Enough already on this HENSON dude


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silverbear said:
There's a legitimate criticism, Champ...

All I'll say on this subject is that Troy Aikman threw a pretty lousy deep ball... I'm sure you'd agree that he was a wee bit more than "a dime a dozen"...

That's fair enough, we really won't know anything about him for sure until he gets back to facing NFL competition... I'm really looking forward to the exhibition games this year...

Troy did not throw the best bomb, but he threw the deep slants and outs like a thing of beauty. Do you have any opinions of Henson in this area. Honestly I have not even seen him attempt one to my memory?


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It's not out of bounds to question whether, at his point, Henson will make it or not.

But, to write him off at this point is typical fan reaction that shows they know nothing about developing an NFL QB. These same fans would have written off good QBs like Trent Green and Matt Hasslebeck after their first couple of seasons in the league.

I like Henson a lot and am pulling for him as hard as I can for one simple reason. We MUST have a good, young QB for this franchise to move to the next level. If we don't get the next good, young QB we will remain nothing more than a middle of the road franchise.

I do fear whether Henson's unorthodox mechanics will limit his ability to be consistently effective in the NFL. The fact is he has a very good arm, good size and athleticism, but his passes tend to sail on him and he's not consistently accurate due to his inconsistent footwork and mechanics.
We can try and ignore this problem and act like it's not a big deal, but as any QB coach and analyst will tell you, mechanics are very, very important in a QB's ultimate success.

As for Romo, that's a joke. The guy is an undersized, average arm, former UFA who hasn't taken a snap in 3 years and is a better golfer than he is a QB. If anyone thinks he is our future, I'm sorry to say they are living in a dreamworld. The guy is a career back-up at best.

As for the rookie from Yale, I am intrigued by him a little bit, but come on, he's not taking a roster spot from Henson.


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Champsheart said:
Troy did not throw the best bomb, but he threw a the deep slants and outs like a thing of beauty. Do you have any opinions of Henson in this area. Honestly I have not even seen him attempt one to my memory?

Rhein doesn't seem to run a lot of deep outs, pal... not many slants either, but I have seen him throw a number of really good intermediate range (20-25 yard) passes in the middle... when you were talking about the deep ball, I thought you were referring to the REAL deep ball, sorry for the misunderstanding...


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Champsheart said:
Yhea, I saw his first few games, but have missed the last couple. The first few games he would throw deep to an open receiver, but miss him.

So you are saying the last couple games the deep ball has been there?

How about the deep slants, and outs?

If I'm remembering correctly, his 30 yard slants :laugh2: leave a little to be desired. But the outs, have been very good. He puts them in the perfect spot -high and out - but noone can come down with them. I think I saw Samp drop 2 in one quarter. He plays with the Philadelphia Eagles of NFLE receivers. The deep ball has been quite good, though. The progress since the start of the year has been impressive.


Arch Defender
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silverbear said:
All I'll say on this subject is that Troy Aikman threw a pretty lousy deep ball... I'm sure you'd agree that he was a wee bit more than "a dime a dozen"... ...

there are a few of you who keep harping on this, but I think if someone actually went back and looked at the actual stats they'd see Aikman was pretty good at it...alot of folks on here only want to remember Aikman from the 2000 season, and they disregard what he was before the back and knee problems took their toll

I know I have dozens of Dallas games on VHS, and there are a number of them where he throws a picture perfect bomb to somebody...seems alot of you have some selective memory



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dbair1967 said:
there are a few of you who keep harping on this, but I think if someone actually went back and looked at the actual stats they'd see Aikman was pretty good at it...alot of folks on here only want to remember Aikman from the 2000 season, and they disregard what he was before the back and knee problems took their toll

I know I have dozens of Dallas games on VHS, and there are a number of them where he throws a picture perfect bomb to somebody...seems alot of you have some selective memory


I agree. I would also add the deep ball is not a high percentage throw to begin with.


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silverbear said:
Rhein doesn't seem to run a lot of deep outs, pal... not many slants either, but I have seen him throw a number of really good intermediate range (20-25 yard) passes in the middle... when you were talking about the deep ball, I thought you were referring to the REAL deep ball, sorry for the misunderstanding...

LOL! I love the REAL deep ball. And really that is all i saw him attempt in the first 2 or 3 games if my memory is correct.

I kept waiting for those 20+ yard slants and outs, but he never threw any.

All I saw was him throwing the bomb to far to the outside where the receiver really could not make a play on the ball and stay in bounds.

I am glad to hear some on here saying he has been improving or showing someting in these areas. To me that is a positive sign.


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WHOA! god forbid someone writes something negative about a Dallas player on this board, you might as well be raped.

i think hes right too. Henson looks decent at best, looking at him in NFLE does not convince me to think he can win a Super Bowl, lol.


The Duke
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DallasDW00ds0n said:
WHOA! god forbid someone writes something negative about a Dallas player on this board, you might as well be raped.

i think hes right too. Henson looks decent at best, looking at him in NFLE does not convince me to think he can win a Super Bowl, lol.
Spare me the mock victim card.

We all tune in to the Press Conferences. You know, the things where the Head Coach offers his opinions on things related to this team. Many of us tune into the actual games and not just the stats page. Many of us pay attention to what is going on with his team.

