
theebs;1802979 said:
You are barking up the wrong tree about the agencies, I hate them, I loathe them and owners love them.

That still has nothing to do with season ticket holders selling their tickets for anything but greed last night. You have not made one single point against it.

Guess what the Cowboys help the season ticket holders sell those tickets to and get a % return on it on their own ticket exchange. So like I said the owners are half the problem. So rant all you want about those that sold their ticket it is just more revenue for Jerry and he could careless

Guess what 35k is cheap for some of the stuff it looks like 150k for some of the new stadium seats :eek:


Dallas Cowboys fans wrestle with $100K price tag on seat rights

11:13 AM CST on Thursday, November 29, 2007

By JEFF MOSIER / The Dallas Morning News

ARLINGTON – Mark Zable expected to pay a pretty price to continue his lifelong devotion to the Dallas Cowboys.
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But what he got when he visited the Cowboys this week to hear the team's sales pitch was severe sticker shock – $100,000 each for two personal seat licenses, a new feature that would allow him to buy tickets at the team's new $1 billion stadium in Arlington. And those seats near Cowboys owner Jerry Jones' luxury box weren't even for the priciest seat licenses in the new stadium – those go for $150,000.

"It takes a different kind of fan to afford these seats," Mr. Zable said.

Robert A. Baade, president of the International Association of Sport Economists, said these are the most expensive seat licenses he's ever encountered. He said it's difficult to know the upper limits of what the public would pay but that Mr. Jones is walking along that edge.

"He's breaking new ground here," Dr. Baade said.

Most other NFL teams offering seat licenses in recent years have had prices ranging from $1,000 to $10,000. Many teams are using seat licensing fees to help pay for new stadiums.

Greg McElroy, the Cowboys senior vice president of sales and marketing, said the Cowboys have been studying stadium ticket and suite packages for 18 months. He said these top-tier Founders Club seats – which number about 1,000 – are comparable to courtside Mavericks tickets or front-row seats at Yankee Stadium.

He said interest has been strong but that there are no figures about how many of the super premium seats have been sold.

Texas Stadium has no such premium seats now, making price comparisons difficult, team officials say. But tickets for similarly located seats cost $129 this season.

Mr. McElroy said the current round of seat license sales are just for the high-dollar, lower-bowl seats. He said more seats would be available next year in the upper deck at a lower price, although those prices are not yet available.

Team officials say they want to sell season tickets for every one of the stadium's 80,000 seats, each with a seat option.

Mr. Zable said he and his father, a season ticket holder since the team's Cotton Bowl days, were prepared to pay $50,000 for each seat license , the maximum price mentioned in recent media reports. Instead, Mr. Zable, 37, walked out of the Arlington ticket office Tuesday – the first day tickets went on sale – empty-handed and wondering what to do next.

Mr. McElroy said the $50,000 maximum was for the club seats. Mr. Zable's option was in the Founders Club, which has been described as a "suite within a seat."

He said the $100,000 and $150,000 seats include all-inclusive food and beverages and access to a private club.

"It gives all the amenities of a suite but without having to deal with all the extra tickets," Mr. McElroy said.

Mr. Zable, who works as a senior recruiter at a mortgage company, said the Cowboys contacted him Wednesday and assured him that they would find him other season ticket seats at a lower price. He had worried that he would lose his season tickets and put his seat license rights up for auction on eBay.

Mr. McElroy said Mr. Zable's concern was a misunderstanding and that season ticket holders who get first shot at the $100,000 or $150,000 seat licenses also would be given the chance to buy less expensive seats. The Cowboys are contacting those season ticket holders to make sure they are clear about the options.

"We learned a lot on our first day," Mr. McElroy said about Tuesday's opening of the ticket office adjacent to the stadium.

According to Cowboys documents, the seat licenses in the lower bowl could be purchased for $16,000 to $150,000 and grant the owner the right to buy those tickets for the next 30 years. Tickets cost $340 for each of the team's 10 guaranteed home games – eight in the regular season and two in the preseason.

That price was fixed for the first five years after the stadium opens in 2009.

Dallas resident Dick Lethe, who also has held season tickets since the Cowboys played in the Cotton Bowl, said he hadn't received pricing information yet. But he said he would opt out even at the $16,000 price tag.

Mr. Jones "is asking for an awful lot," Mr. Lethe said. "I'm willing to pay a reasonable amount, but if they make it unreasonable, I won't buy it. I will be upset if they price me out of the market."

Dr. Baade said he's not sure whether there are enough fans willing and able to pay such high prices. But a 10-1 record by the Cowboys and local oil executives riding high on record gas prices help, he said.

"This is risky business for the team, but Jerry Jones has proven to be a financial maverick," he said.

Darrell Jordan, an attorney and a former Dallas mayoral candidate, said he's heard several people say that the prices are too high and that they wouldn't continue purchasing season tickets. He said Mr. Jones is overreaching.

