Does the Brady/Pat split remind you of Jerrah vs Jimster?


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This is more like if Jimmy and Jerry had been able to swallow their pride and get along for multiple decades until Jimmy's career ran its course and he was about done anyway. (Not that Jimmy had it in him to coach that long anyway. He burned out quick.)

This whole hissy fit has made Brady look like such a child. As if success in your career endows you with lifelong untouchable status such that the team is handcuffed to you until you're dead.

Teams have to be willing and able to move on. Handcuffing yourselves to someone forever simply isn't smart.

The Belichick-era Patriots only broke through in the first place because they were willing to roll with it when a replacement for Bledsoe, the previous face of their franchise, came along. The Red Sox wouldn't have broken through in 2004 if they hadn't been willing to move on from shortstop Nomar Garciaparra, the one-time untouchable face of the franchise.

The early '90s Cowboys dynasty obviously never happens unless we move on from Landry as we did.

Teams have to be willing to move on, even from huge names that are untouchable faces of the franchise.


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No, I don't think nor care about the Pats or Brady. What happened between Jerry and Jimmy is spilled milk.


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If JJ and JJ would have split up after their 6th SB ring...then I wouldn't see a


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It is just errie to me.

Words back and forth.

Brady and his 2500 word statement.

Ennuendos about Belecheat being able to win with just about any QB?

Brady supposedly giving Belecheat a home town pay cut for 20 years and the Pats being ungrateful.

Sure sounds like Jerrah saying he could win with any 500 coaches.

Jimster saying Jerrah did not appreciate him nor let him make decisions without wanting credit for any success?

Jimster leaving after 2 SBs...Brady after winning 6..

It's too similar.

You guys see this?

My sensibility says Belecheat is in trouble and so is Brady.

Happy endings only happen in fairy tales.

Just my take.

PS-Glad Brady is in Tampa now. No more cold weather to act as the 12th man for him.
