Eat crow here

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I eat my crow medium rare - I thought we would win 6 games all season. I have never predicted that low of a record for us. That's how stupid I was in the off-season. But after the NOLA game, I knew I was stupid, and I said if we kept it close with Seattle that would be my moral victory. And that's stupid too in hindsight. So yeah, I'll take the big slice of crow.... yummmmmmmmmmy, it's goooooooooooooooood.
My hope in starting this thread was to try and get some of the "homers" and "realists" on the same page but it didn't stop some from attacking. I'm with you, I want nothing more than to really soak up this victory and look forward to the next 2 divisional beat downs.

First of all, there should not be any of this childless "homer" vs. "realists" crap!

It should be and always will be "Cowboy fans". And you are as "unreal" as any fan around here. Well, you do have some company, however, most of them seem to be missing today.
My job here isn't too change anyone's perceptions. I don't owe anyone anything here. We all post our opinions and talk about the Cowboys. If someone doesn't like my opinion they can put me on ignore. Me saying I was eating crow was about 2 things, #1. Thinking the Cowboy's were going to have a bad year, and #2, thinking the Seahawks were going to beat us. That is it. If anyone doesn't like that,...well... I don't care.

Are you standing by your statement that Romo cannot win a SB?
I have to be honest here. There are things that have drove me crazy about this team, however, I keep most of that to myself and don't come here trashing the Cowboys about that.

However, I have been vocal about hating Spencer being on the team, and it's been many many years since I have disliked a player like Spencer. Maybe it's time for me to do the "i hate this or i hate that, but i hope i'm wrong" crap. That's what goes on around here for the most part.

"Romo sucks, he will never win a SB...but I hope I'm wrong"? WTH.

Fallen Star says "I predict the Cowboys will win 6-10 games and I will be right, I am never wrong". WTH What kind of odds are that?!!! lol

I don't mind reading Cowboys fans telling us that they are pissed that Romo threw an INT, or that Murray fumbled, or that Garrett "iced his kicker" or what ever else they need to get out of their system.

But it's the same posters day after day that proclaim that the Cowboys will never win with Romo, or that after a win the other team just was not that good or had a bad day. It's always negative comments from the same ones.

But today? "Yippie...I peed my pants yesterday. Let me make a post to get the realists and homers to kiss and make up"! SMH

There's absolutely nothing wrong with an honest opinion about ANYTHING. Hell, I wanted Jason Garrett gone after the Green Bay game last year. There's a HUGE difference between voicing an opinion and projectile vomiting negative drivel day, after day, after day. Like I said some even parroted the exact same phrase daily to pad their post count and likes collecting hobby (pathetic, at the very least).

I've got no problem with people who are opinionated. A lot of unpopular or negative opinions on this board were spot on. Cool. Present your argument like an adult and let it rest on it's laurels. That's not what I, you, or anyone has a problem with. It's the constant negative drivel fueled with an I'm right you're wrong and you suck attitude that turned this place into a toilet for any fan that actually came here to be a fan. Now, all of a sudden we're "united". Nadda. If everyone of those posters dropped from this board and never posted again, not a single one would be missed by any actual fan of the Cowboys. Debate I can handle. A ****** bag I have no tolerance for.
I didn't think the boys would crack 500 this year. I do prefer my crow battered and fried please.
My hope in starting this thread was to try and get some of the "homers" and "realists" on the same page but it didn't stop some from attacking. I'm with you, I want nothing more than to really soak up this victory and look forward to the next 2 divisional beat downs.

OK that's fair to not be attacked. But it is also fair for many here to be skeptical about people who are constantly spewing negative stuff to the point others wonder if they are even fans and have now had an epiphany. It is commendable for you to 'eat crow' but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on other fans here to be totally accepting of one thread stating 'I was wrong'. Now if your epiphany translate into season after season of difference then it'll be on them if they harbor resentment then.

It is telling that of all the 'realists' only a few have refused to 'eat crow' though.
Guys. There's plenty of room here to have substantive critical conversations about the topic of the thread -- eating crow--without resorting to unflattering nicknames. Or at least without resorting to unflattering nicknames that can get you into trouble. I've had to remove some really good posts here because they're crossing over that line.

Similarly, engaging other posters in a debate is ok. Calling them out passively or indirectly--while maybe it can be done without running afoul of a guideline--isn't the coolest community behavior. Let's try to keep the focus on the topic, or on just enjoying the win in general, and not use the vindication from yesterday's win to exacerbate any hard feelings. Believe me, I understand the impulse, but, as they say, 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth leads to an blind and toothless football forum.'

