Does anyone think Romo may retire

Absolutely not. He'll play another 2 years at least. Next year is a year set to make a run with that schedule and an offseason to make this team better.

What schedule are you talking about? Which AFC division do we play next year, we just played the weakest one this year....
I'm not saying he would, but you never know, he's had so many injuries lately, and some significant ones at that.

It's almost a miracle that we lost yesterday, and the media isnt going hog wild labeling him a choker.

No way....he's too much of a competitor to have that be his last pass...
I don't think that Romo intends to retire anytime soon ,but he has to know that the end of the gig is sooner rather than later.

I think it's definitely possible...wouldn't be surprised if he was head coach next year here
Not a chance... if we win the Super Bowl next year, quite possibly. Right now he will play until he can't anymore or he has a ring.
obviously mine too, people here are too quick to say NO he wont retire, he has 3-4 years left yada yada, but dont even take account that this guy couldn't practice all week this whole season. I'm sure he will think about it some this offseason.

Physical part aside I think its more mental as in what do I have to do to win?

Poor dude's been shafted for most of his career by a lunatic of an owner. And to finally get the tools and have the pass of his career stolen in the biggest game of his life?

That's tough my man. After all this dude has been thru?

My two cents.
Seeing how emotional he was with his family makes me think he's well aware that time is running out but there's no reason for him to stop trying. I think he and Witten will retire together, hopefully with rings.

This one really took something out of him
No, I don't think there is any chance Tony retires until he feels he can no longer play at a high level or he's shown the door because his salary/skill level are no longer in sync. In fact, he may last an extra year or two because he's unlikely to decide he can't make it through another training camp and quit like many players for two reasons:

1.) Light camp work because of his back.
2.) He's a QB anyway.

Jerry: "Tony Romo is NOT retiring."
No way! I think the way this season went and ended, it lit a fire inside Romo (and hopefully the rest of the team). With the off season to get fully healthy*fingers crossed* and some key additions on defense, I think the 'boys torch the league next season!

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