Enough already on this HENSON dude


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conner01 said:
i have'nt seen agame he's played but most reports seem to be positive, and did'nt i see he was second in passing?

His game last week dropped him down the standings some...

seems some don't want him to develope and would be tickled to see him fail.

It does look that way, doesn't it??


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Bill said that he hasn't even watched all the NFLE games.

Henson's performance in Europe has nothing to do with his status on the team in my opinion. It was merely a way to get him playing time, they already know what he can do!

Yakuza Rich

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silverbear said:
and his offensive line is completely atrocious when it comes to pass blocking... Drew leads NFLE with 11 sacks, and if he hadn't shown impressive escapability, that number would easily be triple that...

I don't think the O-Line is all that bad. I think the problem is that the WR's are so bad that teams can just blitz until their heart's content against Rhein. There's no fear of their WR corp beating them deep or taking a slant and running for a big gain.



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the_h0wey said:
Before Henson went to the Rhein I couldnt have cared any less about NFL Europe. I know this isn't the first Cowboy that has played a season in NFL Europe, but just because it is a developing QB we are hoping can someday be a starter, or at least a quality back up, I can't help but watch. Everyone except my die hard Cowboy fans that catches me watching the Rhein play can't believe I am actually watching NFL Europe.

Hey, I've watched NFL Europe for some time now... my favorite team was always the Frankfurt Galaxy (still my second favorite team this year), because I used to live about 75 miles down the autobahn from Frankfurt... my favorite season was the year that both Clint Stoerner and James Whalen played for the Scotland Claymores... the Claymores weren't a very good team, but Stoerner to Whalen was a lot of fun to watch...

NFLE gives me a football fix, right when I'm startin' to go through offseason withdrawal... LOL...


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Yakuza Rich said:
I don't think the O-Line is all that bad. I think the problem is that the WR's are so bad that teams can just blitz until their heart's content against Rhein. There's no fear of their WR corp beating them deep or taking a slant and running for a big gain.


I dunno, Rich, it sure looks to me like most of the pressure is coming from the front four...


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Yakuza Rich said:
I don't think the O-Line is all that bad. I think the problem is that the WR's are so bad that teams can just blitz until their heart's content against Rhein. There's no fear of their WR corp beating them deep or taking a slant and running for a big gain.


They seem to keep getting worse, though, and that may be a byproduct of the single coverage the WRs are getting (and not separating from) on the outside. Their run game was pretty decent with Starling and Smith in there, they leave, it goes to hell. The run game is finished, the WRs can't get separation, and Henson actually performed decently for a few weeks under those circumstances.

Last week, the dam broke, he got hurt, and that was it. He was terrible, no excuses there. Just flat out bad.

Unfortunately, that single game gives the silent minority, who haven't actually WATCHED the games, a little something to crow about.


The Duke
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silverbear said:
LOL... gimme a break, Hos, there are so MANY arguments to be made in rebuttal to the Henson Haters that it's hard to work them ALL into the debate...

Happily, you were there to catch my slipup... :D

I'll just note that even his top 2 WRs would rank like 4th on the Amsterdam Admirals' depth chart... if he had the offensive line and receivers the Admirals ran out there, his stats would be MUCH more impressive...

But of course, the Henson Haters haven't really looked at the Rhein Fire roster, so they don't know what kind of dreck the guy's working with... nope, everything is his fault, nobody else's... he ought to be able to complete 70 per cent of his passes, average over 300 yards a game, even if he DOES have lousy WRs and a rather bad pass-blocking offensive line (in fairness, they seem to be a really good run-blocking line)...
Here's the bottom line Bear. In Friday's press conference Parcells said he had seen improvement in Henson. In his various comments this off season jerry has said they are happy with his progress.

At what point am I supposed to listen to the comments of guys who have been against him from day 1 over those 2 gentlemen who actually have skins on the wall?

It is mind boggling.


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henson has improved greatly in his time there, he isn't working with good hands to throw to. He is awful at faking the hand off but I imagine coaches don't work on that much or something. he has had one bad game and he was injured in the game too.


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Ashwynn said:
Drew has shown a lack of 'important time' plays. Whats bills biggest no-no. Turn overs. That pick on a potential game winning drive will drive Henson to McDonalds for a job.

There's another Drew on the team that has had his share of mishaps at 'important time' plays. The point is that it's going to happen to all QBs now and then, and we should just hope whomever our QBs are that they can minimize it. If it happens often, then they don't deserve the job...whether that's Henson, Bledsoe, Romo, or anyone else.


Zone Scribe
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CactusCowboy said:
He has had his chances, I see no improvement. He cannot even seperate himself from the better NFLE QB's. I do not dislike the person, just am being realistic. Romo is the backup and this guy from Yale may have a chance to be third string. If we can get anything for Henson I would do it now.

Just because you have the body and skills, it does not always translate into an NFL QB, just ask Mr. Leaf.

Oh boy, are you ever in for it now.


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Romo was asked to go to Europe. He declined. Henson was asked and he accepted. In short, your theory has little basis.

Where did you read this about Romo? I never knew he declined....


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Hostile said:
Here's the bottom line Bear. In Friday's press conference Parcells said he had seen improvement in Henson. In his various comments this off season jerry has said they are happy with his progress.

At what point am I supposed to listen to the comments of guys who have been against him from day 1 over those 2 gentlemen who actually have skins on the wall?

It is mind boggling.

It has seemed to me that the Cowboys' brain trust is reasonably happy with Henson's progress this spring...

Obviously, at no point should you pay any attention to the biased opinions of the Haters... they exist merely to be the objects of our ridicule and scorn...


