is pure rubbish and simply egotistical fan rhetoric.

Who cares if you believe in him or not. And nobody cares if you thought you were right. The only ones we hold accountable are the ones making the decisions. That’s who should bear the brunt of the bashing and criticism. They are the ones who continue to believe and invest in him without more success. The fans are just rooting on their guys . Until they aren’t their guys.

If you want to discuss stats and results that’s fine but fans discussing this personal belief is pure crappola. Who cares. Lol


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It's all about wins and this season Dallas is 1-1 with Dak as QB. I think it's unfair to judge when he hasn't played 2 full game yet.

In my opinion, sit back and watch how everything plays out. Either Dak will help lead the Cowboys to the playoffs and win or he will fail to make the playoffs or be one and done. At the end of the season, that's when we will know better how his season went.

For the record, with this defense no reason Dallas shouldn't win 12 games. Fail to do that and some changes has to be made


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It's all about wins and this season Dallas is 1-1 with Dak as QB. I think it's unfair to judge when he hasn't played 2 full game yet.

In my opinion, sit back and watch how everything plays out. Either Dak will help lead the Cowboys to the playoffs and win or he will fail to make the playoffs or be one and done. At the end of the season, that's when we will know better how his season went.

For the record, with this defense no reason Dallas shouldn't win 12 games. Fail to do that and some changes has to be made
And if they aren’t made , who do you hold accountable?

Do you blame Prescott or the organization that believes and continues investing in him?


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Emmitt had to carry the ball 20 a game for Troy to win, allegedly. Dak needs 100 yards on the ground for him to win, supposedly. I don't see that big of a difference between what's needed for both guys to win. So maybe there are other factors involved. Like defense, coaching, and play calling.


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Emmitt had to carry the ball 20 a game for Troy to win, allegedly. Dak needs 100 yards on the ground for him to win, supposedly. I don't see that big of a difference between what's needed for both guys to win. So maybe there are other factors involved. Like defense, coaching, and play calling.

It’s entirely possible Prescott isn’t the guy. But if he’s not who’s fault is that .

Most believe we should have never ever paid him this type of second contract . He wasn’t that level of talent.

Who’s fault is that? Instead they want to hold Prescott responsible instead of who believed in him and paid him.


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It's all about wins and this season Dallas is 1-1 with Dak as QB. I think it's unfair to judge when he hasn't played 2 full game yet.

In my opinion, sit back and watch how everything plays out. Either Dak will help lead the Cowboys to the playoffs and win or he will fail to make the playoffs or be one and done. At the end of the season, that's when we will know better how his season went.

For the record, with this defense no reason Dallas shouldn't win 12 games. Fail to do that and some changes has to be made
56 minutes played, 10 points vs the worst D in the league.
I hope we win the very game, but I am sick of Dak Prescott.


Cowboys Diehard
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This is not an opportune time to request ratings for Dak. He's trying to over a thumb injury to his throwing hand. It would be best to wait until a point in time when he's totally overcome the limitations that it entails. I'm not inclined to render any premature judgment on his eventual legacy just yet.

I think Dak has been far more of a good QB than a great or "elite" one. His reputation has been at a low ebb for a while now, largely due to the injuries that hurt his performance. Let's hope he'll manage to return to his former level of performance or better, in the years yet to come.

We'll see how he fares in the times ahead. I think those who feel he's being overpaid might rightly hold the team's management responsible more than Dak, himself. They could have had him for less money when the time came to sign him a year earlier than they did.
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I keep hearing this mantra from fans who say” I don’t believe Dak is the guy, or is enough, etc..

OK, who really cares what fans believe.

What we need to be discussing or bashing are the ones responsible for believing and investing in Prescott .

It’s like ok. We paid him, why isn’t he meeting those expectations? Instead of maybe the guys who invested in him missed the boat or had ulterior motives or lack thereof.

Personally , I’ve thought he’s been over valued , not Elite and would need much support for the ultimate team success but I see no reason to bash him . It’s not his fault our front office over valued him.

