Eagle fan pleasantly surprised with Cowboy Fans

CowboysPrincess said:
I've been a cowboys fan my entire life, can't ever remember not being one... everyone has heard my story about my grandpa and I and what the cowboys were to us... I think I'm a great judge of character and of cowboys fans for that matter and I find her to be one of the MOST dedicated FANS I've seen...

No offense, but anytime I see the phrase, "everyone has", and "I think I'm a great", in the same paragraph, I tend to discount the "JMHO" part.
DallasCowpoke said:
No offense, but anytime I see the phrase, "everyone has", and "I think I'm a great", in the same paragraph, I tend to discount the "JMHO" part.

Well... seing as I posted my story here for all to read in a thread..I can say that theoretically they have....

And how does my thinking I'm a great judge of character discount it being "Just My Honest Opinion"? I wasn't suggesting it was a humble opinion....

I don't get it... I don't see why you take those pot shots? She's a great asset to this board and knows as much if not more than half the people that come here about the happenings w/ the cowboys and other teams... I'd think you'd welcome that knowledge and appreciate her for it...

oh and no offense taken... I just really don't understand
Wow Moe you really pissed them off with that comment. :D

Seriously? Every team has these fans that you are speaking of, the Eagles are gathering more and more by the week and I know the population of serious (more than name only) Patriots fans have more than doubled since 2001.

The Cowboys have a few more of these "bandwagoners" than most teams because of their little "dynasty" in the early 90's, they picked up a few more straglers because of all their media coverage. They have been terrible for long enough to have them filtered to a finer group of fans, fans that will stick with a team through three 5-11 seasons.

They did pick up a few of the Bill Parcells loyalists over the past couple of years, like one prominant poster on this board. ;)

Most of the fans that post on message boards are fairly loyal, or at least on the boards I have been to besides the TATE. Those 10-40 post people are getting annoying...so repetitive...
Moe whats up man? How you doing bro? BTW moe is a good bud of mine. Man that was funny moe actually like that buc fan trying to talk smack when his team is 0-3. :D
starfrombirth said:
WWHHAAAATT??? I've been a cowboy fan since I was 5 yrs old and have never lived in Dallas. I'd say that qualifies as a bona fide fan. I never deserted the ship. You and that old lady are screwed up in the head. I've always been a fan (even @ 1-15 and the last few 5-11 yrs). Get off the high horse. We are not all bandwagon fans. :mad:

Maybe it's just me but the 1-15 season was an easier pill to swallow than the 3-13 the year before. Granted I'm a fan of Florida football and thought the world of Jimmy then and I figured he would bring the team back up (Never thought it would be THAT good though).

Same with the 2001 squad, while a bunch of nobodies, they provided heart, something the 2000 squad was lacking...
Personally, I don't care if anybody wants to jump on the bandwagon I've been riding for 40-odd years now...

So long as they don't jump ship at the first sign of adversity... to my mind, anybody who posts regularly to these message boards shows by doing so that he (or she) is a devoted, true fan...

Even the whiny gloom and doomers who, when they see a silver lining, promptly start looking for the cloud... :rolleyes:
To prove just how clueless E-Girls fans are they make up these BS rules that suit only them and mindless ignorance towards the game. it's funny how they can only worry bout the fans that nobody else cares about thanx for the Laugh Moe just like the greatest laugh of never seeing the E-Girls win a super bowl title
Wow this guy meant good and you torn him up....poor fella.....

I'll agree with the woman above me in saying "true fans" don't mess with other fans for being fans. That is what makes a good rivalry. I'll also say that some take the rivalry too far.

Every team has some true fans and every team has fairweather fans. I don't know what team has the most loyal fans and what team has the most bandwagoners. ( the day they put that B.S. on the census I'll die )

I lost all respect for majority of eagles fans the day I watched a group "make fun of joe jurevious" for his kid dying. They have a holding cell & court room below their stadium for crying out loud.

