I have had so many horribly depressing experiences for months after big losses in the past that I just quit getting emotional about football and deliberately pulled myself back and try not to let myself get all excited about the team winning or losing.
I was extremely disappointed with the way the team just seemed to quit trying around Thanksgiving last year for the umpteenth time and got beaten in the playoffs because they played like the outcome was not important to them.
This year I will watch but will not care much if they win or lose. I simply won't let it matter much to me anymore. This year I have spent way less time on football forums and have not been anxiously waiting for the start of the season like I have been for decades. My feelings have been hurt in the past because I allowed them to be hurt. My feelings won't be hurt much if I don't care much. I no longer allow football to affect how I feel. I am no longer a football fanatic and I feel good about that, but still I will always find the game fascinating enough to watch.