Dr Z, Merriman, Who cares about steroids?

DCBoysfan;1213400 said:
Both actions are wrong, which is why they both got the same punishment.

This is ridiculous. Yes, both are wrong - but they are viewed different in a competitive sport. One hurts you. One gives you an advantage over all your peers. Steroids are frowned upon much more than drinking. You don't have to like it or accept it, but there it is. Cheating will always be the worst offense.
I find his use of prohibited drugs distasteful and really upset that the league didn't make him pay a lot more then they did. I would the NFL to consider eliminating any credit he received for those sacks, etc. I do think NFL must be on top of steroid use or we will pay high price like baseball is where they considering whether McQuires homerun breaking stats are very tainted and whether he entitled be in their HOF.
It is distasteful to me that Peter King, in answer to a letter on SI.com, wrote that Merriman should be pro bowl eligible BECAUSE HE PAID THE PENALTY OF SITTING OUT 4 GAMES. Uh, Peter, how about addressing the real question:

Would a steroid-free Merriman have performed on a pro bowl level during the first 8 games?
I watched quite a bit of the game. Didn't see the sacks but most of the time he didn't do anything and was standing looking down at the pile after the play. On one play he rushed the passer and the Bills were so worried about him they blocked him with a running back and he didn't get a sack. Ware gets double teamed routinely. The times I've seen him get blocked by just a running back or tight end, it's been pretty much a sure sack.
DCBoysfan;1213397 said:
Is that how you felt about Marcus Colemen when he came back from his suspension, or because his was for drinking he gets a past?

How is drinking cheating? I know Coleman has a problem and I for one am hoping he gets help for it. I don't give him a pass though as no matter who you are in this league, someone looks up to you. The cowboys did the right thing and dumped him.

I'm mainly concerned with the media hyping players who knowingly take steriods. There will always be those type of players but we don't need to celebrate what they do.

Bonds and the hof? I think if it's 100% positive he cheated he shouldn't be a hof player. That's just my opinion and obviously it makes little difference what I think about him.
superpunk;1213357 said:
The funny thing is that they point to the suspension and his performance against the Bills (woo-hoo) as evidence that "he's back." As though the benefits reaped from the nandrolone wore off in 4 weeks.

Typically you do lose a lot of the gains you make from steroids once you come off.
superpunk;1213409 said:
This is ridiculous. Yes, both are wrong - but they are viewed different in a competitive sport. One hurts you. One gives you an advantage over all your peers. Steroids are frowned upon much more than drinking. You don't have to like it or accept it, but there it is. Cheating will always be the worst offense.

Really so playing a game on roids is worst that driving an autombile while drunk..hmmmmm..I guess Dewayne Goodridgre (sp) should have just taken roids instead of driving his car that nigth he killed that person.
baj1dallas;1213422 said:
Typically you do lose a lot of the gains you make from steroids once you come off.

It's hardly immediate, though. When I was looking up nandrolone, I think I saw about 3 months of time for it to be out of your system.
DCBoysfan;1213423 said:
Really so playing a game on roids is worst that driving an autombile while drunk..hmmmmm..I guess Dewayne Goodridgre (sp) should have just taken roids instead of driving his car that nigth he killed that person.

Merriman did it on purpose.

Goodridge didnt.

Intent does count.
DCBoysfan;1213423 said:
Really so playing a game on roids is worst that driving an autombile while drunk..hmmmmm..I guess Dewayne Goodridgre (sp) should have just taken roids instead of driving his car that nigth he killed that person.

You're being ridiculous.

Have a good day.
DrunkWithPower;1213419 said:
How is drinking cheating? I know Coleman has a problem and I for one am hoping he gets help for it. I don't give him a pass though as no matter who you are in this league, someone looks up to you. The cowboys did the right thing and dumped him.

I'm mainly concerned with the media hyping players who knowingly take steriods. There will always be those type of players but we don't need to celebrate what they do.

Bonds and the hof? I think if it's 100% positive he cheated he shouldn't be a hof player. That's just my opinion and obviously it makes little difference what I think about him.

I'm not defending Merriman, what I'm saying is people on this board are acting like he killed someone, but if he was a Cowboy then he would be getting defended just like any other Cowboys who has slipped and came back.
DCBoysfan;1213435 said:
I'm not defending Merriman, what I'm saying is people on this board are acting like he killed someone, but if he was a Cowboy then he would be getting defended just like any other Cowboys who has slipped and came back.

Let people speak for themselves.

I for 1 would not defend him.

He let down his teammates, coaches and FANS which is what we are.

He didnt just cheat the league, he cheated every person that bought a ticket to see them play. How bout the fans who own Merriman jerseys. Its a mockery how light people get off with cheating.
drinking and driving is not only illegal but dumb. but that does'nt affect your play on the field and does'nt give you an advantage in the games. steroids does. both are punished by the nfl as they should be. but to compare the two in connection to the game on the filed is dumb. one hurts you more than helps you, the other gives you an unfair advantage. you should not be eligible for the pro bowl in the same year you get busted for steroids. you are rewarding a guy for cheating and in alot of cases paying him extra money for cheating. merriman does'nt need juice to be good, the guy is a fine player but he should not be rewarded for cheating
Pumping (pun intended) up Merriman is just another way to subtly shoot down the Cowboys (and their choice of Ware over him) in the media.
Ask yourself if there is a double standard on how baseball's star steroid users are treated (Palmeiro & presumably Bonds & McGwire) and how NFL star steroid users (Merriman) are treated. For me the answer is Yes!

Heard a talk show debate on that topic on the way to work this morning.

There was shame put on those baseball guys listed above, two of which have not even been proven users. With Merriman, it seems that most media types are not even batting an eye and are ready to resume the worship now that he's back on the field.

For me it has nothing to do with DeMarcus Ware being a Cowboy. I could care less about that whole Ware v Merriman debate. I really could.

The double standard does bother me.

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