Don’t panic. Drink some Coffee; Skip the Koolaide


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Kind of looked like a team with a brand new coaching staff and systems who hadn't played a single down after a shortened off-season, going against a team that's largely the same unit with the same players and coaches as last year. Go figure.


Village Idiot
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Kind of looked like a team with a brand new coaching staff and systems who hadn't played a single down after a shortened off-season, going against a team that's largely the same unit with the same players and coaches as last year. Go figure.

The Rams had multiple changes on the defensive side of the ball.


1st Round Pick
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Who’s bowing down? I’m just saying let’s give the new HC more than one game before pressing the panic button.

Man I just can't agree. That was all too familiar last night.

There needs to be a sense of urgency ASAP.

Being calm in this situation sounds like 8-8 or 9-7 to me.

I'm not down for this process. I know how it plays out.


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Will this be one of those coaching decisions on 4th and 3 that will label Mikeys tenure like icing the kicker?


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I’m not surprised at the overreaction of so many fans after last night’s game. Before the season started, the overconfidence here was laughable. It’s not time to panic or act like one game defines this team for 15 more games. That too is laughable. Sure, it was a disappointing start, but it is certainly NOT fatal.

What I encourage every Cowboys fan to do this morning is drink some coffee and skip the Koolaide. It will make you feel better to stop drinking the Koolaide that overlooks this team’s weaknesses. Drinking the coffee takes in both the team’s strengths and weaknesses.

Here’s some coffee which looks at the good and bad:
  • This team lost last night because their defense gave up 422 yards, including 163 on the ground to an average running game. That has to improve.
  • The defense had a problem stopping the run last night, but there are signs its pass rush will be potent. Aldon Smith and Everson Griffith really do look like great additions.
  • The offense is always harder to to be in sync to start the season. It looked good at times, and out of sync at times.
  • Dak Prescott had a very good game; just didn’t have a great game. As bad as the D played, if that ticky- tac PI call wasn’t made, we would be talking about the great pass Dak made to Gallup.
  • The OL was missing two key starters, used a UFA rookie tackle, who wasn’t great but wasn’t awful either. Under Garrett, missing a starter on the OL seemed to always endanger our QB.
  • Injuries to LVE, Blake Jarwin and Cam Ervin are troublesome. But this is where coaching and the FO matters. Coach up what you have, and hope the FO finds some help.
  • This was ONE GAME. Don’t panic. The rams aren’t chopped liver. They have an excellent HC and were playing at home on national TV opening their new stadium. Why is anyone surprised they played well?
This list could go on. But one other thing to remember: Don’t drink the Koolaide. The Cowboys have a lot of question marks to solve. Doesn’t mean they won’t. Just stay hopeful and realistic.

There’s a difference between hope and overconfidence. Hope is a good thing because it keeps you positive but still tied to reality. Overconfidence is fools gold. It over-values strengths and overlooks weaknesses. Like all NFL teams we have both.

Folks- I have news for all of us. Every single game on our schedule will be difficult. Drink some coffee and fasten your seatbelt.

I saw all I needed to see last night.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I’m with you. I’m actually drinking coffee as we speak! Lol.

The beautiful thing about all of this is we had the chance to beat them playing as badly as we did on Defense. That’s encouraging.
I'm drinking a long Island iced tea! Salud...


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If we had won by 20 last night, the super bowl express would be selling tickets. It’s one game. I’m not proclaiming MM a savior. But geez, after a 3 point loss, we have an idiot as HC? That’s laughable too. One game doesn’t define this team.
No, but for those who blamed Garrett and anointed Mikey our savior they need a wake up call.

Thats the rhetoric on both sides which drives the traffic on these forums .


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Drinking Koolaide makes you angry when you lose. Drinking coffee wakes you up.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
We should have fed Zeke on 4th and short or kicked the FG. It's only one game, no over reaction on my part. We'll be fine. The injuries are more of a concern to me.


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Besides the call on 4th and 3 I think our OC should be called out.

If we go back to last year in our losses where we averaged only 17 points a game this looks unfortunately much like the same offense.


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And what about the adjustments made at halftime , we had 5 possessions in 2nd half and only mustered 3 points.


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Atlanta becomes an early must win game now to avoid going 0-3 in Seattle and the enormous dumpster fire that brings just to come out 1-2.


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if we lose next week Jerry will then probably go do something stupid like sign earl thomas and then all the same people complaining will then get all excited and talking about the talent again.

Laufenberg nailed it last night when he said every time as a head coach he stepped on the field previously he had the better quarterback. He wasn't saying anything negative on purpose but was just pointing out something true and maybe speaks to Mike McCarthy more than most want to admit.

I thought mccarthy's press conference was a joke. I thought McCarthy was a big mouth tough guy...that is what I always saw in green angry motivated guy who didn't accept losing or mistakes. Last night he seemed like aww shucks guy we will get them next time.

Off to a terrible start. Last night was a disaster all around imo.


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Blaming the defense for the loss is incorrect.

They may not have played to our expectations, but when they needed to make a stop they did. Had LA scored TDs instead of FGs, then a case could be made the defense lost the game.

The defense KEPT Dallas in the game waiting for the offense to make a play to tie or win the game. Unfortunately that never happened.

I heard this morning that Prescott went 10 for 22 and 79 yards in the second half, and the team converting only one 3rd down in second half. That's not winning football.

This loss is on the offense, followed by the coaches.


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It's one week.

Some need to relax.

Season may end up in flames, or they could bounce off this loss well and build off it.