Don't trade Micah. Pay the man!

CT Dal Fan

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Trade the great Podcaster for draft picks and get guys that show up..

We've seen a big enough sample size from him.

Wait till he gets the big bag.....he'll really pull a disappearing act.
How do we know the guys the Cowboys take with those picks would show up too? Could end up trading Parsons for another Taco Charlton.


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How do we know the guys the Cowboys take with those picks would show up too? Could end up trading Parsons for another Taco Charlton.
We don't know , BUT we do know that paying a kings ransom for a part time player in Parsons is foolhardy.

Dude couldn't even make "All Pro" voted by his peers.

He's just not reliable and definitely someone we don't break the bank on.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Member: Davidlee1973. Creates thread Parsons has to go at 12:52 pm.

Member: CowboysFever1973. Creates thread Don't trade Micah. Pay the man! at 2:47 pm.

Why does the year 1973 not like me so much?

Better yet, why does the year 1973 hate 'Merica?

CT Dal Fan

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We don't know , BUT we do know that paying a kings ransom for a part time player in Parsons is foolhardy.

Dude couldn't even make "All Pro" voted by his peers.

He's just not reliable and definitely someone we don't break the bank on.
That's Dan Quinn's idiocy and it's too late to fix it. Parsons could be an every down player at linebacker. He could still rush the passer on 3rd down.

But Micah doesn't want to play LB because he wants to get paid like a DE. So we get a 240 pound edge rusher that is washed by the ninth or tenth game of the year. Because he's not physically built to play there.


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How about changing the Defensive philosophy to a 3-4 base to help him
Well im no defensive Genius but we are very short a few very large DT/DE needed to stop the run in that 3/4....but hey in year 29 we may solve that!


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I just chalk it up as some people on this site are emotional creatures because no one should want Micah traded. This team isn’t rebuilding so why do you want him gone? For a late first?


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The front office needs to get some solid linebackers on this team especially since Dan Quinn seems to rely on just game planning his whole schemes around Micah Parsons. Which creates problems with teams are steadily able to scheme him out of the game and make him disappear and be ineffective against their offense. This is the case more and more as the season gets into the later half and into the playoffs. Where Parsons needs to step up the most yet is no where to be seen.

Now it's really a concern if the defense is loaded with solid linebackers and Parsons is still wearing down or disappearing from some games in the latter half of the season.


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How about changing the Defensive philosophy to a 3-4 base to help him
Can't do that without parting ways with Quinn. And Jerry doesn't seem to want to make any coaching changes this off-season.

So Micah will concentrate on one thing only next year, regardless of what's best for the team. Sacking the QB. It's what will get him the highest contract and he knows it.


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That's what the personnel people are for. If they ain't good enough at doing their job, we will suck anyway
It seems to me that 31 other teams that don't have a Mikah Parsons.
Cutting and trading guys is what personnel people are here for yet y’all still suggest it lol.


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I just chalk it up as some people on this site are emotional creatures because no one should want Micah traded. This team isn’t rebuilding so why do you want him gone? For a late first?
I want him playing where he helps us, not just edge rusher, and want him not giving up the deflating second and long run because he's in a frenzy rushing upfield like an undisciplined DE.
I want him not running himself out of plays unblocked.
I also want him shedding run blocks where he can't just use his speed like he does on a retreating pass blocker. I want him holding and edge without giving up his gap.
That's not too much to ask of a highly paid DE.