Do you own any interesting old objects?

Here is the indenture contract dated 1787.

Haha, wow that is old. I used to do title work in Oil & Gas so I saw a ton of old documents. Never saw one that old, but I only worked TX.

Only thing interesting I have is a bunch of old letters from the Civil War from family members. It's funny how a bunch of old uneducated southerners could still write and communicate more eloquently than a lot of people today. (plus some of the stuff is nightmare fuel, like the mentions of screams in camp from amputations)
Not sure how to define old but I have a 1953 Ford tractor that sees regular duty plowing snow, mowing the field, grading the driveway and other such tasks.
Had all of the action figures from the first star wars movie. Mom sold them all in a yard sale for change.

Worst was I had the bigger action figures of Darth Vadar, Luke, Chewbacca and Bobafet. Chewie and Bobafet each still had every little piece with it.
She sold those in the same yard sale for change.


Revenge of the Son.

I got everything back ... 100-fold!
Not sure how to define old but I have a 1953 Ford tractor that sees regular duty plowing snow, mowing the field, grading the driveway and other such tasks.

Cool,,is it an 8n model or
9n? The 9 was a little beefier and had another hi- lo shift lever for something ( I think) ,we always had a 8n around , after dad passed I saw where he'd bought another one only original with 6 volt positive ground,,,he had an old car collection,,, I snagged his 29 coupe modA before mom and the sister blew it out the door at auction,,, still have it,,,I'll fire it up(all original) and tool around half the block to check the mail ,,,,sometimes :)
Cool,,is it an 8n model or
9n? The 9 was a little beefier and had another hi- lo shift lever for something ( I think) ,we always had a 8n around , after dad passed I saw where he'd bought another one only original with 6 volt positive ground,,,he had an old car collection,,, I snagged his 29 coupe modA before mom and the sister blew it out the door at auction,,, still have it,,,I'll fire it up(all original) and tool around half the block to check the mail ,,,,sometimes :)

53 was the first year of the NAA or Golden Jubilee. A bit bigger motor then the 8n and 9n and live hydrailics. Still no live pto so the bush hog will keep driving the transmission until it winds down. Got to plan for that if you don't have one of those override hubs on the pto shaft! The old N series were affectionately known as the widow makers.

Mine is also a six volt p ground. Best fifty bucks I ever spent was for and electronic ignition plate to replace the points and condenser.

That 29 must be a hoot! Guy I used too work for had a 29 that he restored to show quality condition.
53 was the first year of the NAA or Golden Jubilee. A bit bigger motor then the 8n and 9n and live hydrailics. Still no live pto so the bush hog will keep driving the transmission until it winds down. Got to plan for that if you don't have one of those override hubs on the pto shaft! The old N series were affectionately known as the widow makers.

Mine is also a six volt p ground. Best fifty bucks I ever spent was for and electronic ignition plate to replace the points and condenser.

That 29 must be a hoot! Guy I used too work for had a 29 that he restored to show quality condition.
Ha,ha,ha! Widow maker!
That's hilarious as I used to have to bush hog about 2.5 acres of grass at the yard with that same non disconnecting model since I was about 10 or 12 and that PTO would seem like it would keep ' pushing' on you ,,, being a resourceful
Yet dumb yahoo I'd use a carriage bolt and several wraps off black tape to secure that bush hog mower shaft to the pto output shaft when I'd have to hook it up,,,it only took me one time to learn I needed to put more wraps of tape around that bolt( clang/ bang/ hand grenade went off behind me:lmao:)
I'm not sure but i think dad had swapped out the points and condenser with that plate also with that one he had at the end, he kept it in the shop and had some kinda golf course looking tires mounted on it.

My coupe is real close if not show room condition as it's an 80's frame off restoration, the problem is the fabric roof(sports coupe) has Phillips head screws installed thru out it's installation and those weren't even invented in 1929,,, I did take a plastic milk jug cap and insulate a dead short I had going on down at the starter contact , I have a single blade windshield wiper for it mounted but I just didn't feel like drilling holes in it to mount a set of cowl lights that dad had ordered for it,,, thank God for that emergency hand brake cuz' I had about 600 pounds of old fat grey haired ladies shoveled into it one time,taking them for a ride coming down a slight hill,,, those mechanical brakes are ,,,well you pretty much got to drive it like you have no brakes,,, and I had to actually get a step ladder to stand on to extract the one stuck in the rumble seat when I deemed the rides over ladies(whew!)
Ha,ha,ha! Widow maker!
That's hilarious as I used to have to bush hog about 2.5 acres of grass at the yard with that same non disconnecting model since I was about 10 or 12 and that PTO would seem like it would keep ' pushing' on you ,,, being a resourceful
Yet dumb yahoo I'd use a carriage bolt and several wraps off black tape to secure that bush hog mower shaft to the pto output shaft when I'd have to hook it up,,,it only took me one time to learn I needed to put more wraps of tape around that bolt( clang/ bang/ hand grenade went off behind me:lmao:)
I'm not sure but i think dad had swapped out the points and condenser with that plate also with that one he had at the end, he kept it in the shop and had some kinda golf course looking tires mounted on it.

My coupe is real close if not show room condition as it's an 80's frame off restoration, the problem is the fabric roof(sports coupe) has Phillips head screws installed thru out it's installation and those weren't even invented in 1929,,, I did take a plastic milk jug cap and insulate a dead short I had going on down at the starter contact , I have a single blade windshield wiper for it mounted but I just didn't feel like drilling holes in it to mount a set of cowl lights that dad had ordered for it,,, thank God for that emergency hand brake cuz' I had about 600 pounds of old fat grey haired ladies shoveled into it one time,taking them for a ride coming down a slight hill,,, those mechanical brakes are ,,,well you pretty much got to drive it like you have no brakes,,, and I had to actually get a step ladder to stand on to extract the one stuck in the rumble seat when I deemed the rides over ladies(whew!)

I'd like to hear the quarter ton of grey haired ladies version of that excursion! :laugh:
I have my grandfather's 1932 bolt action .22. His father bought it for him and his twin brother so they could sit out in the watermelon fields at night and shoot any animals that went into the mellon patch. That's how they made money back then. Grow watermelons, then drive to Dallas and sell them. The gun was to protect the crop.
Now that I think about it, I have a postage stamp with Hitler's picture on it. I didn't even intentionally buy it. Not into **** memorabilia. In Germany, I bought a used book at a bookstore and found the stamp inside. It was creepy to find that thing.
A 1913 model Colt 1911. I've shown it to Melon. My prized possession.

Wanted to get a collectors license to buy old automatics, but that fell through. Oh well.

I have a bunch of old jewelry and furniture from my grandma and a lot of great stuff from my grandpa.

But that 1913 is my baby.

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