Drew Henson


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I read this on another board and had to post it cuz it made so much sence

I am amazed by the absolute stuppidity and lack of knowlege displayed by fans who are bashing Henson because his rythm and timing are off.

It shows the absolute lack of knowlege you all have regarding training methods and the time it takes to finish the product. Parcells said he viewed Henson as a 3 year project himself.

Rather than go into sports scienece and physiology disertation...I will make this simple for you couch fed fans who have no idea how overload training works.

First analogy. Go to the gym and lift for 2 hours using real heavy weights ...do upper body like crazy for 2 hours. ok there is your overload, now go shoot hoops. If anyone has ever done this suddenly their shot is flat or compltely off.

Henson has just completed one of the most intense off season conditioning programs of his life. His body was overloaded and needs to adjust while he additionaly threw over 6000 passes to improve his throwing mechanics. (by the way the magical number is 5000 repetitions of a movement will make it your natural body movement) All those throws have overloaded his arm, similar to lifting heavy and going to shoot hoops. Of course his timing is off, his throws are off. He is adjusting.

Henson will be fine by the end of training camp. And will be in the mix for QB of the future, he is smart and talented & has all the time to learn under Bledsoe now. Henson will be just fine, keep things in perspective.


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He might or might not be fine, there is nothign Definate in this game, so saying he's gona fine by no means gives me comforte because he could very well fail. But we will all see by preseason game 4.


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rojan said:
I read this on another board and had to post it cuz it made so much sence

I am amazed by the absolute stuppidity and lack of knowlege displayed by fans who are bashing Henson because his rythm and timing are off.

It shows the absolute lack of knowlege you all have regarding training methods and the time it takes to finish the product. Parcells said he viewed Henson as a 3 year project himself.

Rather than go into sports scienece and physiology disertation...I will make this simple for you couch fed fans who have no idea how overload training works.

First analogy. Go to the gym and lift for 2 hours using real heavy weights ...do upper body like crazy for 2 hours. ok there is your overload, now go shoot hoops. If anyone has ever done this suddenly their shot is flat or compltely off.

Henson has just completed one of the most intense off season conditioning programs of his life. His body was overloaded and needs to adjust while he additionaly threw over 6000 passes to improve his throwing mechanics. (by the way the magical number is 5000 repetitions of a movement will make it your natural body movement) All those throws have overloaded his arm, similar to lifting heavy and going to shoot hoops. Of course his timing is off, his throws are off. He is adjusting.

Henson will be fine by the end of training camp. And will be in the mix for QB of the future, he is smart and talented & has all the time to learn under Bledsoe now. Henson will be just fine, keep things in perspective.

I am amazed at the extent some will go to defend this waste of a draft pick :rolleyes:


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We need to find out if this kid is the real deal or not because if he isnt there is a sweet qb draft coming up next year.


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I read a lot of excuses.

This is a production business. Time will tell soon. Bill said he will make a decison within 2 weeks.


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RonBurgandy31 said:
We need to find out if this kid is the real deal or not because if he isnt there is a sweet qb draft coming up next year.

One which we will not be in position to draft.


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dargonking999 said:
He might or might not be fine, there is nothign Definate in this game, so saying he's gona fine by no means gives me comforte because he could very well fail. But we will all see by preseason game 4.
I think its safe to assume that his arm strength will return and that his accuracy will improve over what it has been lately in camp. Last season he showed that he had an arm. All the scouting will back up the fact that he has the tools.

Its the mental part of the game that will ultimately decide the fate of Henson.


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Let me put it to you this way: Tom Brady won three Super Bowls, but Henson will never win three regular season games.


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You won't know from the first scrimmage. You won't know from the first preseason game. You won't know from mop-up duty during a blowout. You'll only know after the reigns get handed over to him and he is forced to deal with the whole package. When the Tuna leaves after this season and Jerry gets control of the team back, then you'll know!


Kane Ala
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excellent read rojan. I didn't know it took 5000 repetitions but I'm not worried about his arm. It's all the other things it takes. We all knew he had the arm. Supposedly he was very accurate. I wondered why he was suddenly struggling.

But I think the verdict is still out on our two understudies for all the usual reasons. One or both should be ok for a backup this year but that's JMO.


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Yeagh - Jerry did a great job since Jimmy left. Parcells has totally upgraded our roster. I pray Parcells stays and JJ stops meddling like he did in past....


To The Moon
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leotisbrown said:
Does this mean it's safe to like Henson again?

You dang right! Henson will be just fine. I love all these reports about how Romo is doing so much better in practice. That is fine and dandy, and I wish Romo well. But Henson is allright. And will be okay. I am not worried one bit. Time will tell who the real QB is. My money is still on Henson. If not, the Cowboys will just draft their heir apparent to Troy. Simple as that.


Virtus Mille Scuta
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Fletch said:
You dang right! Henson will be just fine. I love all these reports about how Romo is doing so much better in practice. That is fine and dandy, and I wish Romo well. But Henson is allright. And will be okay. I am not worried one bit. Time will tell who the real QB is. My money is still on Henson. If not, the Cowboys will just draft their heir apparent to Troy. Simple as that.

:hammer: how right you are...