Call me crazy, but it seems the problems of losing talent, replacing talent and keeping talent seems to be an easier pill to swallow if you're fan and your team just won the super bowl.
I also can't help but think that if part of your issue is your guys are playing so well unexpectedly that you didn't think would happen so quick, well, it's just a necessary evil that you may lose some people in the off season because now your competition wants some of that talent.
I almost fell over dead when I found out what Williams is making for the Patriots now that he left his team who just won the Super Bowl...'s right, more than Tom,-year-old budding star.
A guy has a good great year, and now on a new team he's now your highest paid player?
Overall, I'm always more worried trying to figure out what Jerry is going to do because Jerry is Jerry the GM. If I'm an eagles fan, anyway you cut it, you've got to give Roseman some slack if you're scratching your head because he shows he kind of knows what he's doing, unlike Jerry.