I dunno....I need to take a walk now.....I hate topics that make me rant....lol
Born and raised in South Philadelphia...home of Fabian, Chubby Checker, Dick Clark, the Gedder-with--the-Heeder (local talent), Annette fulchello, Frankie Avilon, countless stars Joie Bishop, Quincy (televison show), the first capitol of the United States, the liberty Bell, independence Hall (the Constitution), the Philadelphia Mint (now closed), William Penn's Statue, the world famous Cheese steaks (you Know you like them -- if you haven't tasted them, you're Missing a Treat), ...and the Home of the Philadelphia Eagles!

Contrary to your own feelings about the Eagles, we don't hate you! We just don't Lioke any team that coMes to "our house," or threatens "our" team. Dalley C'Boys just taKe it personal -- couldn't imaGine why :rolleyes:

I am just LMAO about How one comment required "30" different replies. I think I'll have a nice quiet puke abut your condescending attitudes about "one little comment."

Good night ladies. :cool:
If the Eagles do win the Superbowl, who will give them respect ? The Cowboys have 5 things to always hang over their head. The fact is, if the Eagles win the Superbowl, they will still be last in the division in championships. The Cowboys, Skins, and Giants all have won more than 1 Superbowl. The Eagles do not have a championship history, and after this year, no future, so let them have today. :)
If the Eagles do win the Superbowl, who will give them respect ? The Cowboys have 5 things to always hang over their head. The fact is, if the Eagles win the Superbowl, they will still be last in the division in championships. The Cowboys, Skins, and Giants all have won more than 1 Superbowl. The Eagles do not have a championship history, and after this year, no future, so let them have today. :)

Philly as a city is like the Cubs and Red Sox as far as championships go. Even Smarty Jones choked in the Triple Crown.
If the Eagles do win the Superbowl, who will give them respect ? The Cowboys have 5 things to always hang over their head. The fact is, if the Eagles win the Superbowl, they will still be last in the division in championships. The Cowboys, Skins, and Giants all have won more than 1 Superbowl. The Eagles do not have a championship history, and after this year, no future, so let them have today. :)

Dayam, you really know how to crunch down a dedicated fan! Ouch! :(
Dayam, you really know how to crunch down a dedicated fan! Ouch! :(

In your sig, the Donovan on the right is ok, but the Donovan on the left looks a little Jeff GaciaISH. Does anyone else think this ?
In your sig, the Donovan on the right is ok, but the Donovan on the left looks a little Jeff GaciaISH. Does anyone else think this ?

There you go again -- busting my chops. You do know that what goes around ...

I'll be waiting Mr. Jr Hellfrick :rolleyes:
...home of Fabian, Chubby Checker, Dick Clark, the Gedder-with--the-Heeder (local talent), Annette fulchello, Frankie Avilon,

Great, then you win hands down at Beach Blanket Bingo, but leave the football to the big boys.

Btw, I think it's something closer to Funicello and Avalon.
Born and raised in South Philadelphia...home of Fabian, Chubby Checker, Dick Clark, the Gedder-with--the-Heeder (local talent), Annette fulchello, Frankie Avilon, countless stars Joie Bishop, Quincy (televison show), the first capitol of the United States, the liberty Bell, independence Hall (the Constitution), the Philadelphia Mint (now closed), William Penn's Statue, the world famous Cheese steaks (you Know you like them -- if you haven't tasted them, you're Missing a Treat), ...and the Home of the Philadelphia Eagles!

Contrary to your own feelings about the Eagles, we don't hate you! We just don't Lioke any team that coMes to "our house," or threatens "our" team. Dalley C'Boys just taKe it personal -- couldn't imaGine why :rolleyes:

I am just LMAO about How one comment required "30" different replies. I think I'll have a nice quiet puke abut your condescending attitudes about "one little comment."

Good night ladies. :cool:

Chubby is ok...but I always thought he was kind of a rip off of the more talented Fats Dominoes...but that is just my opinion.
There you go again -- busting my chops. You do know that what goes around ...

I'll be waiting Mr. Jr Hellfrick :rolleyes:

The last name is mispelled. Im sure that was by accident. :cool:
BrAinPaiNt said:
Chubby is ok...but I always thought he was kind of a rip off of the more talented Fats Dominoes...but that is just my opinion.
That list of late 50's-early 60's teen idols convinced me of one thing - everyone moved out of Philly half a century ago.

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