Dog Fights - adults only please?

What about bird hunting, that's killing for fun and is legal, that should be illegal. alot of things should be illegal but are not. Me for one don't condone dog fighting, I woulding mind seeing a good dog fight on the street just walking and seeing 2 dogs, i might watch and be amazed but to actully watch dog kill each other for sport is cruel......
MTRS-Jon;1513842 said:
Yet in all of the examples you used, none of them turned out to be accurate. Well the mink one hasn't been disputed, but to say that we abuse torture and kill as a matter of course isn't a accurate statement in my opinion. Animal rights have come a long way in just 20 years, to use arguments from any time before that, I just can't see how that applies. Animal testing is performed with the betterment of the human race in mind, but can the same be said for dog fighting? Who benefits from it? (other than monetarily) I am not trying to call you out on this, I am trying to understand your position on it, because quite frankly, I can't see a valid comparison between testing and fighting. I guess I need another hint.

what exactly was debunked? i said that i was wrong on the hammer to the back of the head thing its not as if you debunked that. i talked about the metal rod.

at rodeos animals have a strap put on them that they dont like and the riders wear spurs. and if a stock contractor cant get his animals to perform he will hit them with a cattle prod to get them going. im usre the animlas just love the rodeo experience.

cosmetic companies like mennen and loreal test their products on animals. im not sure how using a rabbit to make sure that if you soak your eyes in loreal shampoo for several hours that it wont kill you is exactly critical for human progress but that is just me.

my point is this. if it is alright to use spurs and a leather strap to scare an animal into bucking for no reason other than the applause of an audience or if its alright to douse a rabbits face in cologne conintuously for no better reason than humans smelling better than why is the torture of dogfighting not acceptable. Are rodeos and cosmetics testing just not cruel enough? if youre just a little bit mean or if you feed them well its alright but if youre really mena to them then we just have to stop that.

my point is there are other things that humans do that have little to no utility that are cruel to animals but why is dogfighting singled out?

To me if you want to ban dogfighting then fine but to me you should also want to ban rodeos and cosmetic testing.

I myself dont really buy the utility argument because im not going to sit their and weigh whether something is useful enough or not to torture it. To me torturing is either acceptable or not regardless of the utility.
B Smooth;1513476 said:
I am actually looking for mature responses here(put down the flame gun). I am not being a smart*** while asking the following questions? I have never been or ever would be interested in dog fights, but I am having a hard time understanding the universal outrage.

1) Are dog fights worse than say chicken fights?
2) Are dog fights worse than bull fights? I saw one in Barcelona and I have never seen anything so brutal.
3) I just saw the planet earth special..Why are dog fights worse than the natural carnage that happens every day in the animal kingdom?
4) Many of us had cows or pigs for dinner last night...

Is it the idea that people are betting, the idea that people find this entertaining, or is it that so many people are attached to dogs as pets and relate to it from that perspective?

From the 50,000-watt nerve center of adequate wit and thought, from Farmers Branch, where we have high-falutin city government, some critical thought about animal fighting.

It's illegal. Here.

That's it, brainiac.

Q_the_man;1513850 said:
What about bird hunting, that's killing for fun and is legal, that should be illegal. alot of things should be illegal but are not. Me for one don't condone dog fighting, I woulding mind seeing a good dog fight on the street just walking and seeing 2 dogs, i might watch and be amazed but to actully watch dog kill each other for sport is cruel......

Dear visitor: I woulding mind seeing a dog git you.Then that dog would have a . . . b....blood brother.

Q_the_man;1513850 said:
What about bird hunting, that's killing for fun and is legal, that should be illegal. alot of things should be illegal but are not. Me for one don't condone dog fighting, I woulding mind seeing a good dog fight on the street just walking and seeing 2 dogs, i might watch and be amazed but to actully watch dog kill each other for sport is cruel......

I hunt birds, Pheasant and Grouse (up here prairie chicken) on the first 2-3 days of each season. Hunt a little quail as well. I bag a few of each, clean and freeze them. I eat every bit of them and my family enjoys them and it subsidizes my families food expense. It's not really a sport to me. I eat them, like any self respecting Lakota, we eat what we kill.
The fact that they are dogs is irrelevant.

The principle is that placing any two creatures inside a ring with the prior knowledge that will try to kill one another and that, most likely, one will be dead in the end, is inhumane.
To create a sport, instigate, spectate and gamble on it is worse.
FuzzyLumpkins;1513839 said:
Here is a hint: im not against animal testing. My point is that we abuse, torture and kill animals as a matter of course so why all the concern over dogs.

Truthfully, this entire issue reduces to a matter of intent.

A person is taking the life of another living being solely for his own personal enjoyment, nothing more.

Although intent may seem like a trite point, it isn't. In a purely ethical sense, intent is the difference between murder and self-defense.
ScipioCowboy;1513876 said:
Truthfully, this entire issue reduces to a matter of intent.

A person is taking the life of another living being solely for his own personal enjoyment, nothing more.

Although intent may seem like a trite point, it isn't. In a purely ethical sense, intent is the difference between murder and self-defense.

Or self-preservation. In which case, killing for ones own sustenance would qualify.
There is no scale for the cruelty that these animals are subject to.... I guess if I had to live with one vs the other... cockfighting? To my knowledge noone has ever been pecked to death by a crazed rooster. I'm sure they are not the most friendly nor smart animals ever to walk the earth.

