Emmitt says Tomlinson could break his record

SharutoX;3134413 said:
Who do you guys think could actually break his record? I'd go with Chris Johnson

No one that is currently in the NFL.

I believe this record will stand for a very long time because the game has changed from when Emmitt set it. The game itself will need to change and then a RB with the perfect set of circumstances will need to come along. I just don't see that happening anytime soon.

I actually believe Jerry Rice's records will fall before Emmitt's and he set them higher than Emmitt did. The passing game is becoming more and more of a focus and WRs are playing longer and more productive longer than ever before. Randy Moss could conceivably break them if he can continue to play at a high level for another 5-6 years. That's a stretch but not outside the realm of possibility since he is only 32 now.
The thing with LT and this record is, you are going by him having a very good team, running game and O-line the rest of his career or any team for that matter. The Chargers may decline as well. Even if he manages to stay healthy, the wear and tear, during these declining years, is going to be hard on him. Four or five more years? I wouldn't want to bet on it.
The average running only lasts four years in the NFL, LT is on the decline and won't catch Emmitt's record.
tomson75;3134419 said:
No way in hell.

He doesn't have the build to last very long in this league. He'll amass a ton of yards his first 5-6 years, then disappear.

That record is only going to be broken by someone with a tremendous ability to endure pain and remain productive at the same time.

Tashard Choice if he starts now.
Sarge;3134387 said:


I know Sarge I just can't get myself to liking the guy. I get in countless arguments about the same thing.;)
Although 6,034 yards behind Smith, Tomlinson remains on pace to match the former Cowboy great. Through 140 games, Tomlinson has rushed for 12,321 yards. Smith had 12,347 yards through his first 140 games.

Tomlinson is WAY behind Emmitt's pace and fading fast. (And Emmitt actually had 12,566 yards in his first 140 games, not 12,347.)

I'm working on a post for my blog about a statistical method for projecting career totals for running backs, but you don't even need that to see that any slim chance Tomlinson ever had of breaking the record is rapidly slipping away.

When Emmitt was at the same point in his career that Tomlinson is right now -- after the 12th game of his season at age 30 -- Emmitt had 13,619 yards. Tomlinson has 12,321 -- 1,298 yards behind Emmitt's pace. And Emmitt finished that season with three consecutive games of at least 110 yards. Tomlinson hasn't cracked 100 yards in more than 13 months. Emmitt averaged 4.25 yards per carry that season. Tomlinson is trudging along at 3.34 (after only 3.80 last season). Emmitt finished that season with 1,397 yards, then came back the next season with 1,203 -- and added 3,189 yards in the four seasons after that. Tomlinson is on pace for less than 800 yards this season and will need a miraculous turnaround to ever be a 1,000-yard back again.

Emmitt (actually the Emmitt at a comparable age) almost certainly will continue to pull away from Tomlinson this season, next season and every season after that.
tomson75;3134419 said:
He doesn't have the build to last very long in this league. He'll amass a ton of yards his first 5-6 years, then disappear.

The biggest obstacle for Chris Johnson is that he came into the league at age 23 -- one year older than most backs start, and two years older than Emmitt and many others started. Emmitt basically had a 2,500-yard head start before Johnson ever set foot on the field. And Johnson needs to average 116 yards per game over the next four weeks before he even starts to cut into Emmitt's massive lead. If Johnson maintains his current pace this season (125.8 yards per game), he'll cut Emmitt's lead by a whopping 41 yards -- leaving him a mere 2,459 yards behind Emmitt's pace. That's an enormous deficit to overcome, even if he somehow remains durable into his mid-30s. He'll have to outrush Emmitt by almost 500 yards every season in his prime just to catch him, THEN he'll have to match Emmitt's post-age-30 production, which itself it more than anyone else in history.
AdamJT13;3134709 said:
The biggest obstacle for Chris Johnson is that he came into the league at age 23 -- one year older than most backs start, and two years older than Emmitt and many others started. Emmitt basically had a 2,500-yard head start before Johnson ever set foot on the field. And Johnson needs to average 116 yards per game over the next four weeks before he even starts to cut into Emmitt's massive lead. If Johnson maintains his current pace this season (125.8 yards per game), he'll cut Emmitt's lead by a whopping 41 yards -- leaving him a mere 2,459 yards behind Emmitt's pace. That's an enormous deficit to overcome, even if he somehow remains durable into his mid-30s. He'll have to outrush Emmitt by almost 500 yards every season in his prime just to catch him, THEN he'll have to match Emmitt's post-age-30 production, which itself it more than anyone else in history.

Uh...yeah....that's what I was going to say next. Thanks for helping Adam.

A record that LT has more of a chance of beating Emmit in is LT only needs two TDs against the Cowboys, and he'll overtake most TDs in a single century.
Bolt4Life;3134723 said:
A record that LT has more of a chance of beating Emmit in is LT only needs two TDs against the Cowboys, and he'll overtake most TDs in a single century.

That's interesting. I hadn't heard that. Rather obscure, but whatever.
I just have a feeling that Tomlinson will play until he's taking carries from a walker, specifically for this record.
Apollo Creed;3134745 said:
I just have a feeling that Tomlinson will play until he's taking carries from a walker, specifically for this record.

I don't get that impression at all. I think he'll pout his way out of the league in the next two years.
Apollo Creed;3134745 said:
I just have a feeling that Tomlinson will play until he's taking carries from a walker, specifically for this record.
Problem is, NFL teams don't give carries to broken down RBs just so they can break their record.
Bolt4Life;3134723 said:
A record that LT has more of a chance of beating Emmit in is LT only needs two TDs against the Cowboys, and he'll overtake most TDs in a single century.

Think you mean decade lol
SharutoX;3134413 said:
Who do you guys think could actually break his record? I'd go with Chris Johnson

Naa.. Too small and the first thing that goes is speed.
SharutoX;3134413 said:
Who do you guys think could actually break his record? I'd go with Chris Johnson

I'm not sure who will do it, or if they are currently playing, but if/when the league decides to up the schedule to 18 games it will happen sooner rather than later. Right now there is too much specialization and splitting of carries for anyone to do it.
tomson75;3134391 said:
Anyoe else find it funny that Emmitt has no clue.....even in things concerning the records he holds?


Are you expecting a leopard to change his stripes?


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