Yeah but the nickel requires 4 men to put their hands down on the ground. Forcing the line to have assignments on each person individually. You are basically running a 4-3 when you go into nickel, leaving you one on one with the Tackle only.
When you're playing an exclusive 3-4, you rub noses with the Guard all the time. You are double teamed alot, but when you kick to a nickel, it's one on one with the tackle.
Ellis is a 4-3 dlineman, and that is a fact. When he was asked to play the 3-4, he was swallowed up like a fish in a whale. That's why he was pulled for Canty. Plus, when he was in a 3-4 allignment, he did not get his sacks. No way Ellis fights thru a tackle and a guard to get a sack.
My point is, if you were to put Jason Taylor from the dolphins (sack guru) in a 3-4, he would not succeed until they moved into the nickel. That makes Ellis a situational DE, and we can get someone like that in the draft who would make alot less like Darryl Tapp.