Enough already on this HENSON dude


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He has had his chances, I see no improvement. He cannot even seperate himself from the better NFLE QB's. I do not dislike the person, just am being realistic. Romo is the backup and this guy from Yale may have a chance to be third string. If we can get anything for Henson I would do it now.

Just because you have the body and skills, it does not always translate into an NFL QB, just ask Mr. Leaf.


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CactusCowboy said:
He has had his chances, I see no improvement. He cannot even seperate himself from the better NFLE QB's. I do not dislike the person, just am being realistic. Romo is the backup and this guy from Yale may have a chance to be third string. If we can get anything for Henson I would do it now.

Just because you have the body and skills, it does not always translate into an NFL QB, just ask Mr. Leaf.

Well that is your opinion. Henson will be in training camp and we will see which QB claims the #2 spot. As for Romo he has not done anything to make claims that he is a shoe in for the backup spot. Myself I have no problem with either QB but claims like your making is pure non-sense


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If Parcells thought Romo was the one that NEEDED extra work Romo would be in Europe. My take.


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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CactusCowboy said:
He has had his chances, I see no improvement. He cannot even seperate himself from the better NFLE QB's. I do not dislike the person, just am being realistic.

Naw, all you're doing is proving you have an irrational bias, or that you haven't watched a single game the guy has played this year... in fact, Drew is by far Rhein's offensive MVP...

His RBs are OK, his WRs suck (without having access to the stats on this subject, I'd bet they've dropped at least TWENTY perfectly thrown balls so far this season, 2-3 a game), and his offensive line is completely atrocious when it comes to pass blocking... Drew leads NFLE with 11 sacks, and if he hadn't shown impressive escapability, that number would easily be triple that...

If you'd actually seen any the Fire games, you would have seen Drew escaping the rush with great frequency, throwing absolute strikes on the run, making good decisions and protecting the football... he has in fact played very well...

Of course, this IS just NFL Europe, so he still has to prove that he can play the same in the big leagues... but anybody who doesn't give the guy props for showing steady improvement (until he hurt his knee last week) is either not paying attention, or blinded by his bias...

I have a notion that Henson could complete 70 per cent of his passes, average 300 yards a game and have a QB rating of 120, and you'd still be saying he needs to go...


Regular Joe....
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CactusCowboy said:
If Parcells thought Romo was the one that NEEDED extra work Romo would be in Europe. My take.

Romo was asked to go to Europe. He declined. Henson was asked and he accepted. In short, your theory has little basis.


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CactusCowboy said:
If Parcells thought Romo was the one that NEEDED extra work Romo would be in Europe. My take.

Romo did not want to go to NFLE and said so. I have nothing aginst Romo and hope he has a great training camp I hope the same for Henson but for anyone to think Romo is just so good that he owns the backup spot is a bit far fetched considering he has never played 1 single game in a reg season game, he has played aginst 2nd and 3rd string players in meaningless pre-season games that in my opinion is not a ringing endorsement that Romo somehow is a lock for the backup job. He will compete for the job and as I said I wish both guys the best


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I agree SB. Henson has shown improvement in NFLE. The real test begins in training camp but I think one of the main reasons he was sent over there was so he could get use to playing the game again. Watching will only help you so much.


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silverbear said:
Naw, all you're doing is proving you have an irrational bias, or that you haven't watched a single game the guy has played this year... in fact, Drew is by far Rhein's offensive MVP...

His RBs are OK, his WRs suck (without having access to the stats on this subject, I'd bet they've dropped at least TWENTY perfectly thrown balls so far this season, 2-3 a game), and his offensive line is completely atrocious when it comes to pass blocking... Drew leads NFLE with 11 sacks, and if he hadn't shown impressive escapability, that number would easily be triple that...

If you'd actually seen any the Fire games, you would have seen Drew escaping the rush with great frequency, throwing absolute strikes on the run, making good decisions and protecting the football... he has in fact played very well...

Of course, this IS just NFL Europe, so he still has to prove that he can play the same in the big leagues... but anybody who doesn't give the guy props for showing steady improvement (until he hurt his knee last week) is either not paying attention, or blinded by his bias...

I have a notion that Henson could complete 70 per cent of his passes, average 300 yards a game and have a QB rating of 120, and you'd still be saying he needs to go...

Drew has shown a lack of 'important time' plays. Whats bills biggest no-no. Turn overs. That pick on a potential game winning drive will drive Henson to McDonalds for a job. Henson has shown nothing as far as being the man. Hes turned out to be JAG. I believe the Henson experiement is about over. I only hope we have a QB better then Henson for the #3 spot. Mroz would be ok. Last time we had an Ivy league QB, Jason Garrett was pretty decent for a back up. Even went on to make some cash in FA as a Back Up.

