Eat crow here

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I thought the Seahags were going to murder us. My opinion was clearly wrong and I'm eating major crow now...but it tastes soooo goooood! Our team is finally legit. At minimum we are going to the playoffs.

Thanks for posting this it means a lot that you would freely come forward.

Don't be such a negative Nancy all the time. ;)
I thought we were going to lose a tough close game. I thought we were going to be able to run but might have some problems throwing, and I thought our defense was going to have issues. Instead we really had our way with them for the majority of the game.
I didn't openly doubt the Cowboys.

I was hopefully optimistic that we wouldn't poop the bed this year.

San Fran got me down.

But, something funny happened. They started winning.

After today's win I'm all in.

Bandwagon mode is in full swing.

Damn the torpedo's. Full speed ahead!
I have a fever, cough and feel like hammered dog feces.
This win makes me feel tremendously better.
The crow tastes very very good.
I went all week thinking they'll win.
My confidence went sour after the second half turnovers.

Didn't think Dallas would be able to keep in it.
I'll admit it, I threw my toys out of the pram during the second quarter against the Rams. I was ready to blow it all up and start again and I said so.

I was wrong. SO wrong.

This team has got no quit. Since that second quarter against the Rams, I've done nothing but enjoy watching the Boys again. It goes with winning. But even tied 20-20 against the Hags when I figured we would most likely lose but come out with a moral victory, they proved me wrong again.

I can't believe this defense. It's insane what they are did today. Awesome.
I had real bad feeling when Seattle blocked the punt. Thought the "fat lady" was going to have an early performance. Sure was wrong on that one.

On another note, this was a good win but the coaches have plenty of film to ride the players this week.

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