"It's outrageous," Mr. Jordan said. "I can't imagine the audacity of it."

Mr. Jordan had previously proposed using $10,000 seat licenses to help pay for a Cowboys stadium in Dallas, but that effort failed.

Mr. Zable said he's confident he'll be able to get seats, but he doesn't know whether they'll be seats he wants. About 30 years after attending his first game, Mr. Zable said he's not sure he'll remain a season ticket holder.

He said he'd wait until February to see what seats he's offered but that he fears they'll be picked over and won't be as good as what he has now near the 45-yard line.
theebs;1802952 said:
Another media talking point.

How many playoff games had the bears won before last year?

We are a young team, just as young as you and actually after the next draft I bet we are younger than you guys.

Oh and we have had 4 out of the last 5 seasons as winning seasons and we have made the playoffs 3 out of the last 5 years.

This team has been developing, but because parcells was larger than life and owens was and is too, the lazy media made them out to be super bowl or bust. Which is totally untrue, this team learned alot of lessons last year. MOst good teams lose in the playoffs before they win.

I am pretty tired of the havent won a playoff game since xxxx talk.
I hear ya. I still get tired hearing about not winning a playoff game since the 4th and 26 debacle at Philly. Packers had that game won and let it get away.

Trust me, my post was tongue-in-cheek. I can't see Seattle, Tampa Bay, NY Giants, Washington, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Detroit, or Arizona going into Texas Stadium in the playoffs and beating the Cowboys.
Cas2800;1802994 said:
Totally agree. I own two seats in the lower level around the 50 yard line.

So, you've gotten your brochures on seat pricing/options I assume?
I know the time you were talking about when Romo was telling the crowd to be quiet. I made it a point to look in the crowd to see if it was Packer fans or not and I saw fans in Cowboy uniforms going crazy. I think the crowd was confused but to say it was just Packer fans is not the truth. You had Packer fans cheering to not hear the snap count while the Boys fans were cheering to pump there offense up.

As for seat licensce, here in Philly they did that to the Linc and fans were upset. It will cause alot of grumbling at the start but once the first game takes place your never hear about it again.
playmakers;1803074 said:
I know the time you were talking about when Romo was telling the crowd to be quiet. I made it a point to look in the crowd to see if it was Packer fans or not and I saw fans in Cowboy uniforms going crazy. I think the crowd was confused but to say it was just Packer fans is not the truth. You had Packer fans cheering to not hear the snap count while the Boys fans were cheering to pump there offense up.

As for seat licensce, here in Philly they did that to the Linc and fans were upset. It will cause alot of grumbling at the start but once the first game takes place your never hear about it again.

It is ot that their is a psl it is the $$ they are asking for 100k 35k 50k etc per seat that is taking it in the Jimmy. This is at an all new level of PSL pricing
Kangaroo man, I am a season ticket holder.

You are talking about the most expensive extreme seats in the new stadium.

We dont know what the normal upper level and endzone seats are going to sell for yet.

and as far as the ticket exchange I know all about it, it is as bad as stubhub

again you not made a single point explaining why cowboys fans would scalp their tickets to packers fans for anything other than greed. I am waiting for your explanation on that.
DallasGirl50;1802165 said:
Texas Stadium is no different than any other place GB plays.

They ALWAYS have a ton of fans at every game. Best supported team in the NFL.

Hows that possible? Green Bay Wisconsin is pretty small population wise
theebs;1803121 said:
Kangaroo man, I am a season ticket holder.

You are talking about the most expensive extreme seats in the new stadium.

We dont know what the normal upper level and endzone seats are going to sell for yet.

and as far as the ticket exchange I know all about it, it is as bad as stubhub

again you not made a single point explaining why cowboys fans would scalp their tickets to packers fans for anything other than greed. I am waiting for your explanation on that.

Like I said and what is the owners excuse other than greed ?

Look the teams bring it on themselves in the way they handle the business and what they stick the fans with. So what ever you can not convince me a fan making a dollar off Packer fan is a bad thing when the owner does it and promotes it. The ticket exchange where the owner gets a % of the fees. So what ever it is greed all away around and if the fans make a few dollars of jerry so be it.
HogsRLegends;1803128 said:
Hows that possible? Green Bay Wisconsin is pretty small population wise
I live in suburban Chicago and during the 1990's there was more Packers apparel worn than Bears.

I was in Boston in 1998 after the Packers lost to Denver in the Super Bowl. The only NFL team's merchandise I could find was the Packers. I couldn't even find Patriots merchandise and I was in Boston.

Packers have a strong underground following. It goes back to the 60's with Lombardi and it continues to this day.

I suspect the reason is people love to see a small town team do well. Some people still remember the great Packers teams under Lombardi. After all, the Super Bowl trophy is named after him.
Kangaroo;1803140 said:
Like I said and what is the owners excuse other than greed ?