I just dont see anything out of henson. Mistakes are what he needs to avoid and his last performance was not note worthy.


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CactusCowboy said:
He has had his chances, I see no improvement. He cannot even seperate himself from the better NFLE QB's. I do not dislike the person, just am being realistic. Romo is the backup and this guy from Yale may have a chance to be third string. If we can get anything for Henson I would do it now.

Just because you have the body and skills, it does not always translate into an NFL QB, just ask Mr. Leaf.

I want to start off by saying you are completely right that body skill do not mean NFL quality QB. Now my question to you is what do we have to lose with letting Henson get some game time experience in Europe? The games I have been able to watch have shown that Henson has a lot of promise, and what better way to try and help develop that then to let him play in live game situations.

As far as Mroz being the third string QB for us next year, I think that has no chance of happening. While I am glad we are taking 4 QB's into training camp this guy has a lot of work to do when it comes to learning our Offense which is something that both Romo and Henson have a 2 year headstart on. I hope Mroz does well in training camp and ends up making the practice squad, but his chances of overtaking Romo or Henson as our #3 at QB seems farfetched to say the least. I believe their is absolutely no chance of the boys letting Henson go or trying to trade him this year, not after he finally is getting real game experience.


The Duke
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silverbear said:
Naw, all you're doing is proving you have an irrational bias, or that you haven't watched a single game the guy has played this year... in fact, Drew is by far Rhein's offensive MVP...

His RBs are OK, his WRs suck (without having access to the stats on this subject, I'd bet they've dropped at least TWENTY perfectly thrown balls so far this season, 2-3 a game), and his offensive line is completely atrocious when it comes to pass blocking... Drew leads NFLE with 11 sacks, and if he hadn't shown impressive escapability, that number would easily be triple that...

If you'd actually seen any the Fire games, you would have seen Drew escaping the rush with great frequency, throwing absolute strikes on the run, making good decisions and protecting the football... he has in fact played very well...

Of course, this IS just NFL Europe, so he still has to prove that he can play the same in the big leagues... but anybody who doesn't give the guy props for showing steady improvement (until he hurt his knee last week) is either not paying attention, or blinded by his bias...

I have a notion that Henson could complete 70 per cent of his passes, average 300 yards a game and have a QB rating of 120, and you'd still be saying he needs to go...
Drop in a reminder that for 3 straight games, all losses, his top 2 WRs have been injured and he's throwing to 3rd and 4th guys and this post did this...



Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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CactusCowboy said:
If Parcells thought Romo was the one that NEEDED extra work Romo would be in Europe. My take.

You don't have the first clue what the Cowboys think about either QB, and frankly, you make yourself look foolish trying to pretend that you do...

Henson was sent over for one simple reason-- he needed the EXPERIENCE, the PLAYING TIME... Romo had 4 years of college, in which he threw 941 passes... Drew threw all of 374 passes in HIS college career, and then took a couple-three years off to try his hand at baseball...

Besides, the original rumor was that BOTH QBs were going to be sent over, so you don't know that the Cowboys didn't ASK Romo to spend a spring in Europe, and he turned them down...

Clearly, your "take" is rooted in mindless anti-Henson bias... as always, I find myself wondering why any true Cowboys fan (not suggesting you're not one) wouldn't be rooting hard for Henson to kick butt over there, if only because that would be a good thing for the Boys...


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When I read some of this stuff it takes me back to the Aikman versus Walsh days. I had a simple argument back then, and I think it still applies here.

I only bring this up concerning one point, the idea that Henson can't even separate himself from the best NFLE QB's, I think Cactus Cowboy wrote.

*If you put Drew Henson on the open market right now and you put Timmy Chang (I'm guessing you are probably referring to him) on the open market, who gets taken? I'll guarantee you right now that in 100% of the cases, and I don't think that is an exaggeration, 100%, Henson gets taken.

I don't know why people have such a hard time understanding that physical attributes DO make a difference in the NFL. Some of the passes that both Henson and Chang have completed in the NFLE would NOT be completions in the NFL. The difference is that Henson can put more mustard on the ball if he needs to, to fit it into those tighter places. Chang can't.


Messenger to the football Gods
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CactusCowboy said:
He has had his chances, I see no improvement. He cannot even seperate himself from the better NFLE QB's. I do not dislike the person, just am being realistic. Romo is the backup and this guy from Yale may have a chance to be third string. If we can get anything for Henson I would do it now.

Just because you have the body and skills, it does not always translate into an NFL QB, just ask Mr. Leaf.


Either :blind: or :drunk:


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Finally a game worthy of criticism, and they're out of the woodwork.

