Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Romo 2 Austin;4237074 said:
Im a game tester:)

Been reading some of the beta leak web sites and have become pretty impressed. What classes have you been playing?
Duane;4237161 said:
Been reading some of the beta leak web sites and have become pretty impressed. What classes have you been playing?

It's downloading right now. I got email yesterday informing me I got accepted.
Heisenberg;4237127 said:
How is it anyway? I got into one of the weekend tests coming up.

It's downloading right now. I'm really excited. I signed up for the game testing over a year ago, I think the day they opened it up they posted about it on Joystiq. Didn't really expect to get in.
Wanna kno how good it is stayed up all night playing it and I called in2 work
TheDallasDon;4237288 said:
Wanna kno how good it is stayed up all night playing it and I called in2 work

What kind of character are you playing?
Duane;4237344 said:
What kind of character are you playing?
He's most likely playing the unbathed zombie character. The one who has +100 resistance to all outside influences.

I've heard great things about this series of games but I'll admit i've never played any of them. I might have to give them a look at some point.
My son and I just got in from getting the game. He is sitting here reading up on the Collectors Strat guide.

Game is installed and I am just trying to figure out which class I want to roll with.

I may try the mage but will most likely end up w/ the Necro. Both classes look sick.
Romo 2 Austin;4237194 said:
It's downloading right now. I'm really excited. I signed up for the game testing over a year ago, I think the day they opened it up they posted about it on Joystiq. Didn't really expect to get in.

I just got my notification this afternoon:


Your account has been selected to participate in an upcoming Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Beta Weekend Test. If you have previously tested or are currently participating in an ongoing test, you will be invited again. Additional details for this upcoming test will be announced soon.

As part of this test, we will be partnering with games industry sites to distribute additional beta codes as necessary. This will help ensure we meet our population goals, so we can effectively stress test our servers in preparation for launch. Please do not acquire and redeem one of these codes as it could jeopardize your ability to participate in this test.

As a reminder, should you choose to participate, everything associated with this test (game information, process, forums communication, etc.) is confidential and may not be discussed outside of the Game Testing forum. Additionally, your participation in the Game Testing Program is subject to the Game Testing Agreement.

May the Force be with you,
The Star Wars: The Old Republic Team
Didn't know what to expect out of this game. I did not like Oblivion (not a huge fan of RPG). Bought this game and I am loving it. Exceeded my expectations by 100%.
Played about 6 hours tonight.
Exceded all expectations so far.
Skyrim has more in common with the third game in the series{morrowind} then it does with Oblivion thankfully.
Hows the combat in it compared to Oblivion?

Really disliked the combat in Oblivion. Was just swing swing swing, block swing, enemy falls down limp..

From the previews I saw it looked like there might actually be blood and kill shots.
Played for about four hours last night and my only complain is the menu system. Everything else is great.
Teren_Kanan;4238344 said:
Hows the combat in it compared to Oblivion?

Really disliked the combat in Oblivion. Was just swing swing swing, block swing, enemy falls down limp..

From the previews I saw it looked like there might actually be blood and kill shots.

I only briefly played Oblivion so I'm not the one to ask. There are kill shots but it's not something that happens on every kill for me.
Duane;4237672 said:
I just got my notification this afternoon:


Your account has been selected to participate in an upcoming Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Beta Weekend Test. If you have previously tested or are currently participating in an ongoing test, you will be invited again. Additional details for this upcoming test will be announced soon.

As part of this test, we will be partnering with games industry sites to distribute additional beta codes as necessary. This will help ensure we meet our population goals, so we can effectively stress test our servers in preparation for launch. Please do not acquire and redeem one of these codes as it could jeopardize your ability to participate in this test.

As a reminder, should you choose to participate, everything associated with this test (game information, process, forums communication, etc.) is confidential and may not be discussed outside of the Game Testing forum. Additionally, your participation in the Game Testing Program is subject to the Game Testing Agreement.

May the Force be with you,
The Star Wars: The Old Republic Team

I got that as well. Two trials!!
Teren_Kanan;4238344 said:
Hows the combat in it compared to Oblivion?

Really disliked the combat in Oblivion. Was just swing swing swing, block swing, enemy falls down limp..

From the previews I saw it looked like there might actually be blood and kill shots.

Yep there are special kill sequences even on random enemies, pretty cool.

The biggest difference by far is that the enemies don't level up with you. You can role through a ruin and one-two shot almost every thing you encounter, and then wander into a camp of Giants herding a Mammoth and get killed in one hit. lol.

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