Look the teams bring it on themselves in the way they handle the business and what they stick the fans with. So what ever you can not convince me a fan making a dollar off Packer fan is a bad thing when the owner does it and promotes it. The ticket exchange where the owner gets a % of the fees. So what ever it is greed all away around and if the fans make a few dollars of jerry so be it.

Ok man. Nevermind.
HogsRLegends;1803128 said:
Hows that possible? Green Bay Wisconsin is pretty small population wise

They've been around forever so kids have been born for years into Packer fandom.....they have the small town mentality appeal......and they've had tremendous talent over the years...championships...Lombardi...historic figures in the NFL world.

And right now I bet there isn't a more popular NFL player than Favre....people root for him because he's a good guy and he was playing so well.

GB fans are everywhere! Same for Cowboys...same for Steelers....
theebs;1802212 said:
Yes the packers fans in the upper endzones opposite the players tunnel and the the lower endzone I believe they bought in group tickets, buying large blocks.

It was in the paper in milwaukee about a month ago that many packers fans planned a trip here in april because they like to travel to warm cities. That is where the out of town fans always sit, no big deal.

Now onto what jeff was talking about and brad sham complained about on the broadcast. Those cheeseheads in the lower levels between the 20's and the upper level between the 20's those are season ticket holders who sold out because they could scalp them.

I have complained at length about scalping and how much of a scumbag you have to be to rip off your fellow fans to make a profit. I dont and will not ever understand it.

The good thing is if we play again there wont be nearly as many packers fans there because they would only have a week to prepare and it is not like planning 8 months ahead of time for a vacation.

and like jeff said there were many packers fans there, but we still were louder except for that one 3 play sequence in the 4th quarter, to which romo hit crayton and shut them all up.

oh and one more comment, 3 out of every 4 packers fans I saw were women and they were all wearing favre jerseys.

We spotted that in the parking lot and shouted: "Favre's a girl!!! Favre's a girl!!! " :)
CowboyJeff;1803308 said:
We spotted that in the parking lot and shouted: "Favre's a girl!!! Favre's a girl!!! " :)


seriously, they were 75% middle aged women.
Mavs Man;1802875 said:
Not in my section, not in the lower levels, not in the stadium.

Yeah, I would have been happy with only 10%. There was no way it was only 10% Packers fans last night. I'll state my life on it.
theebs;1803121 said:
Kangaroo man, I am a season ticket holder.

You are talking about the most expensive extreme seats in the new stadium.

We dont know what the normal upper level and endzone seats are going to sell for yet.

and as far as the ticket exchange I know all about it, it is as bad as stubhub

again you not made a single point explaining why cowboys fans would scalp their tickets to packers fans for anything other than greed. I am waiting for your explanation on that.

What if a Cowboys fan from outside the area bought season tickets and sold games at a profit to fund 1-2 trips to see the Cowboys play?

I've generally enjoyed Green Bay fans (I've gone to a couple of games at Lambeau), but the clown and his idiot son sitting next to me last night were awful. Funny to watch them skulk out of there with about a minute left.
theebs;1803121 said:
Kangaroo man, I am a season ticket holder.

You are talking about the most expensive extreme seats in the new stadium.

We dont know what the normal upper level and endzone seats are going to sell for yet.

and as far as the ticket exchange I know all about it, it is as bad as stubhub

again you not made a single point explaining why cowboys fans would scalp their tickets to packers fans for anything other than greed. I am waiting for your explanation on that.

theebs, I totally agree with you. From some of the people I've spoken to, I'm getting vibes that the upper deck options will range from $5k - $15k per seat. As long as I get my upper deck, end zone, front row, I'll be happier than a pig in slop.
Kangaroo;1803119 said:
It is ot that their is a psl it is the $$ they are asking for 100k 35k 50k etc per seat that is taking it in the Jimmy. This is at an all new level of PSL pricing

I cant agree with you more. They get you for ticket prices, parking, food, memobrilla and now this? Not cool.
Jerry Tagge;1802925 said:
I'm waiting for the rematch in January. That is if the Cowboys can actually win a playoff game. ;)

Come with me, join me on the darkside, brother! The Star beckons! And you can feel it's pull!
CowboyJeff;1803342 said:
theebs, I totally agree with you. From some of the people I've spoken to, I'm getting vibes that the upper deck options will range from $5k - $15k per seat. As long as I get my upper deck, end zone, front row, I'll be happier than a pig in slop.

I am hoping that endzones and upper endzones will not have a seat license like texas stadium.

I really do not want to buy one. I really am dreading finding out in two months the prices.

I will end up standing in the endzone every week!
Some areas looks like 1/2 and 1/2 but on tv, it was clear it wasn't. Maybe 20% for the Packers.

Anyway, if they want to pay to go to the game, no amount of complaining will stop it. I have gone to Cowboys' games on the road, I go to see my Montreal Canadiens in Vancouver.

You pay your money, you can cheer for whomever you damn well please.

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