Twitter: Emmitt not happy about Zeke release

For chrissakes.

HE HAD A 17 MILLION CAP HIT! That’s downright moronic for any team to have that big a cap hit on what essentially is a backup (or co-starting) TB.

Sorry Emmitt and Jane Slater, Jerry finally does something smart and people are all aghast. LOL.
Just reading the tweet will tell you that Emmitt is an idiot.

I noticed lover lips Jane commenting that we just don't understand how important he was in the locker room. LOL.

Somebody tell the bimbo Zeke's teams never won anything.
I read your post and it's easy to tell that apparently, you and Emmitt have a lot in common....
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Lol!! No our "fans" are turning against a guy that helped us win 3 superbowls! Lol!!
Whatever makes you happy! Being miserable must be an in thing, now....
Emmitt Smith is the last person who should comment on this issue. He stayed here three years too long.

Go away, Emmitt. Back to your trash pile.
I would definitely put more respect on the GOATs name. You may not agree with his opinion but there's not anyone that understands the position better. Certainly not me or you for that matter. Some people thought Emmitt was done after a subpar season at 28 years old. However, he proved a lot of people wrong posting 6 more productive seasons there after. I think he knows something about RBs and resurrecting a career.
"NFL stands for not the law"? Was RJ using voice to text?
That’s approved nomenclature for Escambia High……but seriously, Zeke made great money here and he played well for a number of season. Nobody should feel bad for his situation.

BTW, if Zeke really loves the game he can certainly play for a team if he’s willing to forgo a big payday.

after all, it’s still just a child’s game.


Meanwhile, Zeke made what 70 million. We should keep him around to prove we love him? No wonder Emmitt is not on television he comes off as a dope.
Sickening comment

Enmitt is a top-2 player ever to lace em up for this franchise. Show some respect
As a long time fan of the Cowboys, Emmitt is my least favorite Cowboy ever..he didn't know when to quit and his ego thought he was better than he was for the last 5 years of his career.

No respect to show.
Let’s face it, this ANGST is misplaced. If Zeke had agreed to pay for the league minimum do you think he would still be on the team? Of course he would. Lol

Zeke played hardball when he had the deck stacked in his favor and really over played his hand. Now, the Cowboys are exercising their “out” that was negotiated by Zeke.

Zeke would not have played for the amount of money that the Cowboys were willing to pay him. So this is most likely “on Zeke”, not the Cowboys.
7 years is a dam long time in the NFL these days and he got paid big time.. Were they supposed to keep him for 20? I disagree with Emmitt completely on this. Not for long?? That's comical considering how players are moving around after 4 years. That's just the way it is in today's NFL unless you're a QB then you might stick around.
i mean hes just a nobody who led us to 3 super bowls and was that meaningless all time rushing title holder, who is he to talk about running backs?
He only got the rushing record by holding back the team's success for his own individual success, and the record.

I'll never have any respect for Emmitt or his record.
As a long time fan of the Cowboys, Emmitt is my least favorite Cowboy ever..he didn't know when to quit and his ego thought he was better than he was for the last 5 years of his career.

No respect to show.

That's a pretty sad way to think. Without Emmitt the Cowboys don't win them SB's, right? Hell, he played in a playoff game with one shoulder hanging by a thread!
Just reading the tweet will tell you that Emmitt is an idiot.

I noticed lover lips Jane commenting that we just don't understand how important he was in the locker room. LOL.

Somebody tell the bimbo Zeke's teams never won anything.
Both know more about football than you think you do.

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