Where should we start the over/under on number of complete NFLE Henson games cactus Cowboy has actually seen, and not just read knee-jerk reactions about?

We'll put it at 2.5.

I'm taking the under.


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Ashwynn said:
Drew has shown a lack of 'important time' plays.

There's some truth to that, but are you willing to concede that his lack of a decent supporting cast is a big part of the reason for that??

Whats bills biggest no-no. Turn overs. That pick on a potential game winning drive will drive Henson to McDonalds for a job.

I repeat, Henson is leading NFL Europe in LOWEST percentage of interceptions, with a miniscule 1.6 per cent... very good QBs in the NFL hope for a 2 per cent interception rate...

And I also repeat, that so-called interception wasn't an interception at all, but rather a startlingly bad call by the ref... if they had instant replay over there (and why don't they??), it would have CLEARLY shown that the ball hit the turf before the DB scooped it up...

Henson has shown nothing as far as being the man.

Excuse me for suggesting that's an asinine thing to say...

I just dont see anything out of henson. Mistakes are what he needs to avoid and his last performance was not note worthy.

He was having a very good game until he sprained his MCL... how 'bout you go try to play on that kind of an injury?? For that matter, how 'bout you try to WALK on that kind of injury??

Ah well, I'm clearly wasting my time arguing with you, and now that I know you don't have a freakin' clue, I'll know in the future not to take any posts from seriously...

Good luck with your Henson Hatred...


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i have'nt seen agame he's played but most reports seem to be positive, and did'nt i see he was second in passing? seems some don't want him to develope and would be tickled to see him fail. i hope he turns into a good one because i'm a cowboy fan and thats the best thing for the team. i do think that this is the season we have to decide fior sure if one of these two have a future


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Hostile said:
Drop in a reminder that for 3 straight games, all losses, his top 2 WRs have been injured and he's throwing to 3rd and 4th guys and this post did this...


LOL... gimme a break, Hos, there are so MANY arguments to be made in rebuttal to the Henson Haters that it's hard to work them ALL into the debate...

Happily, you were there to catch my slipup... :D

I'll just note that even his top 2 WRs would rank like 4th on the Amsterdam Admirals' depth chart... if he had the offensive line and receivers the Admirals ran out there, his stats would be MUCH more impressive...

But of course, the Henson Haters haven't really looked at the Rhein Fire roster, so they don't know what kind of dreck the guy's working with... nope, everything is his fault, nobody else's... he ought to be able to complete 70 per cent of his passes, average over 300 yards a game, even if he DOES have lousy WRs and a rather bad pass-blocking offensive line (in fairness, they seem to be a really good run-blocking line)...

Yakuza Rich

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CactusCowboy said:
If Parcells thought Romo was the one that NEEDED extra work Romo would be in Europe. My take.

Romo and Henson are different situations. Romo has played football continuously. Henson had a major break when he played baseball. You CAN'T send both of your backup QB's to NFL Europe. You're chancing both of them getting injured and making for a long season for both of them. If the starter gets injured, you're unbelievably screwed.

Henson has easily separated himself from the other NFLE QB's. Outside of his first game and last game, he's been very good to excellent and has shown a lot more athletic ability and a better arm than any other NFLE QB that I've seen. Not to mention he's much bigger.

I'm not expecting big things from Henson, but I'm a Cowboys fan which means I'm a Henson fan by association. Since he's doing well and I can see why the scouts liked him so much, that's a good thing.

Also remember that Rhein's starting WR's are pretty poor by NFLE's standards as Zuriel Smith is their #1 WR. And since they've been injured, their #1 guy is Chris Samp who is more of an H-Back.

It would be akin to having a WR corp of Crayton and Copper, then seeing both of them getting injured and the WR corp would now be Witten and Jamaica Rector. Despite that, Henson's put up good numbers (not to mention doing it with WR's that are good for about 5 drops a game)



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silverbear said:
I find myself wondering why any true Cowboys fan (not suggesting you're not one) wouldn't be rooting hard for Henson to kick butt over there, if only because that would be a good thing for the Boys...

Before Henson went to the Rhein I couldnt have cared any less about NFL Europe. I know this isn't the first Cowboy that has played a season in NFL Europe, but just because it is a developing QB we are hoping can someday be a starter, or at least a quality back up, I can't help but watch. Everyone except my die hard Cowboy fans that catches me watching the Rhein play can't believe I am actually watching NFL Europe.


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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superpunk said:
Finally a game worthy of criticism, and they're out of the woodwork.

Where should we start the over/under on number of complete NFLE Henson games cactus Cowboy has actually seen, and not just read knee-jerk reactions about?

We'll put it at 2.5.

I'm taking the under.

If the over/under was ONE game, I'd bet the under...