Do you own any interesting old objects?

I have an old Garand. We did some research and found it was made in '41. Believe it was originally issued for use in the Pacific theater in WWII. When it cam back, it ended up at Ft. Dix, OH. It got some upgrades there, hooded rear sight and all the other stuff. Apparently it never got used after that. It was sold to a gentleman in Oregon in 1953. It sat in a box in his closet till he died. Bought it from his son, still in that box, with the cardboard tube still in the barrel. I got all the packing materials with it, along with the receipt and everything. Obviously, I can't shoot the thing now. :( Told the grand sons whichever one wasn't in jail when I die, gets it.
I have tons of other old guns. Got my fathers old Winchester M67 single shot 22LR. When he passed away, my step mother brought it out of the closet, what was left of it. Had no bolt, no finish, missing front sight,etc.. Asked me if I wanted it. Really didn't until she told me Dad had been trying to find the parts to repair it for 30 years. Obviously, I couldn't leave that undone. Found every missing piece on Ebay that week, and refinished it. Not worth 75 bucks to anyone but me, but I wouldn't take a million dollars for it.
Have a bunch of the Colt snake revolvers, some older 1911's (not nearly as old as Trouty's though), and a bunch of pre 64 Winchesters. I make custom rifles, and sell some stuff as well, so I see a fairly consistent amount of old guns.
Model of 1917 Eddystone 30 06, my dad won in a .25 raffle back in 1960.

I've never fired it. I'll pass it on to my son some day.
That was a major ' power buy' your father pulled off Clos.
In my dusty recollections you might want to google search that particular models ser# range as I recall something about a bad batch of weaken recievers ,again in my dusty recollections I'm thinking it's that manufactured model,,I've been wrong b-4.
My navel is old. I sit and gaze at it for hours, so I guess I think its interesting. :D

Mostly old pictures and stories about family I've discovered while researching my ancestry. Nothing older than documents from my grandfather in the 1920's. No artifacts, though.
After several hours of careful observation via technology gained from Fantastic Voyage I have been able to determine that Yes: Your navel is indeed old. Animal House! I'm revoking your charter!
I have an old Garand. We did some research and found it was made in '41. Believe it was originally issued for use in the Pacific theater in WWII. When it cam back, it ended up at Ft. Dix, OH. It got some upgrades there, hooded rear sight and all the other stuff. Apparently it never got used after that. It was sold to a gentleman in Oregon in 1953. It sat in a box in his closet till he died. Bought it from his son, still in that box, with the cardboard tube still in the barrel. I got all the packing materials with it, along with the receipt and everything. Obviously, I can't shoot the thing now. :( Told the grand sons whichever one wasn't in jail when I die, gets it.
I have tons of other old guns. Got my fathers old Winchester M67 single shot 22LR. When he passed away, my step mother brought it out of the closet, what was left of it. Had no bolt, no finish, missing front sight,etc.. Asked me if I wanted it. Really didn't until she told me Dad had been trying to find the parts to repair it for 30 years. Obviously, I couldn't leave that undone. Found every missing piece on Ebay that week, and refinished it. Not worth 75 bucks to anyone but me, but I wouldn't take a million dollars for it.
Have a bunch of the Colt snake revolvers, some older 1911's (not nearly as old as Trouty's though), and a bunch of pre 64 Winchesters. I make custom rifles, and sell some stuff as well, so I see a fairly consistent amount of old guns.
Hey Roughneck!,,, any idea what the guy in Oregon paid for it back in 53?
sounds like it received the national match arsenal upgrade.
That was a major ' power buy' your father pulled off Clos.
In my dusty recollections you might want to google search that particular models ser# range as I recall something about a bad batch of weaken recievers ,again in my dusty recollections I'm thinking it's that manufactured model,,I've been wrong b-4.
Some of them had heat treat issues. Awesome design, though.
No can do kemosabe!
I will have to look when I get home. I am offshore right now, but I think it was like 40 or 50 bucks. Wish I could have gotten it for that! lol

No Doubt!
Hell yes pre 68 GCA,,, those .30 carbines were going for around
$19.95( minimum wage was something like .50-.60 cents per hour though) out of the back ad pages of magazines

( kinda illustrates the erosion of the 2nd amendment through the graduation of the disconnect between government and the people)

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