I've never been a Murray fan, although he did run the zone read well. Something about his demeanor or attitude comes off really weird and kind of fake. Also trying to read between the lines it seems like there has definitely been a bit of a failing out between Murray and Witten, Tony, etc.. I think Murray is just showing his true colors a bit. He has always been about himself and seems a bit sensitive, not too intelligent and a bit of a crybaby. Even when he was on the Cowboys he would whine and complain about the run game at times. I think he is not a fan of Chip's system or the hurry up attack because it's not what he thinks is best for him. The only time he does well is when he thinks is trying to prove something to someone. He thought he would be living the high life as a Cowboy and now he's just another football player on another team. It's only a matter of time before he only gives what he has to keep his paycheck because he is doesn't feel special or respected.