Tavon Austin looked like a streak of lightning running down the field.
Remember when Romo had a horrendous opening game last season?
Luck is a great QB, stop with the nonsense.
understood. but to believe he is better than Romo is beyond ridic. my opinion of course.
I've seen both GB and Pittsburgh utilize that Romo/Witten shovel pass near the goalline now.
Luck is a terrific player he just has nothing around him. He has to carry that team which is going to lead to a lot of int's.
Minus the PR for TD...Seattle offense = 6 pts on 2 field goals...Jimmy Graham 2 receptions for 8 yards.
I know, he's speed is just incredible
Minus the PR for TD...Seattle offense = 6 pts on 2 field goals...Jimmy Graham 2 receptions for 8 yards.
I didn't say he was but he doesn't have near the talent to work with that Romo does. Luck had to put the ball up over 600 times last season the last time Romo had to put the ball up over 600 times it led to 19 int's.
Why was that ruled incomplete in th KC game? For those who are not watching, #19 on KC caught the ball in bounds, two feet down, however monentum made him fall out of bounds.
is luck coming out of back surgery?