In the meantime , I’ll still root him on like the other 52 guys on the roster. I don’t have to believe in anything. This thought that we can’t support our guys unless we believe in them is pure rubbish and simply egotistical fan rhetoric.

Who cares if you believe in him or not. And nobody cares if you thought you were right. The only ones we hold accountable are the ones making the decisions. That’s who should bear the brunt of the bashing and criticism. They are the ones who continue to believe and invest in him without more success. The fans are just rooting on their guys . Until they aren’t their guys.

If you want to discuss stats and results that’s fine but fans discussing this personal belief is pure crappola. Who cares. Lol

This is great post. Spot on!! I thought we're supposed to root for people who WEAR the Dallas Cowboys uniform. That's what's hilarious.

Like i said before.... some people have legit gripes concerning Dak, but you can tell they're real fans because they'll bust Dak's balls when he plays bad.... but they're also man or women enough to give credit when he's earned it.

Then you have people that ONLY post after games we loss and post all week after the loss to rant on with negative stuff and put ALL blame on one or two different players even though they only play on one out of the three sides of the ball....

BUT WHEN WE WIN..... they disappear with little to zero responses ALL week and fail to give players credit when its deserved.... they also disappear and fail to mention anything about the great or close win all week.

Ask yourself this.... what makes a fan of the Dallas Cowboys only post all week when they lose games, but disappear for days when we win games?? Or the minimal posts they share are negative after winning a game. EVERYTIME!!!

What makes a Cowboys fan upset after a Cowboys win to the point they disappear for days or still find negatives to cry about?? They don't have anything positive to say about the team adding another W on the record???

America's Cowboy

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This is great post. Spot on!! I thought we're supposed to root for people who WEAR the Dallas Cowboys uniform. That's what's hilarious.

Like i said before.... some people have legit gripes concerning Dak, but you can tell they're real fans because they'll bust Dak's balls when he plays bad.... but they're also man or women enough to give credit when he's earned it.

Then you have people that ONLY post after games we loss and post all week after the loss to rant on with negative stuff and put ALL blame on one or two different players even though they only play on one out of the three sides of the ball....

BUT WHEN WE WIN..... they disappear with little to zero responses ALL week and fail to give players credit when its deserved.... they also disappear and fail to mention anything about the great or close win all week.

Ask yourself this.... what makes a fan of the Dallas Cowboys only post all week when they lose games, but disappear for days when we win games?? Or the minimal posts they share are negative after winning a game. EVERYTIME!!!

What makes a Cowboys fan upset after a Cowboys win to the point they disappear for days or still find negatives to cry about?? They don't have anything positive to say about the team adding another W on the record???
They are not fans. Simply critics. But when it concerns a player they truly like, and that player plays bad, you hear nothing but crickets from those critics.


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I think you missed the actual point of the OP's message, bro. Sorry :)

He's saying who cares what anyone here BELIEVES Dak can do or not. Root for the guy because he's our QB. Sure, he states his opinion about Dak, but had literally just said fan opinions on him don't mean squat. That includes his own.

Here's my two cents:

Let's hope Dak gets us to the promised land in the mean time regardless of who believes he can or not.


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I don't need to believe in Dak to root for him. It's not like he kicked my dog, I have no faith in the guy to get us to and through the playoffs. We are almost at mid-season and he's only been part of one win. So that's not enough to change my mind.


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I like Dak ....i believe in Dak and i think hes a top 10 QB

i want him to bring us a superbowl

i want anyone to bring us a superbowl

but I'll be just as happy if Grier bought us one
Are there any fans that don’t feel that way? There can’t be any grown adult fans that root for a player over the team.

That’s some nonsense that the board idiots have proposed in some lame attempt to create an equivalency of the hate they feel.


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Of course not I root for Dak and am a supporter but I’m not 100% certain he’s the guy.
I don’t know the we need THE guy!

wasn’t big on Romo at all but I cheered for him on Sunday