The history of the Dallas Cowboy boards, from the DMN, ESPN, Yahoo and all the privately owned boards has something in common. They are visited by Commander fans wanting to ridicule the one team they seem to envy the most.
Over the last seven years I have been posting on a variety of Cowboy boards, I have seen the occassional comment to the all-out attack by hordes of Skins fans wanting to flame our team and its fans.
The one constant in all of this is the fact that we as Cowboy fans, have maintained we were better than the Commander fanbase. Like the team we all admire, we were a better lot than the Arts and others that would rewrite history to win an argument, or make outlandish comments about players or cap space when all the street signs indicate they were wrong.
So when I read a thread that essentially is contradicting a rule that has been in this league for as long as I have been watching, and that is over 40 years, it makes me wonder if we are now who we ridicule?
Have we become a fanbase that deals in non-reality over taking the good with the bad and showing a game face of seeing our team as it is, and not some dreamy-eyed fantasy because we are in denial?
As to the topic at hand, there are many reasons why it is as it is.
1. The networks wish it to be.
2. The players have a higher risk of injury if a fifth period were to be played.
3. The residual toll taken on the team in subsequent weeks would have a potential of a negative effect. Especially during the years opf parity when there are more OT games than ever before.
But my point is simple. The timing of a thread, no matter how innocuous, attaches a perception to this fanbase that we are crybabies, just like the Commander fans.
After years of circling the wagons on many a board from attack by these wild savages, I'd just as soon not run the risk of looking like a hypocrite.
I prefer the high road, thanks.