News: ESPN: Bucs still don't know why Randy Gregory never reported

The dudes IQ is supposed to be very high. No pun intended. Randy and a select few know of this man's trauma on his life's journey. It is his to bear and not yours. He is a real breathing person, like you and I.
Mental issues can be overbearing. Anxiety and depression are no joke. I feel for the man. Get well Randy. Football is secondary.
I have actually learned to LIKE watching Stephen the A. He's very entertaining, you just gotta take his opinions with a chunk of salt.

Yeah, as in, a massive mound of salt, but he's actually kinda funny. Plus, he kiiiiiiiiinda has a point about us at this point.
Wow, I thought it was forbidden to promote the use of weed. Some of us got a "really" stern letter a short while back. Has the board been removed from the buttocks?

I wonder how David Irving's pot business is doing.
Maybe he can give Randy a job as long as he doesn't "burn" too much of the product.

Haha, I was just thinking that. If the NFL thing doesn't work for him, he and David Irving can be teammates at a weed store.
I don't know if it's related or not but he's suing the nfl for discrimination. He's been taking dronabinol to treat his social anxiety disorder and the nfl has been fining him for testing positive for THC which is in dronabinol. The fines are over $500K.
He is taking dronabinol as an excuse for why THC is in his system.

All he cares about is getting high.
And to think Jerry tried to pay this dude an absolute fortune before he swerved to Denver. That's one of the more overlooked moments in the world of stupidity that Jerry lives in.
Haven’t read through the thread..


What if he’s trying to get cut so he can come back to Dallas??
With any degree of luck he'll get cut by the bucks be out of football and we will never have to speak about this dope head again.

The guy is a disgrace to the league and does nothing but try and work the system to support his habit in any way he can.
Randy is without a doubt a shining example of everything that is wrong with Cowboys football. Second round pick that no one else would have taken. Gets a roster spot and snaps on game day without ever earning any of it. Gets offered a foolish contract without ever having earned any of it. Absolute madness.
Haven’t read through the thread..


What if he’s trying to get cut so he can come back to Dallas??

I wonder if some bridges were burnt, not so much from him not signing here, but the comments after.
I was gonna clean my room until I got high
I was gonna get up and find the broom, but then I got high
My room is still messed up and I know why

'Cause I got high!
Because I got high!
Because I got high!

I was gonna go to class before I got high
I could'a cheated and I could'a passed, but I got high, uh, uh
Now I’m taking it next semester and I know why

'Cause I got high!
Because I got high!

Because I got high!
When I was young I took a breakfast busboy job at a Holiday Inn. I worked pretty hard and at the end of my shift the waitress handed me my portion of the tips--$4. I didn't go back the next day and I didn't even know who to call so I technically no called/no showed quit.

When I was a little older but still young I was a bartender and the new dishwasher (it was his first day) went to the corner store to buy cigarettes before the restaurant opened. He bought a scratch off ticket as well and hit for $500. He quit on the spot and never came back.

People ghost their jobs all of the time. Usually the job doesn't have the status of NFL player but there you go.
Talented yet unreliable player and was always going to cost you with a critical offsides or personal foul. At the end of the day, the guy's "career year" was 6 sacks.

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