Does anybody besides me dislike the management in Dallas?


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i hate to break it to you but i hate fans more then the FO as fans like you think they know more than a staff that's done this their entire life... .FYI fans do not get input so yes they do not care what you think.

Go back to madden and FF leagues, you think you know the nfl and YOU DONT! you dont pick players, teams, or coaches. YOU choose to follow, watch, and be a fan OR NOT! your choice! .

FYI NO TEAM listen or cares what fans think when building a team, they all think they are building for success, and it doesn't always work out.. sorry, that in 3 years they managed to win 36 games, 2 division titles , and 3 straight playoff appearances. it could be MUCH worse but hey 9ers and chiefs have openings for new fans.. meh


Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Well, what exactly does he do for the fans? What exactly does their front office do for their fans?
Sells them stock in the team which is worthless.
There is not any owner per se. The Green Bay Packers are 'owned' by a board of directors. The franchise's shareholders, a.k.a. fans, have a limited say in how the team is run.

The front office and fans relationship is somewhat circular. Give the fans what they 'want' and the franchise 'reciprocates'. If not, shareholder fans can vote for or against who can sit on the board.

It empowers Packer fans to know they have some degree of influence over the team. The front office is motivated to do its best to truly satisfy its fans on an annual basis. True, the stock has no monetary value but it does sentimental value, which ensures fan loyalty.


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This is a joke right??? lol I personally wish the Jones' would sell the team and run away to a different country :)


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Most of us are old-timers holding on to a Cowboy team that has long passed away.
Add to that a good dose of Masochism and some Wild Turkey the struggle continues or better yet the dream of better days.
I'm with you on that.You can put me in as one of those old-timers.


Lightning Rod
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I mean the arrogance of these people. Jerry and Stephen act like they could care less what the fans think of them. Both of them act like top notch ***holes everytime they are interviewed. I don't see how fans put up with these jerks.
yeah definitely needed another thread on this topic,,,


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I mean the arrogance of these people. Jerry and Stephen act like they could care less what the fans think of them. Both of them act like top notch ***holes everytime they are interviewed. I don't see how fans put up with these jerks.
You are the only one
The rest of us here love the Joneses


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Jerry and Stephen are ****** people in real life. My best friend has personally driven Stephen around, helped him up stairs when he was drunk, and had to drive his wife from Oxnard to Beverly Hills. All the Jones men cheat on their wives. They're a terrible family.


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Well, I unsubscribed to everything they spew, so, yea, I'm with ya.


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Look at all the roster moves throughout the years. They don't know how to field a quality team. They just know how to bring in good players here and there. But leave the rest of the roster below quality. The coaches they hire half the time is not of quality either.


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There is not any owner per se. The Green Bay Packers are 'owned' by a board of directors. The franchise's shareholders, a.k.a. fans, have a limited say in how the team is run.

The front office and fans relationship is somewhat circular. Give the fans what they 'want' and the franchise 'reciprocates'. If not, shareholder fans can vote for or against who can sit on the board.

It empowers Packer fans to know they have some degree of influence over the team. The front office is motivated to do its best to truly satisfy its fans on an annual basis. True, the stock has no monetary value but it does sentimental value, which ensures fan loyalty.
Well, you can't fault Jerry for not doing this because the NFL outlaws it. Also, let me know how the fans voted with canning Rodgers and going with Love. I don't recall seeing the exact numbers. I doubt you saw any vote on the issue either. Funny that.

Who owns the Packers
From the link:

"This (the GB Packer shareholder situatio) is truly unique and is actually not allowed by the NFL governing bodies, with the Packers being the only exception. The NFL does not allow corporate ownership of clubs, requiring every club to be owned by either a single owner or a small group of owners — at least one of whom must hold a 1/3 stake in the team.

The Packers’ exemption to the rule comes from the fact they have been a publicly owned corporation since before the rule was in place. While there are stocks and shares to be had, the Packers are run by a board of directors that serve as the “owner of record” for the franchise in the eyes of the NFL."

"Owning stock in a company gives you a real sense of ownership in most cases, but with the Packers, the entity isn’t quite set up in a traditional manner. Shares don’t include any equity interest, don’t pay holders dividends for their stock, cannot be traded, and have no protection under securities laws.

Shares also don’t give any season-ticket purchasing privileges. The only rights shareholders receive are voting rights, an invitation to the corporation’s annual meeting, and an opportunity to purchase exclusive shareholder-only merchandise every year."


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I mean the arrogance of these people. Jerry and Stephen act like they could care less what the fans think of them. Both of them act like top notch ***holes everytime they are interviewed. I don't see how fans put up with these jerks.
Wow. I think you’re onto something.

Guys? What do you think?


Well-Known Member
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I mean the arrogance of these people. Jerry and Stephen act like they could care less what the fans think of them. Both of them act like top notch ***holes everytime they are interviewed. I don't see how fans put up with these jerks.
I mean you have to. If Jerry cares what the fans think of him he would’ve never hired Jimmy.
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I mean the arrogance of these people. Jerry and Stephen act like they could care less what the fans think of them. Both of them act like top notch ***holes everytime they are interviewed. I don't see how fans put up with these jerks.
It's not that they don't care, they're simply living in an alternate reality and think they're doing a great job. Let's face it, your opinion on how to run things isn't even close to being unanimous... and neither is mine, so pleasing us isn't a clearly defined path going forward.