If that wads up the undies of some, oh well. Tell people it's not a wedgie it's a thong.


Virtus Mille Scuta
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Hostile said:
Spare me the mock victim card.

We all tune in to the Press Conferences. You know, the things where the Head Coach offers his opinions on things related to this team. Many of us tune into the actual games and not just the stats page. Many of us pay attention to what is going on with his team.

If that wads up the undies of some, oh well. Tell people it's not a wedgie it's a thong.



Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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DallasDW00ds0n said:
WHOA! god forbid someone writes something negative about a Dallas player on this board, you might as well be raped.

It surprises you that trashing Cowboys players pisses off Cowboys fans??

Especially when the criticisms are quite bogus, launched by critics who clearly haven't even seem the guy play...

Henson looks decent at best, looking at him in NFLE does not convince me to think he can win a Super Bowl, lol.

Seen a lot of their games, have you??


Not Old School...Old Testament...
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Hostile said:
Here's the bottom line Bear. In Friday's press conference Parcells said he had seen improvement in Henson. In his various comments this off season jerry has said they are happy with his progress.

At what point am I supposed to listen to the comments of guys who have been against him from day 1 over those 2 gentlemen who actually have skins on the wall?

It is mind boggling.

ummm... c'mon Hos... haven't you realized by now that Jerry and Bill are out and out LIARS?

Don't give a flip to what they say... our local media will steer you in the right direction!

Yakuza Rich

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My big concern is him throwing downfield. He just has not looked accurate at all IMO from what I have seen so far. Maybe someone who has seen more can fill in something I may not be seeing. This is a critical piece for me and my opinion on whether he can make it.

His deep ball passes have been more than fine IMO. In fact, that was the one thing I usually focus on when taking a look at a QB. His WR's are slow and don't get seperation, so he can't throw deep very often. When he has, unless he's purposedly throwing the ball away, he's been accurate. He hasn't completed a lot of deep bombs because he doesn't throw many (receivers not getting open) and when he does they don't have the ability to make a play on the ball.

I think I've seen him have one long pass where the WR actually got seperation. That was a game 2 weeks ago where it appeared the CB got fooled and the WR ran past him. Henson hit him perfectly in stride.

Where Henson has been bood is in throwing the ball over the middle on passes that travel about 20 yards. He's also been superb at throwing on the run and generally makes very good decisions.



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dbair1967 said:
I know I have dozens of Dallas games on VHS, and there are a number of them where he throws a picture perfect bomb to somebody...seems alot of you have some selective memory

I agree. Aikman could make all the throws. That's why he was one of the best.


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Champsheart said:
LOL! I love the REAL deep ball. And really that is all i saw him attempt in the first 2 or 3 games if my memory is correct.

I kept waiting for those 20+ yard slants and outs, but he never threw any.

All I saw was him throwing the bomb to far to the outside where the receiver really could not make a play on the ball and stay in bounds.

I am glad to hear some on here saying he has been improving or showing someting in these areas. To me that is a positive sign.

You are correct, uptill first 3 games, his Deep thrown balls were not that accurate. It started getting better by 3rd game, but still not good enough. His first game was just bad, IMO, at most throws actually. And I still think that was his worst game of the season, then this previous game was second worst, after the injury that is.

But since 4th game, till this injury, his Deep ones have been right on the money. I think in NFL, if the situation and throws were the same, I would say, at least 80% of those would completed at the worst.

And that's where I am really encouraged big time. Like you, I had the most concern about Henson, since his deep throws were really very good in College and I didn't see that till his fourth game in NFLE, not even in pre-season games here. I think thats where his game has really improved the most, IMO.


Regular Joe....
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CrazyCowboy said:
Where did you read this about Romo? I never knew he declined....

Was reported on this forum prior to Henson departing for Europe. I'm certain it's probably in the archives.


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Henson will most likely be traded after this year for a 4th or 5th round pick. Dallas will try and draft a QB next year to develope. The only reason they sent Henson to NFLE is to get him some snaps incase he has to come in if Bledsoe gets hurt so he will have some experience.

Bob Sacamano

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Doomsday101 said:
Romo did not want to go to NFLE and said so. I have nothing aginst Romo and hope he has a great training camp I hope the same for Henson but for anyone to think Romo is just so good that he owns the backup spot is a bit far fetched considering he has never played 1 single game in a reg season game, he has played aginst 2nd and 3rd string players in meaningless pre-season games that in my opinion is not a ringing endorsement that Romo somehow is a lock for the backup job. He will compete for the job and as I said I wish both guys the best



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StykeHsciuols said:
Henson will most likely be traded after this year for a 4th or 5th round pick. Dallas will try and draft a QB next year to develope. The only reason they sent Henson to NFLE is to get him some snaps incase he has to come in if Bledsoe gets hurt so he will have some experience.

Welcome to the board.

Your take on this, as stated, does not really bear examination IMO. If the idea was to trade Henson next year, why would you send him to Europe for the express purpose of getting him snaps in order to be ready for him to play this year? Why not focus preperation on the QB you intend to keep and make him the primary back up in the event Bledsoe goes down? Why develope a QB you have no intention of keeping at the expense of the one you do?