and yet go down a list of the Mega mega rich...............
Bill Gates
Warren Buffet
Steve Jobs
Heintz - Kerry
Most in goldman Sach's
Mega Hollywood rich
...............................they affiliate with what party?.............: the Left. And yet most of the tax benefits flow their way, the regs actually help them prevent compeition from lean, innovative, efficient companies.
The Left demonizes the working rich....those that dont have generational wealth, they continue to take risk, employs hundreds if not thousands.......................
Most on the GOP have no problem helping the "TRUELY HELPLESS"........but they do feel there are those that abuse the system, and then that system brings on the social ills of single parent familes, crime, drugs, etc...............historically a working family helps a society in so many ways...vrs a single parent family who's children accept that as a norm.