Dog fighting is entirely different. Once an animal with an intelligence and substantial emotional mauturity is subject to that kind of battery and abuse it is forever changed and dangerous to anyone or anything near it. What if one of these dogs get loose and kills a small child? It happens. Alot. A mean dog is a mean dog and then u take it to this level and they are deadly

If Vick is guilty of this, he should never play another down in the NFL IMO, and I'm sure there are others that are holding their breath over what happens to him.
Im a dog and I enjoy dogfighting very much so, I fought Vicks dog Sparky on a cold october night back in 04. I almost killed sparky with my bare paws. After 3 consecutive heavyweight championships in dogfighting I hung it up and retired, I now reside in the Dallas suburbs. Life is good, check that Life is great! I made my money and got out with my health I now am a Cowboys season ticket holder. Its too bad there werent more dogs like me that got out before it was too late.

Meow! or umm Bark Bark! rawr
Studies have shown that most serial killers abused animals as children. The desensitivity arguement has also been proven by numerous studies. Those two facts alone justify banning dog fighting and other forms of animal fighting such as chicken fights. cock fights, etc.
FuzzyLumpkins;1513837 said:
Its funny you are the only person that i have i heard put a reasonable argument against dogfighting other than the 'its illegal' or 'i love my dogs.'

if anyone could present anything that showing that dogfighting caused people to be more violent or something of that sort i would be 100% against it.

Of course no one can show causation when it comes to dog fighting and violent behavior but according to the DOJ statistics over 70% of those arrested for dog fighting have or will be arrested for violent acts against humans. But that's almost irrelevant. If you need to see those type of numbers to be "100% against" dog fighting and understand it's wrong on so many levels there's not much hope to begin with.
StanleySpadowski;1513900 said:
Of course no one can show causation when it comes to dog fighting and violent behavior but according to the DOJ statistics over 70% of those arrested for dog fighting have or will be arrested for violent acts against humans. But that's almost irrelevant. If you need to see those type of numbers to be "100% against" dog fighting and understand it's wrong on so many levels there's not much hope to begin with.

and actually that would be a compelling argument. do you have a link to the doj statistics?

i dont see dogfighting much different than rodeos thats why i dont condemn it. the rodeo is just a bit less cruel.
B Smooth;1513476 said:
I am actually looking for mature responses here(put down the flame gun). I am not being a smart*** while asking the following questions? I have never been or ever would be interested in dog fights, but I am having a hard time understanding the universal outrage.

1) Are dog fights worse than say chicken fights?
2) Are dog fights worse than bull fights? I saw one in Barcelona and I have never seen anything so brutal.
3) I just saw the planet earth special..Why are dog fights worse than the natural carnage that happens every day in the animal kingdom?
4) Many of us had cows or pigs for dinner last night...

Is it the idea that people are betting, the idea that people find this entertaining, or is it that so many people are attached to dogs as pets and relate to it from that perspective?

Approx 20 years ago, I attended dog fights, chicken fights and when I lived in Madrid I attended numerous bull fights. I enjoyed all of them because of the gambling aspect. I did not gamble on the bull fights.

Now that I am more mature, I can see where this is cruel for the animals involved. It is brutal as the chickens, dogs and bulls die. I can understand why law makers are against these activities...........

Again, I am not proud of the fact I attended and enjoyed these activities, but it does feel good to come clean about them........GO COWBOYS! :star:
CrazyCowboy;1513916 said:
Approx 20 years ago, I attended dog fights, chicken fights and when I lived in Madrid I attended numerous bull fights. I enjoyed all of them because of the gambling aspect. I did not gamble on the bull fights.

Now that I am more mature, I can see where this is cruel for the animals involved. It is brutal as the chickens, dogs and bulls die. I can understand why law makers are against these activities...........

Again, I am not proud of the fact I attended and enjoyed these activities, but it does feel good to come clean about them........GO COWBOYS! :star:

Now THAT is interesting.

I wonder how many people are going to crucify you for this.
Vintage;1513922 said:
Now THAT is interesting.

I wonder how many people are going to crucify you for this.

I might consider it but I have to also consider he may just be talking about a dream he had once. :laugh2:
Vintage;1513922 said:
Now THAT is interesting.

I wonder how many people are going to crucify you for this.

im actually interested to see as well. i wonder if they are going to go with the emotional attachment becasue they like him and hes really a good guy or are they going to hate him like they say they hate anyone who ever could associate with such a heinous crime.
FuzzyLumpkins;1513928 said:
im actually interested to see as well. i wonder if they are going to go with the emotional attachment becasue they like him and hes really a good guy or are they going to hate him like they say they hate anyone who ever could associate with such a heinous crime. it could fit into your argument?

There seems to be a difference between someone that did it years ago and feels bad about yet comes clean as opposed to someone who seems to still not only be doing it but promoting it.

Dude I don't get you at all UNLESS you are just playing devils advocate.

Some of the comparisons you make are kind of silly.

However I am not going to fray any further into your arguments because you have either already made up your mind and anyone saying any different is just going to promote more of your own views OR as I said you are just playing devils advocate and doing it for fun.

Either way I think it is kind of silly to compare one thing to another and in doing so in some offbeat way trying to legitimize it. Two wrongs do not make a right in this situation.

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