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I am glad to see some folks here like what they are seeing from Henson.

I really hope he succeeds, but I have my doubts. While I have watched some of his NFLE Games, I have not been able to see them all, obvioulsy some have and are giving positive reviews.

From what I have seen I have liked the way Henson moves around, feels the rush, and throws short to medium range.

My big concern is him throwing downfield. He just has not looked accurate at all IMO from what I have seen so far. Maybe someone who has seen more can fill in something I may not be seeing. This is a critical piece for me and my opinion on whether he can make it.

Quarterbacks who can throw the short and medium stuff are a dime a dozen, the true Championship caliber QB's get the ball downfield. I just have not seen him succeed in this area. Opinions are definetly welcomed if I am missing something.

I like Henson, but at this point really have my doubts, but I will say it makes me feel better that some are feeling more positive who have seen him play more.

I hope you make it Drew.


The Duke
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silverbear said:
It has seemed to me that the Cowboys' brain trust is reasonably happy with Henson's progress this spring...

Obviously, at no point should you pay any attention to the biased opinions of the Haters... they exist merely to be the objects of our ridicule and scorn...
When someone starts a post "I see no improvement" just 5 days after the future Hall of Fame Head Coach says "there's definite improvement there," it tells me all I really need to know.


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Champsheart said:
My big concern is him throwing downfield. He just has not looked accurate at all IMO from what I have seen so far. Maybe someone who has seen more can fill in something I may not be seeing. This is a critical piece for me and my opinion on whether he can make it.

You were right, for the first few games. Then, he gelled with his starters - the downfield stuff was right there. (remember, they really weren't together that long prior to actual games...then, the top two WRs go down. He was still accurate downfield, but they weren't being caught. I mean - right in the breadbasket accurate, but no catches.

The last game, though, he was inexcusably bad. Injury or no - terrible. But there was SIGNIFICANT improvement in his deep ball.


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Champsheart said:
From what I have seen I have liked the way Henson moves around, feels the rush, and throws short to medium range.

My big concern is him throwing downfield. He just has not looked accurate at all IMO from what I have seen so far. Maybe someone who has seen more can fill in something I may not be seeing. This is a critical piece for me and my opinion on whether he can make it.

There's a legitimate criticism, Champ...

Quarterbacks who can throw the short and medium stuff are a dime a dozen, the true Championship caliber QB's get the ball downfield. I just have not seen him succeed in this area. Opinions are definetly welcomed if I am missing something.

All I'll say on this subject is that Troy Aikman threw a pretty lousy deep ball... I'm sure you'd agree that he was a wee bit more than "a dime a dozen"...

I like Henson, but at this point really have my doubts,

That's fair enough, we really won't know anything about him for sure until he gets back to facing NFL competition... I'm really looking forward to the exhibition games this year...


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superpunk said:
You were right, for the first few games. Then, he gelled with his starters - the downfield stuff was right there. (remember, they really weren't together that long prior to actual games...then, the top two WRs go down. He was still accurate downfield, but they weren't being caught. I mean - right in the breadbasket accurate, but no catches.

The last game, though, he was inexcusably bad. Injury or no - terrible. But there was SIGNIFICANT improvement in his deep ball.

Yhea, I saw his first few games, but have missed the last couple. The first few games he would throw deep to an open receiver, but miss him.

So you are saying the last couple games the deep ball has been there?

How about the deep slants, and outs?


The Duke
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Champsheart said:
I am glad to see some folks here like what they are seeing from Henson.

I really hope he succeeds, but I have my doubts. While I have watched some of his NFLE Games, I have not been able to see them all, obvioulsy some have and are giving positive reviews.

From what I have seen I have liked the way Henson moves around, feels the rush, and throws short to medium range.

My big concern is him throwing downfield. He just has not looked accurate at all IMO from what I have seen so far. Maybe someone who has seen more can fill in something I may not be seeing. This is a critical piece for me and my opinion on whether he can make it.

Quarterbacks who can throw the short and medium stuff are a dime a dozen, the true Championship caliber QB's get the ball downfield. I just have not seen him succeed in this area. Opinions are definetly welcomed if I am missing something.

I like Henson, but at this point really have my doubts, but I will say it makes me feel better that some are feeling more positive who have seen him play more.

I hope you make it Drew.
Good post.

There is nothing wrong with having doubts. I am always skeptical for a long period of time even when I am optimistic about a player. I love Henson's potential. I am aware that players do bust. Until he proves he's not a bust, I have my doubts.

I've seen the kid throw live. I've watched the video footage. The statement to begin this thread "I see no improvement" tells me all I need to know about this topic. Either CC does not want to see improvement, isn't watching the games, or looks only at stats. None of the 3 options make football sense.

Having doubts, that's just being cautious with optimism. Nothing wrong with that.


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Hostile said:
When someone starts a post "I see no improvement" just 5 days after the future Hall of Fame Head Coach says "there's definite improvement there," it tells me all I really need to know.

That Parcells is full of it??

Surely, you can't be doubting the football expertise of the online legend that is Ashwynn??


Arch Defender
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CactusCowboy said:
He has had his chances, I see no improvement. He cannot even seperate himself from the better NFLE QB's. I do not dislike the person, just am being realistic. Romo is the backup and this guy from Yale may have a chance to be third string. If we can get anything for Henson I would do it now.

Just because you have the body and skills, it does not always translate into an NFL QB, just ask Mr. Leaf.

have you even watched one of his games? apparently not

and the guy from Yale has about as much chance of beating out Henson as I do...