Let's save all that for the long offseason when we an be blind and toothless and nobody's going to notice or care all that much. What do you say?
It is telling that of all the 'realists' only a few have refused to 'eat crow' though.

It is also telling that the "homers" rarely ever eat crow. Realists have no problem admitting when they were wrong about something, that is what defines them as realists. My opinion about the team being 8-8 or worse this year was a popular one amongst fellow Cowboys fans as you can see by this thread. Same goes for us losing to the Seahawks. So it's not like it was a big deal or anything.
OK that's fair to not be attacked. But it is also fair for many here to be skeptical about people who are constantly spewing negative stuff to the point others wonder if they are even fans and have an epiphany. It is commendable for you to 'eat crow' but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on other fans here to be totally accepting of one thread stating 'I was wrong'. Now if your epiphany translate into season after season of difference then it'll be on them if they harbor resentment then.

It is telling that of all the 'realists' only a few have refused to 'eat crow' though.

Not really sure what this even means. Skeptical about what exactly? How about when the team wins and beats a quality opponent, then they earn some respect? There have been enough blunders, bad trades, bad picks, bad losses, etc, to warrant some skepticism, as well as some very legitimate questions/concerns.

For example, the evil media hates us; they're against us; they just say negative things about the team to get "clicks". That is, until we beat the SB champs and bully on the NFL block. Next thing you know, the team is getting some love and are even ranked #1 in some people's power ranking. That's how it works.
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Not really sure what this even means. Skeptical about what exactly? How about when the team wins and beats a quality opponent, then they earn some respect? There have been enough blunders, bad trades, bad picks, bad losses, etc, to warrant some skepticism, as well as some very legitimate questions/concerns.

For example, the evil media hates us; they're against us; they just say negative things about the team to get "clicks". That is, until we beat the SB champs and bully on the NFL block. Next thing you know, the team is getting some love and are even ranked #1 in some people's power ranking. Thanks it works.

Right! Let's face it, there has been a lot of negativity with this team for MANY years, bad coaching, bad players, bad draft picks, horrible decisions by the owner,worst defense in franchise history, weak culture, and on and on. Was the fan base just supposed to just sit back and be happy anyway? Respect is earned, not just given. They earned my respect this year so far and I'm going to talk them up like they deserve.
Not really sure what this even means. Skeptical about what exactly? How about when the team wins and beats a quality opponent, then they earn some respect? There have been enough blunders, bad trades, bad picks, bad losses, etc, to warrant some skepticism, as well as some very legitimate questions/concerns.

For example, the evil media hates us; they're against us; they just say negative things about the team to get "clicks". That is, until we beat the SB champs and bully on the NFL block. Next thing you know, the team is getting some love and are even ranked #1 in some people's power ranking. That's how it works.

I understand the frustration. And we all understand the team has floundered for a long time. Objectively stating the problems which includes those that are on the 'negative' side of the ledger are fine.

You and others don't have a monopoly on being frustrated. And by and large other than the obvious most of the negative posters don't have a lot of clues about the Xs and Os associated with those negatives. Most see a negative play and their response is predictable, loud and well....simple to be nice. Those you call homers see the problems and many try to see inside them as best as a fan can.

There aren't any homers nor any realists. There are just fans. But there are those who wish to be as negative as possible and some of them are not fans....not of the Cowboys....just themselves.

I'll tell you the same thing I harped on for awhile until it quietened down. You are welcome to your opinion up to the point all we hear is one negative post after another esp if they are blatantly trollish in appearance. You can be negative and still be constructive. A reasonable person can tell the difference.

One final thought for all. This site belongs to the owner. But he doesn't really 'own' anything unless this site is inhabited by enough Dallas Cowboys' fans. So the 'real' owners of this site are the members....every single one of you. The members make this site. And although the staff tries very hard to make it a reasonable environment for you all, only YOU, and I mean all of you, can make this the kind of site I know most of you want. So speak up, nicely, about your team both positive and negative, but make this a great site.
It is also telling that the "homers" rarely ever eat crow. Realists have no problem admitting when they were wrong about something, that is what defines them as realists. My opinion about the team being 8-8 or worse this year was a popular one amongst fellow Cowboys fans as you can see by this thread. Same goes for us losing to the Seahawks. So it's not like it was a big deal or anything.

I should delete this because it is adversarial without redeeming qualities. However, I'll leave it up so I can directly comment to you and indirectly to others. Again there are no homers and if people keep calling others names or labels if you prefer then this thread is going to be closed. There is no need for hostility amongst the fans here. I'm tired of it and I'm not alone either.

So this thread will continue with civility or the staff will end it. It has served most of its purpose anyway.
This thread has stopped being active which is probably best. It has served its purpose and is closed.
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