Dog Fights - adults only please?

nyc;1514051 said:
Well, it's a dog eat dog world out there; so I'm sure you did.


One of my favorite humorous sayings is...

It's a dog eat dog world out there and I am wearing milkbone underwear.
Hostile;1514060 said:
Out here they make Sonoran style hot dogs. They wrap hot dogs with bacon holding them in place with toothpicks. Then fry the bacon and cook the hot dog. Then, instead of mustard or ketchup they add some beans and grilled onions and peppers. They usually grill a jalapeno too and you can add grated cheese, pico de gallo, or guacamole to top it off.

The bacon makes it work. Great stuff.

That sounds amazing.

Amazing as in first chance I get, I am making that.
jobberone;1513487 said:
Think of putting two human beings in a pit then having them fight to the death. And before that make them train using brutal techniques. Would you really want to be a Gladiator?

Hopefully my cows, chickens and pigs were put to death humanely and weren't made to fight to death. A slaughter house is brutal enough.

You mean like ultimate fighting?:laugh2:
Killing any animal for sport or yours or someone else’s personal pleasure is barbaric and in my opinion cold hearted. It’s pretty sad to me that people in our society put such a small value on life.
I've found a considerable number of people (not confined to here) that like to paint things with a broad brush in the hope of making a compelling point. We can't pick and choose our reality; we either live with it or try to change it.

I'm not for changing the dog fighting laws, but maybe some feel there's some moral higher ground to stand on. If you're not actively trying to change the law, learn to live with it. There aren't enough seconds left in any individual's life to understand everything that goes on, so choose wisely what to spend it on.:)
Never confess openly to illegal activities you may have participated in, in the past, it could come back and bite you in the future.
BrAinPaiNt;1513992 said:
Well although I don't recall saying all people should be shunned for such activities I will have to rip on you anyways just to make some people feel better for their arguments.


So have been chastised. ;) :p:

Wow......that dog's bark was as big as it bite--that hurt! :cool:
Doomsday;1514153 said:
Killing any animal for sport or yours or someone else’s personal pleasure is barbaric and in my opinion cold hearted. It’s pretty sad to me that people in our society put such a small value on life.

So eating meat is wrong?:confused: I find pleasure in eating meat, and that animal was killed so that I could eat it, so therefore I find pleasure in killing animals.

Hostile;1514060 said:
Out here they make Sonoran style hot dogs. They wrap hot dogs with bacon holding them in place with toothpicks. Then fry the bacon and cook the hot dog. Then, instead of mustard or ketchup they add some beans and grilled onions and peppers. They usually grill a jalapeno too and you can add grated cheese, pico de gallo, or guacamole to top it off.

The bacon makes it work. Great stuff.

The first time i had hotdogs made that way (minus the beans) was in Veracruz, Mexico. I couldn't stop eating them, ummm................bacon wrapped hotdogs................
FuzzyLumpkins;1513551 said:
The animal handlers at rodeos do indeed abus the animals before releasing them from the pen. The reason animals that are around humans and horses everyday run out the pen like they were shocked in the groin is because a cattle prod did just that. they key is to get the animal to be so afraid that it runs for its life when it gets out of the pen.

That is an out and out lie. I've been around rodeos all my life, being a former bull rider, and my uncle is a stock contractor who raises bucking bulls and horses. If anything, these animals are treated better than your average stock. These animals are worth many thousands of dollars apiece, some well over ten thousand or more.

The only thing used to entice the animals to buck is what is called a flank strap. It is a rope that is tied around their flanks. No electric prods, shocking them anywhere, muchless the groin.

And your "key" is a joke. Go to a rodeo. Go behind the chutes and observe these animals up close for yourself. Believe it or not, for the most part, these animals are pretty passive. Even the bulls. You can walk right through their pens without any fear. For you to claim that the key is for them to be fearing for their life is laughable. Would they be able to just turn this off and on like a lightswitch? Seems to me this would be ingrained into them, and they would always have a fear of humans. This "fear" you speak of is non-existant.

Making crap up to try and prove a point is pretty ridiculous.
2233boys;1514254 said:
So eating meat is wrong?:confused: I find pleasure in eating meat, and that animal was killed so that I could eat it, so therefore I find pleasure in killing animals.


You eat meat to survive, there is a big difference between killing to survive and killing for your own entertainment or to satisify some sadistic part of your personality. Being able to seperate the two is part of what makes us a civilized society.
NoDak Cowboy;1514332 said:
That is an out and out lie. I've been around rodeos all my life, being a former bull rider, and my uncle is a stock contractor who raises bucking bulls and horses. If anything, these animals are treated better than your average stock. These animals are worth many thousands of dollars apiece, some well over ten thousand or more.

The only thing used to entice the animals to buck is what is called a flank strap. It is a rope that is tied around their flanks. No electric prods, shocking them anywhere, muchless the groin.

And your "key" is a joke. Go to a rodeo. Go behind the chutes and observe these animals up close for yourself. Believe it or not, for the most part, these animals are pretty passive. Even the bulls. You can walk right through their pens without any fear. For you to claim that the key is for them to be fearing for their life is laughable. Would they be able to just turn this off and on like a lightswitch? Seems to me this would be ingrained into them, and they would always have a fear of humans. This "fear" you speak of is non-existant.

Making crap up to try and prove a point is pretty ridiculous.

I can attest to 100% of NoDak's post as fact.
Taps-n-1;1515518 said:
I can attest to 100% of NoDak's post as fact.
So can I. I mentioned some aspects of this earlier in the thread. NoDak is right on the money.
Hostile;1514021 said:
How about greed, illegal gambling, and promotion of violence?

Greed is fed by violence.

Wasting you're time Hos. I've presented SEVERAL times the 'other' issues that have been attributed to dog fighting that do indeed affect society, with direct links to those enforcement officials that have the data. Along with illegal gambling and the promotion of violence(desensitizing people, including youths), they listed drug and weapons trafficking, not to mention the out crossing in breeding that often puts these dogs in unsuspecting homes.

For anyone to claim these issues have never been brought up here is just an outright lie, or in the very least, ignoring the facts to support their inhumane beliefs.

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